No, Not All Of Them, Just One


Well-Known Member
it's not about where he was born, because the evidence already proves he was born in hawaii.

if it was, this discussion would be OVER.


Well-Known Member
it's not about where he was born, because the evidence already proves he was born in hawaii.

if it was, this discussion would be OVER.
Its not enough proof for plenty of folks, its not enough proof for a SS card and its not enough proof for a passport either.

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
How can a colb be proof you were born in Hawaii when there are thousands of people who were not born in Hawaii and have colbs? I know a guy from Japan who was born in Japan then his parents went to Hawaii and he has a Hawaii colb. These people posting here know full well the difference, they just have no other leg to stand on. Maybe next they'll tell us the earth is flat or the moon landing was a fake!


Well-Known Member
Its not enough proof for plenty of folks, its not enough proof for a SS card and its not enough proof for a passport either.
yes it is. just because you say it isn't, doesn't make it so. for ALL administrative functions, like getting a SS card, and to get a passport, the requirements are the embossed and raised seal, the signature of the registrant, etc. to pass muster. Hawaii's COLB passes all of these with flying colors. it IS enough to get a passport.

for your conspiracy to hold true these things must have happened:

1) his mom would've traveled abroad in late-stage pregnancy. no records of her leaving the country during that time exist. no records of her entering another country can be found. that only proves she was in the US at the time. there are no flight manifests with her name on them. no flights leaving hawaii during that time had a passenger with the name of barack obama's mother, no pilot, no stewardess...

2) his parents would've had to sneak a newborn baby child without any identification, or any records, into the US soon after his birth. no international flights during that period of time register a passenger with the name of barack obama's mother flying into the US.

the fact that you haven't seen the original document produced in the 1960's doesn't prove he wasn't born in the US.

first prove that his mother wasn't in the US. prove to me that his mother was outside the US the date barack obama was born. back then free-trade agreements weren't as common, if you wanted to travel to most places you needed a travel permit or VISA from the host country. the paper trail should be there.... but it's not. b/c she was in the US when he was born.... DUMBASSSSSSSS


Well-Known Member
The race card is absolutely acceptable.

Anyone with an ounce of sense should know that race has been deeply ingrained in U.S. politics - especially the south - since.... always.
just because you say it isn't, doesn't make it so.

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
It all comes back to the bc. If it's there, why not release it? You have to be a hard core partisan or dumber than rocks to believe this is not a cover-up. What's being covered up is that there is no bc. Like I said, thousands of infants came to Hawaii soon after it got statehood and have colbs. None of them had to be sneaked. And none of them are natural born citizens. Obama is a pretender in so many ways.

Remember now, no president and no candidate has ever in history refused to release all manner of personal information. It isn't just the bc. We know less about Obama than anyone who has ever been anywhere near that high in the government. I personally, truly do not believe his allegiance is to the US at all. And I think once he is out of office, we will see that was so.


Well-Known Member
yes it is. just because you say it isn't, doesn't make it so. for ALL administrative functions, like getting a SS card, and to get a passport, the requirements are the embossed and raised seal, the signature of the registrant, etc. to pass muster. Hawaii's COLB passes all of these with flying colors. it IS enough to get a passport.

for your conspiracy to hold true these things must have happened:

1) his mom would've traveled abroad in late-stage pregnancy. no records of her leaving the country during that time exist. no records of her entering another country can be found. that only proves she was in the US at the time. there are no flight manifests with her name on them. no flights leaving hawaii during that time had a passenger with the name of barack obama's mother, no pilot, no stewardess...

2) his parents would've had to sneak a newborn baby child without any identification, or any records, into the US soon after his birth. no international flights during that period of time register a passenger with the name of barack obama's mother flying into the US.

the fact that you haven't seen the original document produced in the 1960's doesn't prove he wasn't born in the US.

first prove that his mother wasn't in the US. prove to me that his mother was outside the US the date barack obama was born. back then free-trade agreements weren't as common, if you wanted to travel to most places you needed a travel permit or VISA from the host country. the paper trail should be there.... but it's not. b/c she was in the US when he was born.... DUMBASSSSSSSS
for your 'theory' to be correct, there needs to be more than just a lack of birth certificate. this is where your 'story' falls apart.... it isn't just the birth certificate buddy.

it's where his mother was at the time. obama was tucked in that belly, so wherever she went, he went.

there has to be verifiable proof that his mother left the country while pregnant with him. there has to be verifiable proof that he was born in another country. and there has to be verifiable proof that she snuck him into the country after he was born. there is none. if you find it, let me know.... ;)

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
What question "wouldn't" the birth certificate answer. All of it is there. None of it is anywhere else. It is being covered up. An IQ of 80 can see why.


