Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!


Well-Known Member
Sup Highlander, thought i'd nip in and give you some greeting's mate! Another early start on the 'me-n-you', No doubd your still rocking that cave man ;)

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Sup Highlander, thought i'd nip in and give you some greeting's mate! Another early start on the 'me-n-you', No doubd your still rocking that cave man ;)
Back at ya Cindyguy! Yeah the cave is rocking and after another cup it's really going to be rocking! Spigot is open and the pipeline is flowing full blast! Getting time for a smokie to go with my coffee!!

Have a good weekend bru!


Well-Known Member
good morning honey bunz! finally done with my fast! yay! sounds like your already up and at em. we have a freeze warning till monday. i sure hope it does not kill off all everything that is coming up in the flower beds. lol have a great weekend!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
same as big D have a good one mate :)
Hey las, what's going on! no drama huh?? Oiu must be nice, I'm so sick of it all lol. Have a good weekend, k my friend ; ?)

Top of the mooornin' to ya brother! Still raining and shitty here. What to do what to do... hmm bongsmilie
Must be March showers for your April flowers. Looking forward to doing some improvements to my flower beds and getting my vegatable garden going again. Since my time and energy are precious commodities in the spring, summer and fall I've decided to forgo my outdoor gueriila grow this year so that I can devote time to my vegatable garden. I work outside 3 seasons out of the year and am usually pretty wiped out by the end of the day lol. The last two years was the first time in over 20 yrs that I haven't had one. And shit, I produce enough weed each month that I don't feel comfortable mentioning how much ;)

Ya must be digging your weekends though rain or shine, huh : ?) Amazing what a little weed growing out of the dirt can do. Talk to ya!

mr west

Well-Known Member
im always ashamed at my yields but for the opposit reasons lmao. Oh what having enough room can do mate, have a good one.


Well-Known Member
lol yeah seriously. veggie garden is good, tho, HC. real good. everyone should have one, in my opinion. we need to keep un-gmo'ed seeds around, because companies like monsanto are trying to a) fuck up all seed stock, and b) patent all said fucked up seed stock and control the world food supply. fuck those guys.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Nah finished that a bit ago, bonging some nicely cured Qleaner before I go get cleaned up. Taking my babe out to lunch in a few,,,she got called into work tonight again so I had better do something with her while we can. Her words, not mine lol

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hemlock! Ya hook back up with your woman and we don't see ya for weeks lol. Thanks for taking a look man!!

Looks like Westy lol.

Just finished the first run, got a bit of a green tint to it. Stirred to long!