Outdoor Scrog 2011-Scroflake


Well-Known Member
im tripping cuz i could have sworn i used all the same seeds for this experiment, but these to plizzys are showing significant differences in leaves, stalk, and branching structure as well as color of hairs and branches.



Well-Known Member
1 day majestic sun, five more straight if rain.

jacked the plants with nutes and molasses , planning in having the rain water flush it real quick through the soil and roots.



Well-Known Member
Were almost at this point, time to attempt the scrog training.​

this rain really did a number on the stalk of the plant, we are presumably in sotre for 5 beautiful days of sun. With the amount of water that has been dumpin in my area i should be good on watering for approximately a week ( will monitor)​

also i awoke to find a sick ass slug sucking on my cherrie 100s, looks like the switch up worked, much rather my tomatoes get vampired then my tree​


The ScrOG Concept

Growing with fluorescent lights gives one a good understanding of light to plant distance because having them close to the growth is so critical with fluoros. Even so, HID users appreciate the impact of having growth as close as possible to the light. It's how to make best use of the light you have.

In the process of achieving the above, the shape of the growing canopy would match a line in space where light intensity would be equal as the canopy top meets light coming from the source. With fluorescents, it's a perfectly flat plane. With a stationary HID it's a curved shape, the degree of which depends on the area covered. With an HID on a light mover, it's a perfectly flat plane.

Training is a method of growth control that allows one to shape their canopy. Tying, bending, crimping and topping are all conventional indoor training methods. Training branches to grow where one wants in order to get the desired shape takes time. At best, with conventional methods even though branches are where one wants them, when the canopy is in full flower there are void spaces between the buds where other buds could be growing, but aren't.

The Sea of Green method (SOG), where many plants are used in an effort to eliminate the void spaces between buds, was named from the vision of seeing the process in use. The canopy looks like a "Sea of Green". However, the method is very labor intensive due to the high numbers of plants required.

Either way, extra effort is required to maximize the use of canopy space. The plant's natural shape and the shape we want from a canopy under artificial lights are simply not the same. IOW Mother Nature will not cooperate:-) The extra effort comes in the form of using more plants (SOG), or training fewer plants so each can cover a larger area.

After finding from experience that I didn't like maintaining the numbers of plants, mothers, and clones needed for SOG I opted for using fewer plants. I had to train but still wanted that Sea of Green horizontal profile and no void spaces in my canopy.​

Enter the Screen

When a length of poultry netting is stretched over the grow area, it eliminates the need for conventional training methods. Tying, bending, and crimping are replaced by using the netting as anchors to keep shoots in position. The netting can also be perfectly shaped to make best use of the light. The netting is known as the screen, hence the name Screen Of Green or ScrOG for short.​

Plants are topped to promote branching, as the plants grow into the screen and their shoot tips start to grow through the holes in the screen, they are pulled back under the screen and guided to the next hole in the screen to continue their horizontal growth, all the time maintaining the profile of the screen to maximize light use. Growth is extremely robust. While now getting the same light intensity as the primary shoot tips, secondary growth seems to blossom, and from the secondary growth comes tertiary growth, etc., all at the top of the canopy, and all receiving maximum light intensity. How many plants are used depends on how much time the grower wants to take to fill the screen to a point where it will be full with buds at harvest. This will largely depend on the growth traits of the variety he uses, but one can fill a canopy with only one plant if desired.

When flowered, only the slow growing buds typical of the​

In a nutshell, the ScrOG concept is easy to understand, but putting it into practice often finds a person wanting for details from the moment he places plants into his system to the stretch phase of flowering. Viewing some resources about those details is advised before starting your first ScrOG project.​

ScrOG Resources

The ScrOG-O-Rama download is a collection of more than 130 threaded posts of questions and discussions on the ScrOG technique. The posts were made when I first introduced the technique to growers on the Internet in 1997 in the​

alt.drugs.pot.cultivation (adpc) news group on Usenet. This blast from the past has been sitting in my archives gathering dust ever since illustrated versions describing this new indoor technique started finding their way to adpc member's web sites, and www based cannabis messaging boards had opened forums dedicated to the technique. If you're an old timer from adpc you might find yourself in this archive, but be forewarned, you could experience a flashback or two of adpc before www message boards gained popularity:-) If you're curious about history you may be interested that the technique originated on the Internet's original cannabis cultivation messaging board, and that not much has changed with the fundamentals of the technique since it was first introduced there. See the download page, but first please view the readmefirst.txt file (also included with the download) for tips on how to best view its content. Speaking of history, here's a link to NPKaye's archive, the first web site to illustrate the original Screen Of Green before the name was abbreviated as ScrOG.



Well-Known Member
theres different genetics in each seed only way they would all be the same is clones unless i'm mistaken
The OP stated the seeds came out of one bag of weed. Unless he mixed them up then he would have different genetics. You can have different phenotypes from the same genetics. good luck dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
exactly same bag, over saturated quarter of some modesto upper mid shelf.
ones yellow, ones purple , identical watering feeding and light dark periods from germ, soil, pots , environment, everything identical.

pictures tomoro


Well-Known Member
chances are, these two outside are going to finish, or be very close to finishing, good thing i have three clones waiting in the wings.

bubba kush taking to its pot niceley, and two of the bag seed cuttings, second generation, sweet.


Well-Known Member
lstside.jpgpurp.jpglst.jpgbigdig.jpg more pictures of the girls, added the lst to the box since it turned out female, put it in the 1.5 gallon pot, i expect to see some serious growth in the next few days


Active Member
slugs an snails really suck
The old timer at my local nursery gave me a trick that works killer for slugs and snails. For some reason they LOVE the smell of beer. Put out a few bowls of beer and every morning they will be full of dead slugs and snails... at least they died drunk :)


Well-Known Member
is that right, never heard that before

sounds counter productive if I'm leading them to my plants by baiting them with the scent of beer, what if they smell the fruit and dive for that likethey always have I'm S.O.L. .... have you tested this?


Active Member
I have used it and it works killer. If you are having issues with them they are already there so it cant really hurt to drown a few. Maybe if you put the beer 15 feet or more away from the plants it will draw them away. After sliding that far they will need a drink for sure :)


Well-Known Member
a look at the early flowering that has been taking place. im thinking that if the wether cooperates i might be chopping some of these trees bya the mid to end of may, sun shade ma be necessary but i will cross that bridge when i come to it.

so far so good, i am pretty happy with my expriment grow, i have three clones waiting in the winggs incase these plants reveg and hermie or they finish and i chiop. All is not lost for the outdoor season!



Well-Known Member
early girls are starting to reakkkkk..... and the bubbak clone has Been lst sick so far veggin that indoors until it goes all the way aroun the small pot then untying her moving her into the 1.5 gallon pot and see her go nuts.

right now with the let shy has 15 tops with insane amount of potential bud sites, one half way around the pot so far and 6 more weeks of indoor veg. yeeeee