Thursday Night Chop Down!


Well-Known Member
yea I dont get on for a couple days and takes me a day just to catch up on the main threads I frequent like this one, homers,meta's......ect
I hear ya! I'm scribed to a shit load of busy ones myself!!! got like 78 of them or something!!

good deal bro. i'll put a little something to keep track of the bud so i can photograph it the same way. the trickier part will be to get the lighting right (especially since i'm trying not to expose the plant to too much light at that point... right?).
Ya know, I'm sure if you popped in for a quick photo it should be fine. also I don't think the cardboard would leach and flavors or smells. I've already dried a plant in a brown paper bag and i never had any funny taste from it.... i know the shock blankets are very cheap... i think amazon sells them for a penny with free shipping. so why not but if ya didn't feel like it I'm sure it would be fine without it. just my $.02


Well-Known Member
i just checked.... 82!!! they are not all active anymore... there is maybe 25 or so that have daily updates.

kether noir

Well-Known Member

damn. i am only sub'd around 15 or so. and only half are active.

looking forward to your bubble gum. that is my ladies favorite strain. the big band strain im working with is a 'bubble gum x chronic' x 'black domina' but the bg is still supposed to be prominent. time will tell. anyway, keep it up.

93 93/93


Well-Known Member
damn, now i'm embarrassed to admit i have 102 threads (only about 40 are active, and half of those i just lurk, but still). no wonder it takes me so long to catch up after a day hiatus. i gotta start pruning...

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
well, not to bitch about it but i hate all the ones that stop by 1 time, tell you how great your grow is and say come check mine out and then you never see them again on your own thread after you start posting on their thread. i think we have a great little group that follows each others threads. its hard to keep up with sometimes.


Well-Known Member
yeah, i agree with you cd. i have my settings to automatically subscribe to any thread i post in. that way i know if the thread's author replied to my post. i also try to follow all my followers as best as i can! but i'm gonna have to cut down a bit because it's like a part time job lol. but for sure, there is a good group of people here, all rooting for each other. best thing about riu hands down.


Well-Known Member
damn, now i'm embarrassed to admit i have 102 threads (only about 40 are active, and half of those i just lurk, but still). no wonder it takes me so long to catch up after a day hiatus. i gotta start pruning...
wow that is alot!!! I'm glad they added the like button. because a lot of times i don't really have a lot to say but i still like what i am reading.

well, not to bitch about it but i hate all the ones that stop by 1 time, tell you how great your grow is and say come check mine out and then you never see them again on your own thread after you start posting on their thread. i think we have a great little group that follows each others threads. its hard to keep up with sometimes.
I hear ya CD... it get's to be to much. I really do like our group here though!! we are all growing a little bit different style from each other yet all getting some super dankity dank!!! the best part is I'm always learning something new from you guys!!!

yeah, i agree with you cd. i have my settings to automatically subscribe to any thread i post in. that way i know if the thread's author replied to my post. i also try to follow all my followers as best as i can! but i'm gonna have to cut down a bit because it's like a part time job lol. but for sure, there is a good group of people here, all rooting for each other. best thing about riu hands down.
I wish they would put the box back that showed your last 5 posts that you weren't sub'd to.

It showed number of views,replies, and last user to post. I really miss it. maybe I'll ask potroast to put it back.... it seems like I'm always bothering that guy! he responds well and never seems mad.

but yes, you're correct there are some really great people here!!! no matter how big or small the buds you guys are always very supportive!!! I strongly believe the people that don't judge your buds are the same kind people that don't judge each other either!!! It makes me feel really good about humanity!

There are some jerks floating around... that is the main reason I don't talk about my led light to much. for some reason people like to bash them.... I'm glad none of those people follow my thread!!!

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Im just the oppisite cd- im honored if any of u stop by my thread even if its 1time! But even more so if ya stop by twice!hahaha im glad to have the few followers i do have.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
Im just the oppisite cd- im honored if any of u stop by my thread even if its 1time! But even more so if ya stop by twice!hahaha im glad to have the few followers i do have.
i look at it like spam, yeah yeah, your shits nice but come look at mine, LoL, i might not have worded that right but you know what i mean. point being, its hard to keep up with all the subbed thread, LoL. i dont mind anyone stopping by mine.

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Fersher cd! My subs come off all ur guys's threads.even mine. So ive got ya all bookmarked in my phone. U have a good rep& everyone wants your approval.or ur rep! What ur sayn makes sense tho brother. Lmao!


Well-Known Member
wow guys i just realized it has been a while since i posted any pics so here are a few..... the first few are of my NYPD(nirvana) that has been in the flower box 4 weeks to the day. I think the LED makes for cool pics!! the fourth photo is the nypd with the flash turned on. the leaves are standing at attention like a good girl!!! her buds should be a little bigger at this stage but she was contaminated by the algae bottle and it took a week for hr to recover. she smells so awesome!! by far the best smelling strain i have! the last pic is a sneak peek of what's getting chopped tomorrow..... enjoy!!



Well-Known Member
do you take pics for a living? u must have a nice camera. i thought my new one would take pics like that but it dont lol


Well-Known Member
Well, stoneyluv, you've done it again.

Have to go advanced for this shit.


All the pictures are amazing!! But the very last one is just incredible, one of the best i've ever seen. Hope you don't mind if I quote it...

Let's give this man some +rep!


Well-Known Member
That purple is crazy on those tops!!
It does look awesome, it fucks with your eyes if the CFL's arn't on. when I look away eveything looks yellow. I don't like to look in there often. mostly i open the door and stare at them from a distance.

great pics stoney i love those leds in the pic and how it looks 3d with the green in the background
do you take pics for a living? u must have a nice camera. i thought my new one would take pics like that but it dont lol
Thanks so much hammer!!! No, I don't take photos for a living but I used to travel the world for my job and have taken many photos of some pretty spectacular places all over the place. my friends always make postcards and shit out of them. It's actually an older camera. i bought it over 5 years ago. it had wifi on it so i had to have it it's a Nikon coolpix. I was using the macro setting.

Well, stoneyluv, you've done it again.

Have to go advanced for this shit.


All the pictures are amazing!! But the very last one is just incredible, one of the best i've ever seen. Hope you don't mind if I quote it...

Let's give this man some +rep!
Thank you very much sir!!!! i don't wanna brag..... but my hand is in the pic so that means i shot that one handed! no tripod! I got a very steady hand i guess. Thanks again for the kind words!!

i second that!!!
You guys are making me blush now! I'm really gonna have to pull out all the stops tomorrow night to top this one i guess..... I'll use two hands!! hahahaha