• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Tell Me What You Think The Role Of Your Race In America Is?

Kartel Kriminal

Active Member
This should be entertaining. The caucasion race institutionalized racism here in America, but my race is indifferent about changing the norm and that is a problem. We as the human race in the USA are just now starting to break down a racial wall.

Though I am grateful for the oppurtunities available to me thanks to the American government (federal finacial student aid & food assistance). As a person of african descent I must say I feel displaced in America. This is not my land and I did not choose to be here. I think president Licoln could of made the end of slavery alot sweeter by sending most if not all indentured servants and slaves back to their homelands.

I believe as a whole the black community's work effort subsides when there is too much white domination. This is not the white mans fault, but the fault of both ignorance and stubbornness on both sides. With that being said I can't help but feel as if blacks are stigmatized. Just turn on ESPN, black people make up the largest percentage of America's most popular atheletes and music artists, but are now the smallest minority in the U.S. This could never happen in politics. If a thousand negros were to get a degree in politics, I don't believe more than 10 of them would make any political progress or advance to a higher position of power.

Secondly the United States prison system is monetized. OH YEA YOU KNOW WHERE THIS IS GOING! Does it make sense to you that blacks are the majority in a country's prison system when they are the smallest minority in that country? I guess it doesn't take much of a debate to convert crack dealers and gang bangers into modern day slaves huh? Its like the oppurtunities for rehabiliation and therapy are reserved exclusivly for the white child molesters and meth addicts. Maybe I don't know enough about what goes on in prison and the black inmates don't want anything to do with those services?

Generally, the role of my race seems to be nothing more than cattle in America. Its been like this for about 500 years now.
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Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
If I were black I would think like you. But I'm not and I don't. Easy for me to say perhaps, but I think there is way too much focus on race and I think many black "leaders" benefit personally from keeping it that way. I try not to notice race and frankly, y'all seem to be trying to make that impossible. I know black people who have admitted to me that they don't want me noticing their race, but at the same time - I fucking better notice it and respect it! I admit to being confused.

Kartel Kriminal

Active Member
Yea alot of black folks are racially insecure. I think the insecurity comes from a lingering sense that white people shine down on minorities. Let's face it, for the most part whites are the elite in this country and if I had elite status in [insert african country here] I would probably at like it to.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
My dad is anglo and my mom is Native/Latina. My role is to be confused.

It's not just blacks. Native Americans get the raw end of the deal all the time.


Well-Known Member
This should be entertaining. The caucasion race institutionalized racism here in America, but my race is indifferent about changing the norm and that is a problem. We as the human race in the USA are just now starting to break down a racial wall.

Though I am grateful for the oppurtunities available to me thanks to the American government (federal finacial student aid & food assistance). As a person of african descent I must say I feel displaced in America. This is not my land and I did not choose to be here. I think president Licoln could of made the end of slavery alot sweeter by sending most if not all indentured servants and slaves back to their homelands.

I believe as a whole the black community's work effort subsides when there is too much white domination. This is not the white mans fault, but the fault of both ignorance and stubbornness on both sides. With that being said I can't help but feel as if blacks are stigmatized. Just turn on ESPN, black people make up the largest percentage of America's most popular atheletes and music artists, but are now the smallest minority in the U.S. This could never happen in politics. If a thousand negros were to get a degree in politics, I don't believe more than 10 of them would make any political progress or advance to a higher position of power.

Secondly the United States prison system is monetized. OH YEA YOU KNOW WHERE THIS IS GOING! Does it make sense to you that blacks are the majority in a country's prison system when they are the smallest minority in that country? I guess it doesn't take much of a debate to convert crack dealers and gang bangers into modern day slaves huh? Its like the oppurtunities for rehabiliation and therapy are reserved exclusivly for the white child molesters and meth addicts. Maybe I don't know enough about what goes on in prison and the black inmates don't want anything to do with those services?

