Dont listen to this bullshit.. because thats exactly what it is.

The only false realities are coming from your head my man.... Here are your earlier words, word for fucking word ;)

As for my trying Nirvana's strains, well after the multitude of horror stories I have read over the many years I have hung around on numerous sites like this and were told to me by people I know I would not pay so much as one small piece of dry cat shit for every seed in Nirvana's inventory.

Now you are resorting to swearing. Cool .. always a sure sign of a beaten opponent.

If you are incapable of understanding that I was talking about purchasing and growing Nirvana strains, and not that I have never in my life smoked any Nirvana strains, than it is no wonder that you can actually believe Nirvana gives people quality.

That is not taken out of context or anything.... You made the statement 3 posts ago on this very same thread....

Do I need to go back and C&P each time where I also clearly stated that I have friends that have grown Nirvana strains and that I have smoked them and neither my friends or myself were at all impressed, or would you prefer to just attempt to sweep that part of what I said under the rug and hope that people who have been reading this exchange forget about that part?

You can also back off the personal insults BT.... I live in the same fucking world you do buddy, I just don't copy and paste 90% of my fucking posts on this site like you do....

Now, now there lil buckaroo, don't get so testy. You have hurled a few insulting remarks yourself and each time you ignore how I clearly stated that while I have never purchases and grown Nirvana strains I do have friends who have and that I have smoked a number of them .... and then you go on to say that I have never tried any and have no personal experience with them, well you do realize that saying that is exactly the same as calling me a liar and where I come from that is a true insult. So as Bo Diddley, Creedence Clearwater Revival and later Eric Clapton said; "Before you accuse me, take a look at yourself."

and here you are again commenting on quality of a product you claim to have never spent a cent on...

And there you are, yet once again, attempting to create a false reality by trying to spin my admitting that I have never purchased or grown any Nirvana strains into meaning that I never knew anyone who grew them and never smoked any of them, which I did. As I have said REPEATEDLY now, I have friends who have grown Nirvana strains and that they were skilled growers and I have smoked with they grew that they purchased from Nirvana and none of it was in the least bit impressive in relation to what true top quality breeders put out.

Are you ready to finally accept that fact and stop intentionally ignoring it and stop attempting to create a false reality as if I have never so much as smoked any Nirvana strains or will you make me have to explain that to you yet once again?

They don't lack quality....

Such things are relative and compared to top quality truly skilled breeders, Nirvana strains are like Roadside Red or Ghetto Gold.

I know good weed when I smoke it.

Or at least you like to believe you do and you hope that others will believe it when you say you do.

My only point is your claim of nil or bad quality is pure bull shit and simply the opinion of a bitter man that by his own admission, would never and has never spent a dime at Nirvana....

"A bitter man?" I am not bitter. I am just being honest.

And evidently I need to explain things to you yet one more time. No, I have never spent a single penny on any Nirvana strain and I nave never grown a single Nirvana strain, BUT I have friends who have, friends that are very skilled growers and did not blow each and ever one of their Nirvana grows, and I have smoked the Nirvana strains they have grown, all in the past not because all have more than learned their lesson about wasting their money on low grade shoddy genetics from a business that has far more than proven itself to be anything but reputable, and never once, not so much as one single time that any of my friends grew any Nirvana strain were they or myself impressed. Not so much as one single time.

One that really stands out in my mind as a major total letdown was B52. At the time there were people on sites similar to this saying it was the most potent pot in the world. One guy claimed to be a very experienced toker and after only two hits he could not get up off the park bench he was sitting on for 4-hours. One of my friends grew it, a skilled grower that did not blow the grow, and I was expecting to be put in Oz and I can remember saying that it was less potent than some no-name Mexican strains I had smoked in the late 60's and early 70's let alone compared to the higher potency strains of the same era.

