The 'Official' Do Not Vote For Obama In 2012 - Thread. Don't Want Him Back N Office!


Well-Known Member
Ladies and gentlemen,

As most of you have heard by now, Mr. Obama is unfortunately going to be once again, running for President. Please, take a minute and really think it through before voting in the upcoming 2012 Presidential Elections.

Obama hasn't stuck with his words.. he has not delivered even a 1/4th of what he "promised to make happen" while he was campaigning! He just isn't the right person for President.. not for the United States of America. I mean, seriously people.. think about it.

I'm sure some of you have heard about the whole 'birth certificate' issue/situation with Mr. Obama.. but for the ones that have not heard about it, pretty much.. in a nutshell, Mr. Obama has never provided proof of being a natural born American citizen. He nor any of his representatives have ever shown/given proof of Mr. Obama being a born here in the U.S.A. I was watching the news the other day and they were talking about this subject/issue.. and the journalist actually asked for proof from an office member/representative, if they could just provide proof to the viewers and to the United States of America, that Mr. Obama was indeed born in the United States of America.

Well, they came back from a commercial and they had a piece of paper. It wasn't anything of "official" value! It was simply a piece of paper.. something printed off I'm sure, saying that Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii. Fine, alright.. but its still not an 'official' birth document of any sort.. plus - the "document" wasn't even signed by anyone!!! There were no signatures of witnesses, birth mother, or anything else.

So, I'm sorry.. but I don't really believe he was born here in the U.S.A. I mean, whats the problem?!?! Why can't they simply just show his birth certificate??! That right there ladies and gentlemen, has suspicious written all over it.. period.

All 'Obama' cares about.. is the publicity, money, making himself look good, and taking expensive vacations. IMO, I really don't think he truly and sincerely cares about this beautiful country. I don't believe he's a true patriot.. I just don't get good vibes from the guy. I watch him sometimes on television, while hes giving an "important speech" (..right).. I'll look right into the depths of his pupils.. and I get bad energy feelings from him. He always seems to have this little smirk on his face.. you know? I just don't like the man..

We don't need this for another 4 fucking years! We just dont! We need someone who honestly, truly, and sincerely loves this country. Someone who's a true fucking U.S. Patriot! Someone who will get right on with business.. and start getting things into motion to fix the issues that we currently face here in the Unites States! Obama certainly isn't doing it!

We need a fresh face in Office everyone.. period. I mean, that is.. unless you want to continue to have a President that doesn't really give a shit about anything expect himself.. someone that doesn't stick by his words.. someone who won't even prove to the citizens of the U.S. any proof that he was born in Hawaii like they say his was... then sure, go ahead.. vote for Osama.

But if you want a true change.. someone who will actually get down and dirty and do what they have to do, in order to get the United States of America, back on its own feet... then please, don't vote to re-elect President Obama in the 2012 Presidential race.

Just really think about your options.. think about our country first. We really do need someone that's going to really follow through and fix our country and its current issues/problems first.. then worry about other things.. you know? I mean, I agree with helping out other friendly, U.S. loving countries.. I really do. However, we need to really slow down and start thinking about how we're going to fix our own economy right here in the beautiful country we call the United States of America! Once we get our own issues under control.. then we'll be in much better shape to be able to help other people and other countries.

But, if we don't get someone in Office that will get a 'foot hold' on our own problems we're currently facing here in our country... then we as a country.. will continue to fall deeper and deeper into debt.. and our economy will also continue to fail.. etc...

So I say once again, ladies and gentlemen.. please, help keep Mr. Obama out of office in the 2012 Presidential race.


(a.k.a. - ganjaluvr)
"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter."
Sir Winston Churchill
let's see whos the one lying:

first of all, Barack Obama IS a United States citizen. he's got all the documentation to prove it to the federal government of the United States. he has the highest security clearance this country has to offer, which requires very extensive and intrusive background checks. if you don't believe he's a natural born citizen, then it's because your either a racist or an idiot, because he was born in this country, whether you believe it or not.

second, barack obama has not delivered on every campaign promise, few presidents do. he has shown a lot of flexibility and a willingness to compromise. that's good leadership.

third, the economy is rebounding resoundingly. companies are making serious money, the dow jones hit a new 2-year high just a few days ago. obama is doing a good job. it's companies and rich motherfuckers hoarding and sitting on trillions of dollars that are hurting this country.

if you don't want me to vote for Obama again, then you have to give me a better alternative.

all you did was spew hate and lies about the man....
i also would like to know WHO the alternative would be? I agree it is hard in their first 4 years to make significant change & come through on all his "promises" that is why most presidents are re-elected so they can continue on & usually in their next term I think is where most of the improvements r made. I disagree about the state of the economy, I think it is terrible, no jobs, gas prices ridiculous, in that way I don't see any difference. I dont know much about the "birth" issue to comment. I do know this president outright avoided questions twice about mj, & he approved the head of the DEA who is completely against what pres obama said he was for...which was not raiding medical users/& the like; that to me is disturbing & somewhat decietful in my opinion. His avoidance of the issue & his turning his back to what is going on like it is not happening is upsetting.
Redivider, In all my years on all kinds of internet forums, I have never come across a bigger asshole than you. You are an embarrassment to the species.
Redivider, In all my years on all kinds of internet forums, I have never come across a bigger asshole than you. You are an embarrassment to the species.

And why would that be? because he states fact and political opinions? What an asshole. Perhaps he should just spew out anger like you?

Edit: Also Obama has done wonders for your country's public appearance in the eyes of the world.
Let's see here... he's using logic and stating fact.

Show me where anyone claimed Obama is not a citizen. It's not logic and fact he employs but simple juvenile lies. And that itself doesn't bother me, all libruls lie (they can't very well reveal who they really are). I don't know how else to put it, he's just an asshole and we all know it.
First off lets make everyone very aware that the stock market is NEVER an indicator of overall economic health. Currently the stock market is the recipient of BILLIONS of fed dollars every single day, Equities also rise due to inflation, and Inflation is here. You might think things are getting better, but its only the eye of the storm. The USA debt level is now higher than it was before the 2008 crash. It matters not who becomes the next president, our greatest fiscal problems are only solvable by defaulting on the debt, companies will have to go bankrupt, most people will have to lose thier jobs for a bit, government will have to cease operations and all those people who own US treasuries will have to take a huge loss. Were fucked no matter who becomes president, the debt is too large to EVER pay.

I say we vote for Obama and just let him crush the country even more, finally we will have our black swan event and things can start to get better instead of them slowly turning up the heat on this frogs pot of water.

I actually enjoy redivider on this forum, he brings good arguments to the table and is very passionate in what he believes. He might be completely wrong and unwilling to see the truth, but I still like the guy.
I'm not sure the "black swan" event is going to be recoverable...I'd rather limp along. Although, I have no faith these guys will ever get any sense.

And I'm not sure why the Redividers of the world are so butthappy for obama
Let's see here... he's using logic and stating fact.

Show me where anyone claimed Obama is not a citizen. It's not logic and fact he employs but simple juvenile lies. And that itself doesn't bother me, all libruls lie (they can't very well reveal who they really are). I don't know how else to put it, he's just an asshole and we all know it.

And republicans/tea faggors are honest as the left hand of god.

Vote in the reds, let them fuck over America. Oh wait, they already did.
I'm not sure the "black swan" event is going to be recoverable...I'd rather limp along. Although, I have no faith these guys will ever get any sense.

And I'm not sure why the Redividers of the world are so butthappy for obama

Because id rather have my vote be counted for the middle and lower class. If your rich I completely understand your stance against the liberals. If your poor and you have a dream of getting rich and are against democrats, well your fighting against the current. Good luck on getting wealthy and do it honestly.
And republicans/tea faggors are honest as the left hand of god.

Vote in the reds, let them fuck over America. Oh wait, they already did.
Republicrats suck! lol! Anybody who can't see what BOTH parties have done to this country is living in a bubble or a fantasy world. It's a damn shame. The sooner the people figure this truth out, the sooner we can start reparing the damage that's been done. I suppose it doesn't really matter. We can fix shit but eventually politicians will just fuck it up again. There is no solution.:cry:
If only Ron Paul could win the Presidency. He's the most down to earth and straight-talking politician I've ever heard speak. Although I am, after all, a conservative independent and a hard-core fiscal conservative. But Ron Paul is a Libertarian in the truest sense of the word and I just don't think enough Americans can wrap their heads around the concept.
Redivider, In all my years on all kinds of internet forums, I have never come across a bigger asshole than you. You are an embarrassment to the species.

why does this not deserve an infraction. can i give you yours without a bunch of drama? you have been here long enough to know this is not allowed. why should i let you get away with it?
Let's see here... he's using logic and stating fact.

Show me where anyone claimed Obama is not a citizen. It's not logic and fact he employs but simple juvenile lies. And that itself doesn't bother me, all libruls lie (they can't very well reveal who they really are). I don't know how else to put it, he's just an asshole and we all know it.

no we ALL don't know it.

this is 2.