Las Fingerez Grow Journal - Various Strain Scrog


Well-Known Member
gotta head out for a bit now bro but I'll messure the top when I get back. Was going to tape up the light leaks but I've been toying with the idea of getting some mylar. Now to dig up that link that you posted yonks ago ha.


Well-Known Member
yeah bro, i'm thinking now a coco and hydro side by side scrog off in the mini tent. might even fire the 250mh for a few
Now thats i want to see bro sounds amazin!!! a dumb ass didnt even no your was in a comp or i would have voted :(.................congrats on the pipe lol..............Im deff gunna try 1 of your mini scrog's 1 day maybe on my next you've inspired me!!!!!

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
Congrats on the glass lad. Quality grow for sure!!!!
looks harsh to say the least, a little pocket rocket to send you to outer space
Now thats i want to see bro sounds amazin!!! a dumb ass didnt even no your was in a comp or i would have voted :(.................congrats on the pipe lol..............Im deff gunna try 1 of your mini scrog's 1 day maybe on my next you've inspired me!!!!!
that is so awesome that u won, why didn't you tell me to go vote for you? i did not even know about the comp.
thanks a lot ladies and gents, i'm not sure u guys could of voted as it was only people from the thread i think. it would of made it mighty unfair though lol, it was a close call between me and endlescycle he had a very good plant also :)

woah big time shake up today lol, kinda almost written of my last harvest although i think i'll get at least a few oz from the amnesia lemon with a bit of luck. eveything in 12.12 is rammed inside the 80x80 tent, 9x bx2's, 4x nev's haze, 1x amnesia L, 1x blue cheese and 1x lemon haze, oh and the 1x cherry cheese livers cross lol. pics later at lights on lol


Well-Known Member
Cheers for the link mate, went an ordered myself 4m worth, figured that'd do the job but £6.95 for p&p! should've ordered in bulk lol.

Uh oh, what happened mate?

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Won't have a journal up for a while mate, gonna start it when there's something decent to show for it haha. I will let you know when I get it up though. Here they are, hogging all the room lol. Those orange pots are 10inches diameter and my tent is 80x80. Oh yeh, and theres 12 L of coco in that middle pot.

Hi Wow, I love your set up!!! I was looking for a plant tray just like yours. I cant seem to locate any over here. It annoys me so much that the UK has all the cool dope gardening supplies and I cant find shit close to it over here!!!!!!!!!!
I wish you would start a journal man..I think its exciting to watch the beginning growth of our plants.

Las, congratualtions on winning the competiton, you blew everyone else away!!!!!!
I never get bored of looking at that plant either,its a mind blower!!
Cool glass pipe!! hahah.. so is this your first? I cant wait to hear what you think of it!!! :-P


Well-Known Member
Hi Wow, I love your set up!!! I was looking for a plant tray just like yours. I cant seem to locate any over here. It annoys me so much that the UK has all the cool dope gardening supplies and I cant find shit close to it over here!!!!!!!!!!
I wish you would start a journal man..I think its exciting to watch the beginning growth of our plants.
Thanks doc but I'm gonna have to get rid of it when I get all 5 in there, they won't fit in it haha. I'm sure you could find something similar, do you shop online or get everything from a store?

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
actually, i havent looked online for that yet.. i figured some nursery or garden store here would carry this product.. Nada...
I want one to fit into the entirey of the bottom of my tent, or close to i dont have to use little circular water catchers under each individual plant.


Well-Known Member
hmmmm 2 u 2 ;) hahaha

call me a sad but i dont mind lol :) u know them stupid mags u get "buy the 1st part for a quid then the rest for like 6.99" come with like "collectible" stuff? well i saw a baking mag when i was on my canna butter faze a little while ago with the cup cake silicon molds on the front. to be honest i was hoping for some nice recipes to use for my butter but theres not many with butter in them lol. i've still got the molds and ingredience so i might still make some sometime lol

yeah bro, i'm thinking now a coco and hydro side by side scrog off in the mini tent. might even fire the 250mh for a few hours a day during flowering for some extra power :)

hahaha i'd be lying if i said that didnt affect me thats why i posted it :) was really heart warming, a little dissapoining that all the people drove past but that dog is wicked. what was i saying about loyalty the other day? nothing more loyal than a dog :)

nice clip aint it mate :) warms the soul that one :)

cool bro hope 2 catch up with u later :)

WOOOO HOOOO PARTY AT LAS'S HOUSE TODAY :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) (fcuk me i felt like the doc then) ;)

I won the Show Me What You Got LST competition for my mini scrog beast that has got almost almost famous in its own right :) Thanks a lot to everyone that voted, although none of them visit here as active guests :)

Lemon Haze clone gifted so not 100% on genetics but fairly sure its the Super Lemon Haze from GHS :)

another reason to bump that shit i suppose, i'll never get bored of looking at it, i dunno about u lot ;)

Have a good day ladies and gents :)

edit - the prize

Nice one dude :) How much dry weight do you reckon you have there? - STELTHY :leaf:

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
Nice one dude :) How much dry weight do you reckon you have there? - STELTHY :leaf:
it was say for arguments sake 4.5oz bone dry (it weighed in a little more but i loose some during my curing process)

Thanks you guys.. but its $125 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 78 quid.!!!!!!. for a piece of plastic.. CRIMINAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah that sucks big time, mine was 18 quid for a 1m x 1m (just over 3ft x 3ft) well unfortunately i dont think i could post that, what u recon lmao ;)

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
what happened in your tent las that buggered everything up?
timewarp male its the only thing it could of been :( lol

downstairs tent 80x80 12.12 light

Blue cheese

Lemon Haze

"Vertical" tent 250 mh 2x 125w red cfl

Upstairs tent 1m x 1m 18/6 light

Livers front, 'co back, livers x cherry cheese in smaller round pot

G-bomb about to meet her maker lol


Lemon Haze

Funny little black ladybird wanted 2 get in on the msg sending i think lol

just gonna leave the headband in the 18/6 tent for a few days, probs just after the weekend or something, no room in the 12.12 tent and she's coming down soon anyway :) the g-bomb is coming down 2moro :)