3k ventilation advice

Hello wise ones, I am trying to figure out the best option for ventilating my flower room. Here is what I have:

8 x 11 flower room
3 - 1k hps with 8" air cooled hoods
8" vortex
carbon filter w/ 6" vortex
(eventually adding Co2)View attachment 1513969

Is there a better design that you could suggest? All input is welcomed.


Well-Known Member
I would probably go from intake into the first hood, then exhaust from first hood to intake on second hood, then exhaust from 2nd hood into the intake of the 3rd hood, and the exhaust from the 3rd hood straight to the 8" vortex pulling the air. Remember, air will naturally take the path of least resistance. So in your drawing, most of the air will go through the hood closest to the intake, leaving hoods 2 and 3 short on air. Going with my suggestion forces roughly the same amount of air through each of the hoods for cooling. Yes, hood number 1 will still be slightly cooler than hood number 3, but if you're moving enough air you should be all good! Using 8" vortex fans should do the trick (assuming they are the 747 cfm variety or higher). If you haven't bought hoods yet, I think the low profile hoods and the ones with what seems to be a cooltube inside of them is where it's at! They are costly however. Like: Advanced Nutrients MelonHead http://advancednutrients.com/hydroponics/products/melonhead/melonhead_product_information.php


This doesn't have the cooltube inside but is a badass hood as well http://www.hydrofarm.com/pb_detail.php?itemid=11312

Hope this is helpful to ya!


Active Member
8" air cooled. I haven't purchased them yet. What do you recommend?
I am not too familiar with HPS, I just got my first one a few months ago a 250 watt, and just from that experience, they get hot fast without
proper ventilation. you're running 3000 watts, so I could imagine that it would get extremely hot if it is not cooled right.

I am familiar with ventilation though, combined with my experience with the 250, I maybe able to help some.

Looking at your design, all 3 bulbs wont get cooled evenly, the air will travel the path of least resistance. The bulb at the bottom will get cooled
the most. The other 2 probably little or none. I would rotate each light 45 degrees, so they're all in a straight line. So it would go like this:
Air intake, ducting, light 1, ducting, light 2, ducting, light 3, ducting, inline fan, ducting, air outtake. All in one straight line.

I'll try to photoshop your image, to give you a better visualization.



Well-Known Member
I am not too familiar with HPS, I just got my first one a few months ago a 250 watt, and just from that experience, they get hot fast without
proper ventilation. you're running 3000 watts, so I could imagine that it would get extremely hot if it is not cooled right.

I am familiar with ventilation though, combined with my experience with the 250, I maybe able to help some.

Looking at your design, all 3 bulbs wont get cooled evenly, the air will travel the path of least resistance. The bulb at the bottom will get cooled
the most. The other 2 probably little or none. I would rotate each light 45 degrees, so they're all in a straight line. So it would go like this:
Air intake, ducting, light 1, ducting, light 2, ducting, light 3, ducting, inline fan, ducting, air outtake. All in one straight line.

I'll try to photoshop your image, to give you a better visualization.
This is in essence what I was trying to say. Props to you Cervezacorona for actually taking the time to edit the drawing!


Well-Known Member
agreed with the two other post. If you need to turn your exhausts to exit the room where you planed thats no problem either. i run 3k just like that all in 8" cool tubes and the temp 1 foot from the glass is only 6-8 degrees over the ambeiant out side temps, that also acounting for a solid 8" exhaust for the whole room. I had to have the exhaust on a timer to get temps up over the winter. Now i run co2 and the plants dig the fuck out of the heat and co2 together.


Well-Known Member
I am not too familiar with HPS, I just got my first one a few months ago a 250 watt, and just from that experience, they get hot fast without
proper ventilation. you're running 3000 watts, so I could imagine that it would get extremely hot if it is not cooled right.

I am familiar with ventilation though, combined with my experience with the 250, I maybe able to help some.

Looking at your design, all 3 bulbs wont get cooled evenly, the air will travel the path of least resistance. The bulb at the bottom will get cooled
the most. The other 2 probably little or none. I would rotate each light 45 degrees, so they're all in a straight line. So it would go like this:
Air intake, ducting, light 1, ducting, light 2, ducting, light 3, ducting, inline fan, ducting, air outtake. All in one straight line.

I'll try to photoshop your image, to give you a better visualization.
Good post. I came to describe the same layout, but there's another reason to put the reflectors in-line like that. Given the dimensions of the room and layout of the lights, you'll get better coverage by having the reflectors oriented this way since the bulbs will be perpendicular to the shortest wall. That's how most reflectors are designed, to maximize the bulbs natural light dispersal pattern.
update: Running 3 melonheads inline with an 8" vortex. no major heat issues, no hot spots and using minimal AC. working great.