i can understand that Max. in talking with a few folks over the last few months, it seemed true old school Lumbos was a fairly rare thing. remembering the seeds, i though wtf, its worth a try, im just excited i got even one to pop considering age.
i have no pre conceptions of what it is except a seedling, and i think thats fairly evident thru my posts.
having never attempted to actually spend any time growing Canabis, im not fully sure when to expect certain things. now i know its just a seedling now, and it ll take a few weeks just to show its much else but a canabis plant. dont take away from the cool factor of the age of the seed.
would it be a major bonus if a true old school line of CG was a "golden grail" sure.
but at any rate, if it has not lost anything due to age, it ll be a killer strain to have around.
as a member, I have to agree with maximus that the excessive pictures is really not necessary at this stage of growth.... once in flower, that's a different story, as we all love some bud porn

otherwise, as a mod, I have to agree with you.....
Stop bashing this man for what he says his plant MAY be..... Its an OLD seed from the early 80's he says, so in the long run, who really gives a shit what it really is??? Its likely an old, lost strain; regardless of what it's genetics are; and that in my opinion, is something worth documenting/sharing with others..... also worth a breeding project regardless of how it turns out.... nostalgia is big with many folks

On a side note, I miss the voice that this thread started with..... was kinda neat to have a grow journal from a plant's POV, but assholes had to ruin that

Keep us updated timmah...... you've got me watching now