So you can lay to rest your attempts to claim that I have never had any exposure to Nirvana strains just because I have never wasted any of my own money on them or grown them and said I would not give so much as one small piece of dry cat shit for every seed in Nirvana's inventory. A large part of the reason I would not give so much as one small piece of dry cat shit for every seed in Nirvana's inventory is based on the Nirvana strains I HAVE smoked I would be more likely to get a better high if I smoked the one small piece of dry cat shit than if I grew out and smoked every seed in Nirvana's inventory.

Would you care to critique for us a restaurant that you have never eaten at? I'm sure you could do it :roll:

There you go AGAIN with your totally false reality act.

Of course I would never critique a restaurant I never ate at, but if friends of mine took me there and bought me dinner and it was terrible, just as in the case of Nirvana strains, I would have no problem telling the world that the restaurant was terrible.

As long as you do actually try something that alone is enough to know about it. You do not have to waste your own money and time and efforts on something first to only then be able to know that it is garbage.
You haven't beaten anyone....

You can also question my sense of reality, my ability to tell good weed from bad, yada yada yada.... it all boils down to perception and opinions.... My perception and opinion is nirvana is legit, and their quality is top notch. That is the opinion of many other growers on this site as well, as this thread and many others like it attest. And please don't copy and paste anything else here, your CNTRL-V buttons are going to break... lol

I'll bet they are already worn out....

I can say I'm speaking from personal experience.... maybe my attitude will change when I start spending $300-400 for 10 "quality" seeds... lol :roll:
I agree with..everyone haha. I will not order from nirvana, but only because whoever does they're CC processing blows balls and wont except my card. works at the tude just fine. This has been one intense debate so far.
People love to defend their brands and bash others.... that is what we have going on here, though I don't feel loyalty to nirvana.... if they screwed me, I would never use them again, regardless of my good feelings now... At least I'm writing of my own personal experiences and not pasting complaints found by Googling up problems... :roll:
wait a minute u mean i didnt get quoted i feel left out
damn u quoted just about every one on on riu but me :sad:

The only false realities are coming from your head my man.... Here are your earlier words, word for fucking word ;)

Now you are resorting to swearing. Cool .. always a sure sign of a beaten opponent.

If you are incapable of understanding that I was talking about purchasing and growing Nirvana strains, and not that I have never in my life smoked any Nirvana strains, than it is no wonder that you can actually believe Nirvana gives people quality.

Do I need to go back and C&P each time where I also clearly stated that I have friends that have grown Nirvana strains and that I have smoked them and neither my friends or myself were at all impressed, or would you prefer to just attempt to sweep that part of what I said under the rug and hope that people who have been reading this exchange forget about that part?

Now, now there lil buckaroo, don't get so testy. You have hurled a few insulting remarks yourself and each time you ignore how I clearly stated that while I have never purchases and grown Nirvana strains I do have friends who have and that I have smoked a number of them .... and then you go on to say that I have never tried any and have no personal experience with them, well you do realize that saying that is exactly the same as calling me a liar and where I come from that is a true insult. So as Bo Diddley, Creedence Clearwater Revival and later Eric Clapton said; "Before you accuse me, take a look at yourself."

And there you are, yet once again, attempting to create a false reality by trying to spin my admitting that I have never purchased or grown any Nirvana strains into meaning that I never knew anyone who grew them and never smoked any of them, which I did. As I have said REPEATEDLY now, I have friends who have grown Nirvana strains and that they were skilled growers and I have smoked with they grew that they purchased from Nirvana and none of it was in the least bit impressive in relation to what true top quality breeders put out.

Are you ready to finally accept that fact and stop intentionally ignoring it and stop attempting to create a false reality as if I have never so much as smoked any Nirvana strains or will you make me have to explain that to you yet once again?

Such things are relative and compared to top quality truly skilled breeders, Nirvana strains are like Roadside Red or Ghetto Gold.

Or at least you like to believe you do and you hope that others will believe it when you say you do.

"A bitter man?" I am not bitter. I am just being honest.