Well-Known Member
for your 'theory' to be correct, there needs to be more than just a lack of birth certificate. this is where your 'story' falls apart.... it isn't just the birth certificate buddy.

it's where his mother was at the time. obama was tucked in that belly, so wherever she went, he went.

there has to be verifiable proof that his mother left the country while pregnant with him. there has to be verifiable proof that he was born in another country. and there has to be verifiable proof that she snuck him into the country after he was born. there is none. if you find it, let me know.... ;)
I was gonna take a break but I had to respond.

This is all for arguments sake, since you outlined the "ONLY" way their theory could hold up. I disagree with your assumption. Your entire argument hangs on the premise that all this HAD to be done before he was born, not so at all. You also make the assumption that BO is exactly the age his COB says he is, what if he's actually 6 months to 2 years older than you think he is. Other than that COB, what proves he wasn't born several months/years prior to the COB being issued? If the COB is a fraudulent product of a mother wanting her son to be a US citizen, what makes it impossible that she did it AFTER he was born? The COB itself? That all you got?

Certainly not the birth announcement in the newspaper, that could be phoned in by anyone, from anywhere (no caller ID back then). And with it being common knowledge at the time that one could get a COB in Hawaii for a child not actually born in the US, why wouldn't a mother traveling to Hawaii, do so for her child by simply calling in or walking in and placing that birth announcement?

The fact that he is President makes all of this look like it would have to be a VAST CONSPIRACY, but if you think about it, at the time it could have simply been a mother wanting her child to be a US citizen and taking advantage of a situation in Hawaii that afforded her that option. She didn't know he was going to be the POTUS, she just wanted the best for her child.


Well-Known Member
I was gonna take a break but I had to respond.

This is all for arguments sake, since you outlined the "ONLY" way their theory could hold up. I disagree with your assumption. Your entire argument hangs on the premise that all this HAD to be done before he was born, not so at all. You also make the assumption that BO is exactly the age his COB says he is, what if he's actually 6 months to 2 years older than you think he is. Other than that COB, what proves he wasn't born several months/years prior to the COB being issued? If the COB is a fraudulent product of a mother wanting her son to be a US citizen, what makes it impossible that she did it AFTER he was born? The COB itself? That all you got?

Certainly not the birth announcement in the newspaper, that could be phoned in by anyone, from anywhere (no caller ID back then). And with it being common knowledge at the time that one could get a COB in Hawaii for a child not actually born in the US, why wouldn't a mother traveling to Hawaii, do so for her child by simply calling in or walking in and placing that birth announcement?

The fact that he is President makes all of this look like it would have to be a VAST CONSPIRACY, but if you think about it, at the time it could have simply been a mother wanting her child to be a US citizen and taking advantage of a situation in Hawaii that afforded her that option. She didn't know he was going to be the POTUS, she just wanted the best for her child.
there needs not be a 'vast conspiracy'.

he happened to be born in Hawaii, which is in the middle of fucking nowhere in the pacific. she either flew out or sailed out. she certainly didn't walk out of hawaii, and i highly doubt she swam or paddled.

and if she would've flown in with a toddler, it would be on the passenger manifest, or do you really think a toddler would survive the flight to hawaii in a piece of luggage??? what sounds more likely: barack obama was born in hawaii, just like all the evidence suggests, or that his mother was sly enough to sneak him on a plane without anybody noticing??

but her name isn't on any passenger manifest entering the country. there's only a record of him leaving when he was a child. kinda makes you wonder huh???


Well-Known Member
no subtle racism there.

none at all.
Again, learn the difference between racism and prejudice.

And it CAN'T be prejudice if it's true. If it's true, then it's simply a statement of fact. The ONLY reason you think "racism" applies is because you don't agree with his assertion. The assertion on it's face has nothing to do with race. Lot's of people are born in huts in Africa. Only a "prejudiced" (I refuse to use racism where it obviously doesn't apply) person would think that being born in a hut in Africa is an insult, especially if he was born there. Just saying...Racist. LOL


Well-Known Member
there needs not be a 'vast conspiracy'.

he happened to be born in Hawaii, which is in the middle of fucking nowhere in the pacific. she either flew out or sailed out. she certainly didn't walk out of hawaii, and i highly doubt she swam or paddled.

and if she would've flown in with a toddler, it would be on the passenger manifest, or do you really think a toddler would survive the flight to hawaii in a piece of luggage??? what sounds more likely: barack obama was born in hawaii, just like all the evidence suggests, or that his mother was sly enough to sneak him on a plane without anybody noticing??

but her name isn't on any passenger manifest entering the country. there's only a record of him leaving when he was a child. kinda makes you wonder huh???
Good luck finding manifests, since they really weren't required until 1978 and the airlines destroy them after 10 years.

