Susan Estrich Blows The Rigged Election Wide Open


New Member
Yeah ... and a hell of a lot smarter than you could ever hope to be ... make perfect sense ... :mrgreen:
If ever there was a member that deserved to be put on Ignore, it is this ass ccodiane. The only reason I don't is I like to see him make an ass of himself. You arte holding your own against him but it usually ends up just being insults back and forth. My solution, Just insult him out of the gates and ignore his posts. He is definently not worth getting worked up over, JMHO.


Well-Known Member
Remember this thread kids? ... Election fraud is alive and well .... The BRAD BLOG reports that the PA primary is unrecountable ... Unverifiable ... and unauditable we are told who the winner is ... and many accept it ... no matter who the winner really is ... "This Tuesday's crucial contest will be primarily run on 100% faith-based, Direct Recording Electronic (DRE, usually touch-screen or push-button) e-voting machines across the state. There will be no way to determine after the election whether the computers have accurately recorded, or not, the intent of those voters who voted on them." ... So basically our votes are being counted in secret ... so why is this okay with some of you?... this election is bullshit ...


New Member
Remember this thread kids? ... Election fraud is alive and well .... The BRAD BLOG reports that the PA primary is unrecountable ... Unverifiable ... and unauditable we are told who the winner is ... and many accept it ... no matter who the winner really is ... "This Tuesday's crucial contest will be primarily run on 100% faith-based, Direct Recording Electronic (DRE, usually touch-screen or push-button) e-voting machines across the state. There will be no way to determine after the election whether the computers have accurately recorded, or not, the intent of those voters who voted on them." ... So basically our votes are being counted in secret ... so why is this okay with some of you?... this election is bullshit ...
I have to agree. I mean, all the pundits said she needed 10% to keep going and guess what, 10%. So just like the energizer bunny she's still going.


Well-Known Member
I have to agree. I mean, all the pundits said she needed 10% to keep going and guess what, 10%. So just like the energizer bunny she's still going.
Was it not you liberals who wanted the new style voting machines because the old punch card system, which was used for 30 years in my district, was purportedly prone to fraud?

I still think we fixed something that was NOT broken. At great expense I might add.


Well-Known Member
Was it not you liberals who wanted the new style voting machines because the old punch card system, which was used for 30 years in my district, was purportedly prone to fraud?
No ... at least not in my state ... but they have no proof what so ever who won other than their word ... and we are to accept them at their word?


Well-Known Member
No ... at least not in my state ... but they have no proof what so ever who won other than their word ... and we are to accept them at their word?
With the punch cards the physical proof could be rerun or even counted by hand. Pull the plug on the safe modern machines and the electrons escape.


Well-Known Member
Hey, hey! I'm back in beautiful color once again ... with smilies ... :hump: ... had to get a router ... it did the job!

Now back to the thread ... I'm for getting corporation out of the election process ... totally out ... paper ballots ... hand count by civil servants ...

... the way things are now we have to take the word of the people who count our votes in secret who also has a vested interest in who gets in office ... :spew:
... god how I missed the little puke ... good to have you back my friend ... :blsmoke:


New Member
Was it not you liberals who wanted the new style voting machines because the old punch card system, which was used for 30 years in my district, was purportedly prone to fraud?

I still think we fixed something that was NOT broken. At great expense I might add.
Uhhh, it wasn't me. I like the old way of marking ballots with an X in the box. Kind of hard to fuck that up. Put all the players on a list and you mark the ones you want, how simple is that. Hell, I'll even volunteer to count the ballots


Well-Known Member
This just in ...

Exclusive: PA's Primary Results Website Listed Obama Three Times, With Three Differing Totals on Election NightThe Dept. of State's Director of the Office of Communications and Press, Leslie Amorós, confirmed the Election Night problem, but was unable to explain why it occurred. She told Sircely, during the short phone call, that she'd be happy to try and get an explanation from their technical staff. She went on to say, however, that whatever caused the anomaly, it didn't effect the outcome of the reported results.