And evidently I need to explain things to you yet one more time. No, I have never spent a single penny on any Nirvana strain and I nave never grown a single Nirvana strain, BUT I have friends who have, friends that are very skilled growers and did not blow each and ever one of their Nirvana grows, and I have smoked the Nirvana strains they have grown, all in the past not because all have more than learned their lesson about wasting their money on low grade shoddy genetics from a business that has far more than proven itself to be anything but reputable, and never once, not so much as one single time that any of my friends grew any Nirvana strain were they or myself impressed. Not so much as one single time.

One that really stands out in my mind as a major total letdown was B52. At the time there were people on sites similar to this saying it was the most potent pot in the world. One guy claimed to be a very experienced toker and after only two hits he could not get up off the park bench he was sitting on for 4-hours. One of my friends grew it, a skilled grower that did not blow the grow, and I was expecting to be put in Oz and I can remember saying that it was less potent than some no-name Mexican strains I had smoked in the late 60's and early 70's let alone compared to the higher potency strains of the same era.

So you can lay to rest your attempts to claim that I have never had any exposure to Nirvana strains just because I have never wasted any of my own money on them or grown them and said I would not give so much as one small piece of dry cat shit for every seed in Nirvana's inventory. A large part of the reason I would not give so much as one small piece of dry cat shit for every seed in Nirvana's inventory is based on the Nirvana strains I HAVE smoked I would be more likely to get a better high if I smoked the one small piece of dry cat shit than if I grew out and smoked every seed in Nirvana's inventory.

There you go AGAIN with your totally false reality act.

Of course I would never critique a restaurant I never ate at, but if friends of mine took me there and bought me dinner and it was terrible, just as in the case of Nirvana strains, I would have no problem telling the world that the restaurant was terrible.

As long as you do actually try something that alone is enough to know about it. You do not have to waste your own money and time and efforts on something first to only then be able to know that it is garbage.
You haven't beaten anyone....

That would come down to the opinions of each individual who reads this thread. Of course you would never accept having been beaten, but in the eyes of others you might be seen as having been Pearl Harbored.

You can also question my sense of reality, my ability to tell good weed from bad, yada yada yada.... it all boils down to perception and opinions....

What it is more likely to boil down to is a lack of a broad comparative base and amount of exposure to and experience with a lesser number of strains than some people have.

Here is an example. I have a friend in Illinois who has grown a handful of different breeders versions of White Widow. I do not know if any have been Nirvana. But he's always raved about them and said how it's his favorite strain. Once when he visited me I had some Mr. Nice Black Widow, the original White Widow, and I did not tell him what it was. The first time he smoked it he was totally blown away and said he had a new favorite strain and asked what it was. I said it was the original White Widow that had been renamed Black Widow and he was stunned that it was so much better than the White Widows he'd grown and smoked.

When he shopped for beans he wanted White Widow but he shopped by low price and that meant his selection was limited and that meant his comparative base was narrow and his experience with and exposure to strains, White Widow in particular since that is what he mostly purchased and grew, was highly limited. He never realized how much better a strain from a true quality breeder was than one from a bargain basement Wal-Mart breeder was.

Almost the same thing happened with him and some Serious Seeds AK47. This was back when almost every breeder was offering a version of AK47, and also Northern Lights. He had run out of pot before the crop he had going was finished and got some knockoff AK47. He came down bragging up the AK47 he had .... that is until he smoked some Serious Seeds AK47.

His exposure to and experience with true high grade genetics was so limited that what he grew and smoked seemed really good to him. It wasn't until after he had a chance to sample a number of strains from high quality breeders that he realized that what he really did believe was good was really not all that good after all. Previous to that he thought he was smoking top quality herb. Previous to that he really liked what he purchased, grew and smoked. Unfortunately for him he had become disabled and his income would not allow him to purchase top quality genetics and he will still bitch now and then that he wished he had never learned the difference because before that he was completely satisfied with what he bought and grew and smoked. To somewhat make it up to him when I get freebies with an order I always send them to him, and if one or some are from fairly decent breeders I always make sure to point that out to him. Even if they are still not the best of the best just knowing that they are not low-grade genetics like he would purchase, when he smokes it later he's always happier than a pig in shit and he always says he can tell a difference in quality.

