The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Oh Aye, I forgot to say. A guy in the next town to me got caught with 64 plants(all flowering). £800 fine and 600, yes 600hrs Community Service. I would rather do the jail than that. lol He had arthritis and said it was all for personal
Fuckin hell that's 25 solid days of community service. but assuming he can only do 4 hours a day at most thats 150 sessions! hahaha, that's pretty tragic but id sooner be doing that then getting bummed in the showers for a couple years!

rihanna is so fine. shes so fine even straight women like her, I know mine does haha.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I live a stones throw from the river, it would have to rise just a teeny tiny bit for me to be swept away, by whioch i mean ice caps be damned, there's not enough water on the planet for it to reach me, unles the country were to subside :D

Just back from the dentists, why the fuck am i paying taxes to the NHS if they're gonna charge me at £100 an hour?? I say why the fuck am i payting taxes, i don't pay taxes, they can sod themselves, but still, £100 an hour for a tax paid operation, nuts!

Signed the contract today, despite every part of my body telling me it's a bad idea, and after just a days work as "part of the team" i could throw one of my bosses through the window. Stress levels on the verge of breaking point, slept 7 hours so far this week.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Aye, i mean i need the work badly, but not at the expense of my health and other jobs. It's not even a full time position yet 5 mnutes after signing i ended up in a row with the owner who figured that my priorities lay with her and her company alone and as such should just say fuck you to any shifts i'm obliged to work at other jobs and potentially be fired from those jobs all under the idea that my priorities lay with her. She got a big fuck off. They're also refusing to pay in any other form than a bank oriented payment method, to which i've told them i don't have a bank account to which i've been told tough luck. Now it's either don't get paid or let work compromise your personal life and values. A big bah humbug.


Well-Known Member
did you read the contract before you signed it?

Aye, i mean i need the work badly, but not at the expense of my health and other jobs. It's not even a full time position yet 5 mnutes after signing i ended up in a row with the owner who figured that my priorities lay with her and her company alone and as such should just say fuck you to any shifts i'm obliged to work at other jobs and potentially be fired from those jobs all under the idea that my priorities lay with her. She got a big fuck off. They're also refusing to pay in any other form than a bank oriented payment method, to which i've told them i don't have a bank account to which i've been told tough luck. Now it's either don't get paid or let work compromise your personal life and values. A big bah humbug.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
did you read the contract before you signed it?
Sure did, had it in my hands for a week odd. Nothing in it whatsoever about priorities etc, only that i need to work a certain number of hours a week, not the actual shifts required, as such i am perfectly within my legal rights to say piss off i've work elsewhere today so long as the hours are made up. They don't like that, i say tough. If you wanna lock someone into something then you better putit in the legal contract else i'm not bound by it, simple as that :) With regard to the bank transfers etc, i tried to change it but was unable so i've signed off accepting bank transfers but goodness knows what they'll actually end up doing about it :lol: i don't keep a penny of what i earn though so i'm looking into the tax implicaitons of having all money paid directly into someone elses bankaccount or a cheque made out to them etc. So long as it's all under contract and such that this is how it works, the legally there is no reason they can't. But hell, legally there is no requirement whatsoever for me to hold a bank account so i saw it as a bit of an insult, they're jumping over backwards to get me on board and yet payment in cash is unacceptable. They should think themselves lucky i've not turned around and demanded payment in the form of gold.


Well-Known Member
Looks like your gut instinct was right ttt, the place is run by wankers with a hormonal imbalance.

How long can you leave a nute mix for? I wanna make up some but because it's seedlings the nutes are so low that I have to make like 3L to get a light mix but with only two little pots to water I'm gonna have a lot left over!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha. i work with about 15 women, no men. The feminine laughs and smiles don't compensate for the stress. I think the one boss i wanted to throw out the window, well i think she's intentionally fucking me around as well, she's kinda in charge of IT and admin yet it takes her 15 minutes to write a 5 line email, doesn't know that you can delete multiple excel entries at ones, or that you can just hit delete, not right lick and then click delete. Think she's a bit terrified that the owner is sudenly gonna realise what a waste of time she is :lol:

With the nutes, if you have an airpump and airstone then they can be good for weeks, else i think id try and use them within 4 days or so, and give it a good mix before pouring. Someone needs to bring out an affordable automatic ph'ing machine. Nothing i hate more than having to get out all the ph kit just so i can stick some water on my rockwool cubes in the propogator. Need to automate that crap!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
15 women ? and it took you a week to sign it? hahaha just kiddin thats gonna be no end of hormonal grief fella. good luck. theyll be bleeding in sync n allsorts....


Well-Known Member
tell her to stick it then man and dont see it through. typical fucking women excepted u to revolve around her. dont sound like u need the contract anyways m8

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I did make a fantastic impression when i was asked if i knew any jokes. I know that typically it's a big no no no no no what have you done! type of joke that you only tell at the pub, and being that half of em are of child bearing age, and want kids and family etc, well i gave them the old what's black and blue and makes women scream first thing in the morning joke :D i sat there laughing my head off for 5 minutes, they were a little miffed. Even my term of "yank it out" while talking about homemade abortions didn't go down too well :D


Well-Known Member
Looks like your gut instinct was right ttt, the place is run by wankers with a hormonal imbalance.

How long can you leave a nute mix for? I wanna make up some but because it's seedlings the nutes are so low that I have to make like 3L to get a light mix but with only two little pots to water I'm gonna have a lot left over!
I've had mixes for over a week and it's never done any damage. I just stir it up once a day to keep it oxygenated.