Story Time:
K, So I have been just doing my own light schedule, about 24hours on and 24 hours off, but since I started the intense light schedules I varied from random hours, maybe 30 hours off and 20 hours on. But i have noticed much faster and thicker new-growth and I have been harvesting sugar coated seeds. I made a nice ball of hash from it that I'm saving up, about the size of 3/4s of a toy marble. The marijuana on this plant is heavenly and really strong. It's up there with a few of the best I've ever smoked, and I 99% smoke only high-grade in my life, even though I didn't smoke often.
I just ate a whole large dominoes pizza and drank 2 cokes..... And you guys know that I don't eat junk and I haven't drank a soda in years. I'm very high right now.
Oh yeah, and the most **Important** thing! So that little micro plant I said was growing and I was unsure of what it was? well... I'm 80% sure it isn't cannabis... has anyone ever had random plants grow in their pots before?
Also, I've always heard that if there weren't stripes on the seed that it wouldn't sprout, or if the seed was deformed or too young. Well, I happened to find a seedling about 2 days old growing on the very side of the basket that was 100x bigger than the little microbe plant and the microbe plant has cotyldons spread while this seedling still has a helmet on. It's an average sized seedling, and the microbe plant is literally 100x smaller it's about the size of a pinky nail in height and the stalk is thin as a hair and leaves look like bright green crumbs.
So I get excited and get ready to repot the plant I found in my basket into a supplement container. The same supplement container where I tried 1 month ago to see if deformed and very young seeds could start lives and didn't have any success. Anyways, I look in the container and there is Another seedling goosenecked out of the dirt in the container about 2 inches high... so I'd say it's about 2 days old also, I'm really shocked.. I just now wondered if this could be a cause of the Moon a few days ago... I don't know, it's just odd they both sprouted at the same time but 1 was from deformed seeds from a long time ago and the other was from a seed that fell off the plant. hmm.
Oh yeah, I put both of the plants in the small cookie jar sized container across from each other lol... 2 plants 1 jar in Process... I'm going to really experiment with those. with long lights on and long lights off schedules like I have now and I'm going to stress them very much and that dirt in the container had a little mold growing. so the plants are going to go through hell. but I'm going to try my best to keep them alive to survive that and try to harvest some new poison again.
I'm going to twisty them around each other soon enough, would be neat if they merged later in life cause of it and formed a super tree, crazy fantasy talk