My perception and opinion is nirvana is legit, and their quality is top notch.

As long as you are happy that is all that matters but for the sake of others who really do not know quality breeders from low-end breeders it would be nice if you did not mislead them and tell them that Nirvana ranks up with the big dogs of breeders.

That is the opinion of many other growers on this site as well, as this thread and many others like it attest.

Venture out some and check out about a half dozen different boards and see what people say there. Google problems with Nirvana Seeds or Nirvana seed problems or Nirvana genetics problems or Nirvana genetics sucks or Nirvana sucks and you will see that what's believed here is not universally believed.

This site has a higher percentage of newbies and almost still newbies than many sites and newbies flock to Nirvana so I would not consider the percentages of pro-Nirvana people here as being representative of how Nirvana is seen on all that many growing sites.

In the past I have been a member of growing sites where if someone posted a message saying that Nirvana genetics are quality you could almost hear the laughter of the people reading the message coming through your computer.

Check out this Nirvana complaint:

December 2, 2009 at 5:32 pm [/URL]These clowns never delivered. Then they refused to respond to my email’s at their support desk; for weeks. The next thing I know is they blocked my login at their site. About two weeks later I was able to re-register my account exactly as I had it before (same login and password) and they mysteriously did not have a record of my transaction records. However, their front organization who processes their payments and credit cards for them has eagerly accepted my seventy dollars and whatever the foreign transaction was, a couple of bucks I think. I still have nothing. No response, no seeds, no corespondense, they will not even acknowledge me. I do not know how much this could be impacting their business is that they have been advertising that they are setting up a new web site. However, I have been bitching for over two months with no results. I finally reversed the charge on my credit card as they have clearly defrauded me, given the only evidence I have is as stated above. It is unfortunate. These business practices screw it up for everybody. I should also mention that marijuanaseeds-jl and Dutch Seed Company have treated me fairly. I got some (10) DOA seeds from Amsterdam SeedBank back in July 09 and they still have not made good on them. I have written to them a total of three times now. At one time they said they had a bad batch a while back but thus far they have not made any attempt to rectify the situation. At their prices, I demand a quality product. Of the three outfits I have dealt with, only one has shown any credibility as professionals. These freaken ametuers need to go back to trading base ball cards.

And how about this one:

What about this one:

April 13, 2010 at 8:28 pm [/URL]They burned me. I was a return customer. They kept taking my money, but never proceesed my order. So far they owe me $300. They respomded with arguments why they took my money but did not process my order. I was so dissappointed. I still havfe not received my money back.

Does this sound good to you:

June 13, 2010 at 10:35 pm [/URL]I ordered 5 fem Short Rider seeds from them around 1 1/2 months ago and still no sign… *Sigh* I am holding out hope that they will come though… If they do I will post an update on here ^_^

Now this one is a dandy:

August 21, 2010 at 4:33 am [/URL]If you are in the US, forget about getting a delivery from Nirvana. Had to do a chargeback to get my money back. They got angry and use threats and stated
“Watch out for the letter from the authorities – what we do is legal but what you did not! We are just selling seeds – you are buying them, growing and using.”
So much for 420 friendly. You will only be donating your money.
How about another:

August 26, 2010 at 7:00 pm [/URL]I am disgusted with Nirvana.I paid 60 dollars and never received my seeds.Hardly any communication and no guarantees.NIRVANA IS A RIP OFF!!!!!!!

And this:

m & m October 13, 2010 at 6:17 pm

i ordered my seeds 3 months ago lots of emails and so called resends to difrent adresses and still no sign of seeds. i have never had a problem with afiliates of nirvana but directly i have had nothing but waiting.

And then there is this:
Irishlywelsh December 10, 2010 at 2:54 pm i ordered 5 ww fem from these clowns, and 3 of them turned out to be males…..wont be returning!!!

