Having trouble finding answers to these questions


Active Member
I plan on growing for myself in my bedroom closet - about 4 sativa plants. what will the smell from four plants be like? bad enough to go beyond my bedroom? i will be using a 400w MH for the veg period, then 400w HPS for the flowering period. what kind of yield do you think i should expect from all four sativas?


Well-Known Member
The smell will be strong,very strong,stronger than most are prepared for their 1st grow,if staying undercover is important then read up now,figure out what filtration system will be right for your space & invest before you grow.

Do a search on ebay under "charcoal filters" & "hydroponics",this will give you an idea of different size charcoal filters,you can even do a DIY on a filter but i just buy mine.

As far as yeild there are way too many variables for me to guess,maybe some more experienced members will chime in & offer better advice than i can.


Well-Known Member
Depending on what strain it is and the particular smell it has, I do one of two things. If it reeks, I wont grow it. But, if it actually has an acceptable smell(like an air freshner) and does not actually stink, I leave it alone and let it filtrate the house. Gives the house a good aroma, and no one is the wiser, its just what my house smells like, know what I mean.


Well-Known Member
Yes an air freshner that smells like springtime:-) How inviting is that. That or cotton candy:-)