Generally, the role of my race seems to be nothing more than cattle in America. Its been like this for about 500 years now.
Ya know lincoln was killed before he could send them back to mother africa.
Ya don't seriously think you'd be better off there do ya?
You can always move to africa if ya want to.....................but why would ya.
Perhaps if yer "race" would man up and take responsibility for yer actions and morals ya wouldn't have the probs ya do.
I am mulatto myself and place zero credibility on racial purity or superiority or any of that shit.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Here we go with the trolling and asinine posts that contribute to the problem rather than help seek a solution. Way to go guys.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
My problem is I grew up without black people. My school was 90% Native American with a smattering of Latinos and Anglos. I didn't see a black person until I was 18 or 19. All of my experience comes from the media. I went to college at BYU. I have had absolutely no interaction with black people. I wouldn't know how to begin explaining that to someone. I'm always afraid I'm going to be offensive and not know it. :(
wyclef jean said once that he came from haiti, had nothing and made it as a famous artist thanks to opportunities available to him in the u.s and that black people need to quit blaming other people and take responsability for there own actions.


Well-Known Member
This should be entertaining. The caucasion race institutionalized racism here in America, but my race is indifferent about changing the norm and that is a problem. We as the human race in the USA are just now starting to break down a racial wall.

Though I am grateful for the oppurtunities available to me thanks to the American government (federal finacial student aid & food assistance). As a person of african descent I must say I feel displaced in America. This is not my land and I did not choose to be here. I think president Licoln could of made the end of slavery alot sweeter by sending most if not all indentured servants and slaves back to their homelands.

I believe as a whole the black community's work effort subsides when there is too much white domination. This is not the white mans fault, but the fault of both ignorance and stubbornness on both sides. With that being said I can't help but feel as if blacks are stigmatized. Just turn on ESPN, black people make up the largest percentage of America's most popular atheletes and music artists, but are now the smallest minority in the U.S. This could never happen in politics. If a thousand negros were to get a degree in politics, I don't believe more than 10 of them would make any political progress or advance to a higher position of power.

Secondly the United States prison system is monetized. OH YEA YOU KNOW WHERE THIS IS GOING! Does it make sense to you that blacks are the majority in a country's prison system when they are the smallest minority in that country? I guess it doesn't take much of a debate to convert crack dealers and gang bangers into modern day slaves huh? Its like the oppurtunities for rehabiliation and therapy are reserved exclusivly for the white child molesters and meth addicts. Maybe I don't know enough about what goes on in prison and the black inmates don't want anything to do with those services?

Generally, the role of my race seems to be nothing more than cattle in America. Its been like this for about 500 years now.
o GAWD!!! another black guy whining about being in America..Go back to Africa then! no one is stopping you!! but do you seriously think Africa would be a better place to live?? no food, war all over the place, crazy ass dictators...fuck that shit..the white man did your ancestors a favor bringing them over here.

the only race that has a legitimate reason to gripe are the Native Americans..their land was STOLEN! their women and children MURDERED! their whole culture nearly wiped out...

..get an education, get some real life experience...or dont get either, and you could be president! lol..(i had to)

but seriously..i have a lot of successful black friends that dont see things the way you do..you need to pull yourself out of the hood mentality, and run with the big boys, and you'll see a life change worth living for.


Well-Known Member
There will always be people who need to make themselves feel better by claiming that their group is better than those other ones: race, gender, sexuality, etc.. It's getting a little better with each generation though. More than that I think the problem is that not so long ago in our history blacks were thought to be, and treated as, less than human. At that time, with very limited opportunities, they were stuck ghettos or dirt poor rural communities - with very little chance of getting out. Most people (not all) tend to not stray far from what they've been raised in. And, of course, being raised in a crap situation makes it that much harder to leave it when a person is inclined to. Poverty's a vicious cycle (for all races). IMO, it's not so much a big conspiracy of people intentionally being held down as it is people starting in a shitty situation, getting caught up in day to day struggles, and never getting far from where they started. Not to say that there isn't any racism creating barriers for people... but there's less and less of that as time goes on.