And how about these words from another BIG fan of Nirvana:

RaF February 11, 2011 at 2:30 amSWIM ordered from these assclowns fem seeds (5 pack)
a few months back.
1 was female, wtf shit is that, then in addition to that
the so called replacements have never arrived.
“months” have passed. $85 gone to 1 plant
and 4 males, man… i was so pissed off.
Wouldnt be nearly as mad if i got 5 regulars
but i payed DOUBLE for females seeds, fucking rip off.
the ONLY upside is my “garbage” got here fast, delivery is good.
but they may as well of just send me tomato seeds
its about as useful as what i got.

Now here is one that is not all bad:

March 22, 2011 at 5:06 pm

Have used nirvana seeds a couple of ties, their stuff is ok but a little inconsistent. one time i got 9/10 germination the next 2/10 & 4/10 and the auto didn’t autoflower their range could also be expanded a bit. stay away from their autos though

I can say I'm speaking from personal experience

So were the people above that said how terrible Nirvana was.

.... maybe my attitude will change when I start spending $300-400 for 10 "quality" seeds... lol

You don't have to spend anywhere near that much. For $95.73 you can get 18 Mr. Nice Seeds G13 Widow seeds, or $79.77 gets you 18 Mr. Nice Seeds Shark Shock seeds, or $162.75 will get you 18 Mr. Nice Seeds Mango Haze Seeds, or $111.69 will get you 18 Mr. Nice Seeds Medicine Man seeds, or $95.73 will get you 18 Mr. Nice Seeds Black Widow seeds. Or for $71.79 you can get 10 Reeferman Willie Nelson seeds, or $35.09 will get you 10 Reeferman Santa Marta Colombian Gold seeds, or for $51.05 you can get 10 Reeferman G13 Haze seeds. $95.73 will get you 11 Serious Seeds White Russian seeds, or $111.69 will get you 11 Serious Seeds AK47 seeds, or $95.73 will get you 11 Serious Seeds Bubble Gum seeds. And there are MANY others that are from high quality breeders that are under $200.00. If you can keep mother plants and grow from clones in no time you would be money ahead rather than buying pack after pack of cheap low quality beans and even if you kept mothers of the cheap low quality strains and grew from clones the other breeders gear would let you toke better herb.
The copy and paster strikes again.... I could spend all day finding posts praising Nirvana and do what you did.... this isn't a competition.. If you feel the need to "win" this discussion, as you do all others, then by all means, call yourself a fucking winner.... Yep, a cuss word.... I'm throwing in the towel, because you obviously are smarter than every other mother fucker on this board. There is no sense in anyone attempting to counter any of your bull shit because you are the man... You definitely know it all..... or so you think

I'm thankful to be in your presence.... oh mighty copy and paste king!
you keep attempting to create a false reality

Anyone who smokes weed is creating a false reality of sorts. Being high can enhance reality, indeed, but that enhanced reality is not the same one that is perceived by the 5 non-stoned senses, and therefore, false. Just saying.
The copy and paster strikes again....

I was just making a point. That being that Nirvana is not as beloved elsewhere as here or by as many people and someone like yourself believes it to be.

Did you notice the one complaint about Nirvana threatening to rat someone out ... exactly like they pulled with a friend of mine and like was mentioned in the thread here about a year or year and a half ago? And the other one earlier about Nirvana posting the customer's personal information?

Those are a bit more than someone upset about a low germ rate or an incorrect or only partial order being delivered or a strain advertised as being potent being weak. Threats to rat customers out to the law and posting customers personal information is very serious stuff.

If you are in the US, forget about getting a delivery from Nirvana. Had to do a chargeback to get my money back. They got angry and use threats and stated
“Watch out for the letter from the authorities – what we do is legal but what you did not! We are just selling seeds – you are buying them, growing and using.”
So much for 420 friendly. You will only be donating your money.

Who would EVER want to deal with ANY breeder/seed vendor that would do that ... even if they had quality genetics?

