24/0 in Flowering to boost yield


Well-Known Member
I just started my 5th week in flower with some AK-48's in a sog. I'm doing a small dwc and I read on another site a posting by a respected member. He said that when growth bogged down in flowering, he would go 24/0 for 1 or 2 days and that would create a growth spurt. Said it never produced any hermies. Does anyone do this as i was thinking about it.


Well-Known Member
NO. DON'T DO THAT!!! Look I had small popcorn nugs, (...click here>check my 5th grow album<click here...4th and 5th picture especially) but had a larger yield than my other strain that had large full nugs. Don't worry about it. Let it grow, it'll work out. 24 hours will surly stress the plant. Good luck.
Stay away from doing the 24/0, you will stress them and you will interrupt there flowering cycle by briefly forcing them back into veg. each strain has a very specific amount of darkness to know its in flower and even a few minutes of light in the middle of lights out will interrupt the flower cylce. mary j has an extreme photoelectri sensitivity level. just wait it out in 12/12, there wont be much/anymore vertical growth, just let the buds fatten up


Well-Known Member
You will NOT force the plant back into vegetation from 1-2 cycles of 24 hour light. It takes longer than that to re-veg a plant.

Stay away from doing the 24/0, you will stress them and you will interrupt there flowering cycle by briefly forcing them back into veg. each strain has a very specific amount of darkness to know its in flower and even a few minutes of light in the middle of lights out will interrupt the flower cylce. mary j has an extreme photoelectri sensitivity level. just wait it out in 12/12, there wont be much/anymore vertical growth, just let the buds fatten up


Well-Known Member
I wasn't trying to reveg it, I was trying to pump up growth by going 20/0 for 2 days then back into flowering. Looks like nobody knows for wure so i wont try it..thanks to all!!!.

Cloner X

I wasn't trying to reveg it, I was trying to pump up growth by going 20/0 for 2 days then back into flowering. Looks like nobody knows for wure so i wont try it..thanks to all!!!.
I've known some growers to use an extended dark period to 'jump start' flowering, but i've also watched side-by-side (or rather, back-to-back) grows which illustrated that the excessive stress didn't necessarily do anything wonderful for the final yield. In some cases you could actually wind up taking longer to harvest with this method. Nothing wrong with the age old 12/12. Tried and true, brutha. Whatever you do, best of luck with your grow.

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Smart move ! lol View attachment 1525905
The wheel can only be improved upon so much.
tell that to goodyear, michillen and racecar drivers, they might not agree with you. =)
View attachment 1527229

those are tires not wheels ;)
View attachment 1527228View attachment 1527232

Since my man PWizzle already pointed out the obvious, I'll just say......

Slowly put down the dank and walk away......
View attachment 1527233View attachment 1527234


Well-Known Member
trying to reveg....have you ever cloned a flowering plant? Takes about 8 weeks to revert. The 24 hours will do nothing but hurt you. This is the last time I'll say it, because this thread is stupid, no offense.


Moderatrix of Journals
personally i would ask said respected member for some side-by-side photos before messing around with my own light cycle.
and then i would reread my signature and ruminate upon it a bit.


Well-Known Member
trying to reveg....have you ever cloned a flowering plant? Takes about 8 weeks to revert. The 24 hours will do nothing but hurt you. This is the last time I'll say it, because this thread is stupid, no offense.
It depends how far it is in flowering....but it is true that it takes a long time too reveg a flowering plant ..... id say more like a month depending on how far in ..... once your past week 5 its realy a lost cause.....

I would not try this method even if it works.... cause it just a waste of electricity ....and i usally like to increase darkness at the end for better trich coverage....

I thoutht i heard somewhere that buds add weight in darkness periods....

All in al give it a go im sure itll make a small difference... if any.... theres only one way to find out...do it....


Well-Known Member
yeah the buds do grow in darkness. That is when the plant uses the days stored energy. And if you wanna do anything drop from 12-12 to 11-13, 10-14 over the last 2 weeks and it may help you out as it makes the plant think it's late fall and harvest time. Good Luck.


New Member
I say if your up for it then go for it, many great growers have experimented with alternative light cycles and lighting methods and some recommend that the world try the same.

some popular alternative light cycles include more dark time generally or all of the light at once followed by a long period of darkness...Experiment and try on your plants if you wish - I have yet to try any alternative from 12/12 for flowering but one day I would like to.