I guess I don't get this part of the OP though: This is not my land and I did not choose to be here.
You were born here. It's your land as much as it is mine. My ancestors came form England in the 1600s. I had no choice in the matter either. I'd say, if you don't like your situation, try to not only focus on just getting by each day, and look at the bigger picture. You have opportunities. You may face more difficulties than I do, but you do have tons of opportunities.


Active Member
Who gives a fuck what the color your skin. Its 2011 the only person holding you back is you. If you feel like you don’t belong in America that’s all you my man. This is not a slam but I doubt you would feel like you belong anywhere else. Be comfortable with you and the rest will work itself out.

It sounds to me like your jaded and looking to blame the white man for your problems. Grow up. Black people go to jail because they commit crimes. Shocker. It’s their own fault. A black man is the leader of the country. I’ve worked in white ghettos and black ghettos. You know what the common thread is? They blame someone else for being there.

It sickens me that fuckers are still hiding behind racism to why their life hasn’t worked out like they wanted. Sure it still exists today but to think the white man is on some elite level is fucking retarded. You’re holding yourself down and the sooner you realize that the sooner you’ll start to see your own potential.

Biological Graffity

Active Member
I wasnt even born in this country, (US) , when I got here I didn't speak a word of english and was broke, however now I own My own house Have a loving family and started my own buisness...U.S to me is a giant oyster ready to be eaten! There is nothing thats impossible in this country! The only people that got the raw end of the deal to this day are the natives...
But, in general I prefer to think of my self as "Citizen of Earth , World Traveler"!

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
^^^I agree with parts of your post Bud Mclovin, that we make our own success and that often people of all races that aren't successful fail to recognize the part we all play as individuals in our success or failure. Blaming others is no substitute or excuse.

I do think racism is still alive and well in the USA though. Many of the "crimes" that black people are incarcerated for are victimless crimes involving illegal substances. I'm convinced that a black inner city kid will not get the same sentence in many cases that a white college kid will get in many cases for weed or other substances. Obviously NEITHER should get ANY sentence if they have not harmed anyone.

The race card does get played and it's a little old in some cases, but we should recognize that prisons harbor blacks disproportionately.
My good friend Weeda Claus interviewed Jack Cole of LEAP and they discussed that in the video below....


Active Member
OMG This gets really old. The only time I think about race is when someone points it out to me. I am finally gonna open my mouth on the subject, I have always kept quiet about such things. The role of my race is to pay taxes to foot the bill for all the other people who are too lazy to get up off their asses and take care of themselves. What is my race? That doesnt matter because I make enough money that I foot the bill for everyone else regardless of their skincolor or mine. Quit blaming everyone else for your own problems people, the victim mentality only gets you so far. All recipients of govt aid should be thankful for all the free food, medical care, etc., my family starved because we were "too rich" for food stamps, why don't you try feeding 7 kids on a military salary, but my parents still paid taxes and so consequently they paid for everyone elses free shit while we went without. I never felt anything negative toward other races in the past, I've always judged people by their character and their actions, but anymore, this shoving the blame for your own screw ups down the throats of other people is really pissing me off. Those kinds of statements and beliefs are turning people into racists, by asking for special rights that they don't get because they're not in that same group of "special people" with you. At the current rate of population growth in the minority groups, it won't be long before whites are the minority anyways and then all the current poor downtrodden minorities can finally rule things and make whitey PAY. And btw, I can hate anyone I want for any reason I want, that is the beauty of this country. My mind is MINE, and my feelings are MINE, and I don't have to apologize for them. I love America!


New Member
I read this thread title and LOL'd

"tell me what the role of YOUR RACE is in america?

what the fuck kinda question is that?

how about "what's YOUR role as an INDIVIDUAL" ...your perspective is fucked bro