People NEED to know this stuff about Nirvana and they NEED to know the risks they are taking dealing with Nirvana. If they know and still want do do business with Nirvana, that's totally cool and the gang with me ... but if they end up being ratted out to the cops by Nirvana after they complain about Nirvana ripping them off ... well at least they were warned and knew they were taking a risk and that they have no one to blame for the situation they find themselves in other than themselves.
No, but I do remember Shatibaba revealing JapanFreak's real name and address on his forums.... You know, your breeder buddy from Mr Nice..... I have no personal experience or knowledge of your claim regarding Nirvana. I don't accept it as fact because you say it is so.... I have not had any issues with Nirvana, neither have thousands of other happy posters. You can keep beating your horse, but I already told you, you are the winner. You reek of winning....

And if you are sincere in people knowing shit, then present both sides of the story. I consider it all BS anyways, just looking at the source.... I'll continue to do business with Nirvana until the screw with me. Up til now, I have had zero issues, something I cannot say about Attitude Seed Bank.....

I was just making a point. That being that Nirvana is not as beloved elsewhere as here or by as many people and someone like yourself believes it to be.

Did you notice the one complaint about Nirvana threatening to rat someone out ... exactly like they pulled with a friend of mine and like was mentioned in the thread here about a year or year and a half ago? And the other one earlier about Nirvana posting the customer's personal information?

Those are a bit more than someone upset about a low germ rate or an incorrect or only partial order being delivered or a strain advertised as being potent being weak. Threats to rat customers out to the law and posting customers personal information is very serious stuff.

Who would EVER want to deal with ANY breeder/seed vendor that would do that ... even if they had quality genetics?

People NEED to know this stuff about Nirvana and they NEED to know the risks they are taking dealing with Nirvana. If they know and still want do do business with Nirvana, that's totally cool and the gang with me ... but if they end up being ratted out to the cops by Nirvana after they complain about Nirvana ripping them off ... well at least they were warned and knew they were taking a risk and that they have no one to blame for the situation they find themselves in other than themselves.
Those are a bit more than someone upset about a low germ rate or an incorrect or only partial order being delivered or a strain advertised as being potent being weak. Threats to rat customers out to the law and posting customers personal information is very serious stuff.

Who would EVER want to deal with ANY breeder/seed vendor that would do that ... even if they had quality genetics?

People NEED to know this stuff about Nirvana and they NEED to know the risks they are taking dealing with Nirvana. If they know and still want do do business with Nirvana, that's totally cool and the gang with me ... but if they end up being ratted out to the cops by Nirvana after they complain about Nirvana ripping them off ... well at least they were warned and knew they were taking a risk and that they have no one to blame for the situation they find themselves in other than themselves.

wow bricktop makes great points as usual. i am actually really surprised about hearing this from nirvana. i mean that is effed. if its true you know what a shame, i thought they were better than that
I have no personal experience or knowledge of your claim regarding Nirvana. I don't accept it as fact because you say it is so....

I have no personal experience or knowledge of your claim regarding Nirvana. I do not accept it as fact because you say it is so.

See how that works? What I say carries every bit as much weight as what you say so if you refuse to accept what I say as being factual then I do not accept what you have been saying as being factual.

If you want to play ostrich and bury your head in the sand so you do not risk learning the truth about Nirvana, that is of course your prerogative. But others might appreciate the opportunity of learning what you do not want to learn,

I think part of the reason you refuse to accept the truth about Nirvana is that you have taken what I have said about Nirvana personally because you like Nirvana and you use Nirvana. I think you feel like I have said you are a fool or stupid or something like that for having used Nirvana and for supporting Nirvana and by defending Nirvana you are also actually defending yourself.

This is in no way personal. It is strictly factual.
Well, according to BT here, your in a state of denial.... your reality is altered :roll:

Are you really so thoroughly beaten that you now and stooped so low as to attempt to make fun of me by posting messages claiming things I would think or say in response to what someone wrote?

That is sad ..... really, really sad.