Cloning Question


Well-Known Member
How do I designate a mother plant for cloning without first putting her into flower mode. I don't have feminised seeds so wouldn't I have to 12/12 her in order to determine if she's a she?. Any advise?


Well-Known Member
A plant will show sex on its own in veg if given 6 weeks or so, without entering the flowering phase. If thats too long for you, take two clones from each vegging plant and root them in 12/12. This will show you the sex of the plant it was taken from.


Active Member
I'm assuming you have reg seeds you could cut a clone off your plants and flower the clones that way you will know which is female without flowering the main plant


Well-Known Member
You can do a couple things.
You can toss her in flower till she shows then pull her out.
You can just wait till she shows on her own.
You can take cuts off all of them then flower and decide what you like best.(Best way)
You can wrap a paper bag around the end of a branch and in a couple weeks it will show.


Well-Known Member
I didn't realize they sex out in Veg. Query Solved


This pics for Taint.

This was my last Bulldog at 9 years old. RIP Otto!


Well-Known Member
That's a good looking bulldog,he waits for you on the other side.
Man would I like one of those Bully pups you got there.

Back to the subject at hand..... I don't know what the hell I am looking for or at. I want to nip these dudes in the bud and my plant are old enough to start showing. Does anyone have any pic examples for my to noob out on.