Strongest Strain Known To Man?

Golden Goat. One batch was apparently measured at >26% THC.

Here's a snippet from a smoke report (

"Effects: This strain exhibits heavy, potent Sativa effects that can be a little much for the anxiety-prone at times, with a racing heart, buzzing body, and near-frenzied thought patterns. For those who like racier Sativas, it will provide a wonderful creative and social boost, seemingly making it impossible to sit down at times. It’s a strain that works best on a sunny day with friends rather than a night home alone. The Romulan element adds a quality pain reduction and muscle tension relief element that seems to kick in most strongly later in the duration, making the body more able to keep up with the brain’s demands."

"Near-frenzied thought patterns." I love it.
I'd have to say BlackJack from Nirvana. I have had two harvests of this awesome strain and it had me blown ;-) A pinner would keep my old lady and I toasted for a good 4+ hours.
I hear Legends Ultimate Indica packs a punch.

Very strong Indica feeling. It can turn you into a couch zombie, strongest? Not in my opinion but it is one of my favorite smokes and my most prized genetics in my possession.
The most potent i tried so far was my own Jack Herer pheno (the very very haze one) A very sativa high that impresses my friends every time. (nobody else want to grow it because it takes about 120 days to finish - well worth it)
I grew a Barneys farm LSD sativa pheno that would kick your ass, my patients asked me for less potent meds, lol!

I smoked it once, never again, I dont really like that tripped out freaky fucked up kinda feeling, guess Im gettin old. I still have a couple Z's of it to get rid of.
I grow SOG and my Sharksbreath is 30-37% when tested, it is a DNA genetics "reserva privada" strain and has beat many strains (in Spain and the High Time cup) talked about here. This is pro grade bud and is hard to nute-burn Sharksbreath is the second best, IN MY OPINION "Tie Stick" is the worlds only 1 hitta quitta.
I grow SOG and my Sharksbreath is 30-37% when tested, it is a DNA genetics "reserva privada" strain and has beat many strains (in Spain and the High Time cup) talked about here. This is pro grade bud and is hard to nute-burn Sharksbreath is the second best, IN MY OPINION "Tie Stick" is the worlds only 1 hitta quitta.

I don't know where you sourced your info but i think somebody may be lying to you lol
Ahaha im going to be right for once! their is a type of Marijuana with 200-300% thc.. it has to be altered in a lab though I believe. name starts with a P ... i forgot.
"Golden Goat. One batch was apparently measured at >26% THC."

Speaking of 26%, here is a youtube video with Subcool being interviewed. He holds up a jar of "Jack the Ripper" that had been curing for 9 months that he had tested at 26% THC with a lot of THC-V in it. The money shot is at 1:33...


Edit: That jar wasn't 26%, a different JTR was tested. I was mistaken, that's still powerful shit though
No body is talking about the new type of weed... it starts with a P.... forgot the name but its 200% stronger than regular weed... its Laboratory shyt.
back in the day - about 40 yrs ago, was the original "Acupulco Gold" great stuff. However my favorite high ever was black primo hash. It was opiated as well. your feet never touched the ground. Big time floaty feel, and if you were driving over a speed bump it seemed like about a mile to the bottm of the bump.
No body is talking about the new type of weed... it starts with a P.... forgot the name but its 200% stronger than regular weed... its Laboratory shyt.

That's cause no one knows of it, or believes it haha. I'm curious to see it though, definitely.