Tis claim that any observed anomalies do not effect the final outcome is nonsense, because the moment you see an anomaly, you must assume there may be more anomalies that were NOT seen; anomalies impossible to find because the current elections systems do not have audit trails. Therefore, it is impossible to justify the statement that the final outcome is not effected and can be trusted. MR

It's like I said before people ... we are not choosing anyone ... the fix is in!:evil:


Well-Known Member
Youtube already took it down, how interesting :twisted:

I watched the other Susan Estrich videos, especially the Oreilly video.... GIRL POWER
hah dumb box


Well-Known Member
Yeah ... I can imagine they wouldn't want something like that on Youtube ... but rest assured ... it's out there still ...


Well-Known Member
Did the US Supreme Court deliver the Indiana Primary to Hillary Clinton?

Imagine Hillary Clinton's luck. When she needed to win a primary in New Hampshire, the machines glitched up, and she emerged with an unexpected margin of victory. Whether it was due to electronic voting breakdowns is not clear. But there was never a a full recount or a thorough investigation of the serious problems that plagued the vote count in that state.
When she needed a victory in Ohio, Republican voters -- urged on by Rush Limbaugh -- crossed over in droves and helped give her one. Cross-over voting may also have been a factor in her critical victory in Pennsylvania. There were also numerous instances of computer tabulation glitches in the Pennsylvania secretary of state's office.
Now the Indiana primary looms ahead. Less than a week prior, the US Supreme Court has delivered a devastating decision on voter ID that could again make a big difference in Clinton's favor.:spew:


Well-Known Member
It's been a while since I updated the election fraud thread ... there has been irregularities throughout the primaries ... so here's the election fraud news! ... :hump:

Despite Expensive Two-Year Effort to Root Out 'Epidemic of Voter Fraud,' TX Republican AG Fails

RELATED: No Voter Fraud by Space Aliens Found Either, Though Ann Coulter's Clear Case of Voter Fraud Remains Wholly Unprosecuted...:dunce::sleep:

Here's another interesting report ...

E-Voting Machines Short Circuit Election Transparency, But the Danger is Even Worse Than You May Realize...



Well-Known Member
Professor Miller was on Mike Malloy last night ... he talked about how the GOP is planning to steal this election if there is a ten point difference ... if they can't Miller feels that they will do another 911 and install marshal law and stop the changing of office ... we shall see ... :neutral:

[URL=""]Mark Crispin Miller[/url]
Professor and author Mark Crispin Miller is here to discuss his latest book Loser Take All: Election Fraud and The Subversion of Democracy, 2000 - 2008, a subject about which we cannot be too vigilant as we near November in what is arguably the most critical national election in recent history.
Loser Take Allis an anthology by writers that should be very familiar to you: Larisa Alexandrova, Brad Friedman and Robert Kennedy, Jr. among others. From Amazon:
Loser Taker All: Election Fraud and The Subversion of Democracy, 2000-2008is an indispensable anthology of writings covering the vast election fraud that has been perpetrated by the GOP—with the Democratic Party’s acquiescence—since 2000. Among the subjects treated here are: the myth of George Bush’s victory in Florida in 2000, and FOX News’s key role in propagating it; Senator Max Cleland’s dubious defeat in Georgia in 2002; Bush’s “re-election” in 2004, including evidence of systematic fraud outside of Ohio; startling evidence of fraud committed in the 2006 midterm elections, which the Democrats appear to have won by a far larger margin than officially reported; and, crucially, evidence that the Republicans will attempt to steal the presidential election in 2008.​



Well-Known Member
For those of you that are interested in our voting rights check out the conversation with Miller and the readers at C&L ....


Well-Known Member
Here is part 2 of the video with Miller ... How many of you think the illegitimate bush regime would use martial law if McSame doesn't steal the election .... :fire:

Endgame: Bush & Cheney's desperate measures PT. 2

I think it's very interesting the evidence that shows the dems actually won 50 seat in 2006 ... election fraud kept them from having a veto proof congress ... :spew: