About had it .. Can any one help me figure this out ? Afgan gooey


Active Member
Okay so 3 weeks in to veg suddenly my leafs have spots on them, look like this

Is this a deficiency?

or a Nut burn ?

Ph is 6.1 in soil

temp is 73 day and 67ish nights



Well-Known Member
cant really judge based on one leaf....but if that was an older leaf then i would say its MG deficiency.did the leaf tips curl before they went crispy and died off?
if not seeing the purple stem i would say P def.


RIU Bulldog
Yeah it hink maybe mg deficiency among other things im not good enough to diagnose without knowing every single detail about your grow. (dont give me a list of details either. Im saying it's impossible for me).


Active Member
Sorry , I will get a couple pix up there. yeah its a older leaf its was the worst one , Yes slight curl . What would be your steps to correct this ?

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Like the other person said, you have not given enough info. heck, you have not even told us if it is soil or Hydro. Give all the info you can. Nuts, temps, ph, grow type, humidity. ALL OF IT. With out all this info, it might just be Aliens that landed and piss'd in your pots.


Active Member
Like the other person said, you have not given enough info. heck, you have not even told us if it is soil or Hydro. Give all the info you can. Nuts, temps, ph, grow type, humidity. ALL OF IT. With out all this info, it might just be Aliens that landed and piss'd in your pots.
He did say soil in the first post. If i had to guess i would say mag def from to acidic soil. try to get the soil ph up around 6.5

see the chart below. By having your soil at 6.1 you're locking out all the nutrients like mag and cal



Active Member
Soil is fox farm ocean forest
Nuts are fox farm grow big and big bloom
400 watt temp is 73 in the day 67 at night
humidity is 35% , Intake out take fan with circular rotating fan
I tested the water run of from the soil and it was at 6.1 Ph for nuts is at 6.2 when watering.


Well-Known Member
now knowing whats going into it i would def say its mg....raise your ph a up to around 6.5 to keep from locking out the mg...maybe do a half a teaspoon of epsom salt in your next feeding/watering


Active Member
now knowing whats going into it i would def say its mg....raise your ph a up to around 6.5 to keep from locking out the mg...maybe do a half a teaspoon of epsom salt in your next feeding/watering
Thank you . my next watering is tomorrow. So i will run water with half a teaspoon of Epsom salt through it with a Ph of 6.5 and see what happens .


Well-Known Member
Thank you . my next watering is tomorrow. So i will run water with half a teaspoon of Epsom salt through it with a Ph of 6.5 and see what happens .
just remember that the damage it has wont get any better...check to make sure no more signs of deficiency showing on newer growth