Look at his passport, in it you will find he traveled to Pakistan when it was forbidden for Americans to travel there.


Well-Known Member
Again, learn the difference between racism and prejudice.

And it CAN'T be prejudice if it's true. If it's true, then it's simply a statement of fact. The ONLY reason you think "racism" applies is because you don't agree with his assertion. The assertion on it's face has nothing to do with race. Lot's of people are born in huts in Africa. Only a "prejudiced" (I refuse to use racism where it obviously doesn't apply) person would think that being born in a hut in Africa is an insult, especially if he was born there. Just saying...Racist. LOL
troll it up at it's finest.

hey i'm still waiting for that record showing barack obama's mother leaving hawaii....

i'm still waiting for some sort of verifiable proof of him not being born in the US.

here's a link to his certificate of live birth, with the raised seal of the state, making it an official document that can be used as evidence of his identity in any administrative or judicial procedure:


Well-Known Member
Good luck finding manifests, since they really weren't required until 1978 and the airlines destroy them after 10 years.

Look at his passport, in it you will find he traveled to Pakistan when it was forbidden for Americans to travel there.
i don't need the manifests, i know obama was born in hawaii. the birthers are the ones that have to prove to ME that his mother left the state. it's not the other way around. as of this moment, to my knowledge, that woman was in hawaii when barack obama was born.

the statement that barack obama traveled to pakistan when it was prohibited is another lie.

Barack Obama traveled to pakistan when Pakistan was advertised as a destination for open minds. not when there was a trade embargo. get educated. ;)


Well-Known Member
the statement that barack obama traveled to pakistan when it was prohibited is another lie.

Barack Obama traveled to pakistan when Pakistan was advertised as a destination for open minds. not when there was a trade embargo. get educated. ;)
Well it looks like you are correct on this one.
Before traveling to Pakistan, American Citizens should be aware of the following updated visa requirements: 30 day visas are available at Pakistani airports for tourists only. As these visas are rarely extended beyond the 30 day time per visa. Tourists planning to stay longer should secure visas before coming to Pakistan. Any traveler coming into Pakistan overland from India must repeat must have a valid visa, as 30 day visas are not repeat not issued at the overland border crossing point at Wagha

State department release 1981


Well-Known Member
troll it up at it's finest.

You want to throw racism in early and often where it doesn't apply, prepare to be called out. I've heard that used for EVERY disagreement conservatives have had with this administration's agenda, it's so overused, it's meaningless now.

hey i'm still waiting for that record showing barack obama's mother leaving hawaii....

You ask for what you know doesn't exist and think that win's the day. Find me ANYONE'S name on any manifest from that time, you can't, they don't exist any longer. Does that mean NO ONE flew from Hawaii because there are no records? It's a preposterous request from a weak position.

i'm still waiting for some sort of verifiable proof of him not being born in the US.

Yeah, so are we, welcome to the thread. Join the club of folks waiting, that's what they've been asking for all along. That proof you're asking the Birthers for is exactly the evidence the Birthers are trying to get released. How can they produce it for you, if they can't get access to it?

here's a link to his certificate of live birth, with the raised seal of the state, making it an official document that can be used as evidence of his identity in any administrative or judicial procedure:

That's awesome, glad to see it again, thanks. Now let's get a peek at the COB that MUST be on file in Hawaii if he was actually born there. Let's expose these racists and give them the one thing they say will NEVER be produced, CAN'T be produced and show the American public it was just racism all along. Let's fling open the curtain and show everything, college transcripts and records that DEFINITELY don't show him as anything other than a US citizen, EXPOSE THE RACISM I SAY...DOWN WITH THESE FOOLS, we're only a year and a half away from the elections. Can you say WINNING? Yup, everything says this is a giant political backlash against the Republicans and Tea Baggers if we simply show everything. Instant WIN.

Or, we don't. Yeah that's it, we with hold the information that we know is political treasure and victory and keep it to ourselves so we can have the BOOBY prize of getting to mock them instead.
It's been an interesting thread. It's all circles from here.