Las Fingerez Grow Journal - Various Strain Scrog

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Why would valueing loyalty and manners make you nuts lol?!?

Haven't seen Shawn of the Dead but I've seen Freddy M in concert up close and personal. We could almost touch the stage lol. And all the guy was wearing was a toga, wrapped around him like a diaper haha


Well-Known Member
no fair, my fathers generation got to go and watch the likes of the beatles, the stones and queen etc for £2.50. i get to go and watch justin beiber and lady gaga for £50+. i wish i was a 60's kid


Well-Known Member
It really grates on me when people dont say thanks if you go out of your way to hold the door or let them through or something. I was listening to radio 1 the other day and some of the shit that's in the charts is horrible. We definitely are in a shitty era for mainstream music. But we've got some sick underground stuff as well ;)

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Yeah that shit grates on me too. When that happens I usually just look them straight in the eye and say...your welcome. But again, ya can't sweat the little stuff lol


Well-Known Member
this is true HC. It's so hard not to let it get at you sometimes though, especially when you're havin one of those "angry days" where every little thing pisses you off lol


Well-Known Member
Don't even get me started! On an 'angry' day, if people don't say thanks after I've held the door open for them (and assuming I'm in front of them), I walk a few feet, and bend over REAL quick to tie my shoe. Most of the time they almost trip over me.

Yeah, I'm a dick. But they're fucking rude.

Have a great day Fingerez/everyone! ;)


Well-Known Member
airpots arrived today, think they're a tad big lol. 10L wouldve been perfect but I'll make them fit! Should never of doubted ya las haha.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
hahaha HC if u see the film then u would know what i mean about loyalty, the end is class "dont stop me now" hahaha :) i just ment i'm nuts in general mate but manors do go a long way and cost nothing hahaha :)

WOW get ur pots out for the lads haha, na serious post a picture of them next to something i'd recognise the size of fuck knows what lol. i'm thinking if they are taller than mine u could trim a bit off the BOTTOM (the top has that water catcher thingy), i'll give u the measurements to make it a 10L lol. if its wider than mine which it most probs is then u cant really do that lol


Well-Known Member
Hi las hows it goin are you runnin the canna stuff in the new tent mate?
Hey WOW you growin some trees in them 15L mate lol??

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
yes bro 100% canna, even ph down lol. looking so lush its untrue i'm loving the canna N :) i havent started using the liquid seaweed yet till the rhizo is run out :)

i do like canna anyway but this is bringing it back home for me :) i've tried bio, aqua but i'm thinking this new self made canna schedule is where its at. the real test is about 5 weeks 12.12 for me i guess lol

edit - thinking about a canna hydro lemon scrog :)

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
hmmmm 2 u 2 ;) hahaha

Am thinking about Lemon Cupcakes, but hey, you try getting my wife to make me some, lol.
call me a sad but i dont mind lol :) u know them stupid mags u get "buy the 1st part for a quid then the rest for like 6.99" come with like "collectible" stuff? well i saw a baking mag when i was on my canna butter faze a little while ago with the cup cake silicon molds on the front. to be honest i was hoping for some nice recipes to use for my butter but theres not many with butter in them lol. i've still got the molds and ingredience so i might still make some sometime lol

Gotta love the Canna bro lol!!! :)

The hydro lemon scrog sound sick!!!!!
yeah bro, i'm thinking now a coco and hydro side by side scrog off in the mini tent. might even fire the 250mh for a few hours a day during flowering for some extra power :)

oh wow, ok that just made me cry..........i am such a sap, what a beautiful moment.
hahaha i'd be lying if i said that didnt affect me thats why i posted it :) was really heart warming, a little dissapoining that all the people drove past but that dog is wicked. what was i saying about loyalty the other day? nothing more loyal than a dog :)

Morning las, i swung the day off but the "in-head alarm still has me up with the brid's":wall:. That was a WOW clip there mate:shock: ."its all about the help man" ;)
Catch you later bro

nice clip aint it mate :) warms the soul that one :)

cool bro hope 2 catch up with u later :)

WOOOO HOOOO PARTY AT LAS'S HOUSE TODAY :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) (fcuk me i felt like the doc then) ;)

I won the Show Me What You Got LST competition for my mini scrog beast that has got almost almost famous in its own right :) Thanks a lot to everyone that voted, although none of them visit here as active guests :)

Lemon Haze clone gifted so not 100% on genetics but fairly sure its the Super Lemon Haze from GHS :)

another reason to bump that shit i suppose, i'll never get bored of looking at it, i dunno about u lot ;)

Have a good day ladies and gents :)

edit - the prize



Well-Known Member
Nice-one las, shit that Lem scrog excites me every time i see one lol. Another masterclass mate +Rep Bro ;) The looks like a nice piece of glasswear too, i got one on my last trip over the drink, but lost the damn thing. Well left it somewhere in a "mate's" never to be found more like lol.



Well-Known Member
WOW get ur pots out for the lads haha, na serious post a picture of them next to something i'd recognise the size of fuck knows what lol. i'm thinking if they are taller than mine u could trim a bit off the BOTTOM (the top has that water catcher thingy), i'll give u the measurements to make it a 10L lol. if its wider than mine which it most probs is then u cant really do that lol
Lol I think theyre a lot fatter, they're frickin huge! I could make my own mesh guard for the bottom and just keep wrapping them round until they're a bit smaller. Gonna grab a shower then i'll go get some pics of them in the tent, you're gonna laugh lol.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
sweet mate does this mean we get a new journal from urself bro? would be nice 2 tag along, come and post ur thread link here so the gang can follow along 2 :)


Well-Known Member
Won't have a journal up for a while mate, gonna start it when there's something decent to show for it haha. I will let you know when I get it up though. Here they are, hogging all the room lol. Those orange pots are 10inches diameter and my tent is 80x80. Oh yeh, and theres 12 L of coco in that middle pot.



las fingerez

Well-Known Member
to be honest i think they look like longer versions of my 7L and 10L, no wider. measure across the top from one side to the other pls or lay a canna 1L nute bottle across the top, mine has a cm or 2 either side.

get some mylar like i did bro, it will help with light leaks and reflect ur light better :)