ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

whats up you been? which bubble bags you recommend? found any good ones for a reasonable price? i need to upgrade from my shitty 1 gallons to a 5gal set.

I'm using just the 45 and the 160 now, pretty much for every strain. The work bag is 225 or something like that, for the machine. I like the company ( aka bubbleman's site). Write them an email, give them some links showing how much time you spend talking about this stuff ;) and ask for a discount :)

Thanks for the reps man!
I'm using just the 45 and the 160 now, pretty much for every strain. The work bag is 225 or something like that, for the machine. I like the company ( aka bubbleman's site). Write them an email, give them some links showing how much time you spend talking about this stuff ;) and ask for a discount :)

Thanks for the reps man!
45 is doin it for ya eh? I liked the 90 myself. Never got much from it tho. Got any new pictures?
Jack H 45 to 160



Man that looks great! Can you eleborate on your drying process? I dont ever get that texture when i make bubble hash. Its usually runny, then after drying its more of a pressed piece of hash. How do you shake it out like that?
Man that looks great! Can you eleborate on your drying process? I dont ever get that texture when i make bubble hash. Its usually runny, then after drying its more of a pressed piece of hash. How do you shake it out like that?

Great question.
See the trick is to let is dry as a 1/4" thick patty overnight. Then the microplane comes in. This part is all about my decade of kitchen technique, you will get a feel for the grater and how hard to push for perfect grating. You will learn what it feels like when the patty is ready to grate after a couple battles with "too wet or too dry" pattys. When I gently push against the teeth, they should really bite in and make tiny ribbons of hash. The patty will start to deform if you go too fast, push too hard, or hands are too hot, lol :) . That's the best imo. The temperature and dryness of your still wet hash chunk is key. Sometimes I set the chunk of hash in the fridge before grating, but if you do this too long the grating takes forever and instead of nice ribbons you get powder. Too cold is much like grating too dry hash pattys. This is an old picture. My new technique does not use the strainer to catch any bits that break off accidentally. I just grate right onto a teflon pan, used only for this purpose. The little chunks that break off accidentally get chilled and VERY carefully grated.
This picture is to show how hash changes color as it dries. The two columns on the left are freshly grated. The one on the right is one day dry. It's all Jack H. The left column is from a new grower and the right two are from an experienced grower.

Great info dude!! This page alone should be a sticky! very informative! I'm buying bags next week so I am excited to try your technique. +rep
Thank you. Your kind words are inspirational. And you know I would love this sticky'ed.

I don't want to talk trash on anyone, to each their own (even tho most don't know how to dry hash because bubbleman was teaching people BAD technique for years. the hash wars are something I am researching and writing up now. sam skunkman is evil, mila is his puppet. joe pietri is an angry jerk, bubbleman got lucky). BUT I've been working with Steep Hill Lab to get some facts on hash. I'll tell you what I've learned from my experience with Blackberry Kush. Blackberry Kush is a low THC variety. Mine tested about 16% THC. Great for Blackberry Kush (top 5! and it was vegan organic!) But the super stars test around and over 20% THC, like OGKush, ChemDawg, BlueDream, Headband, you know, the "in your face strong" varieties.

Well okay, now we compare the hash from these varieties. OG tests around 50, ChemD around 51, Headband around 53. My Blackberry Kush tested over 52%, from a lower THC variety. How can this be? It's all full-melt crazy good hash, usually made in similar fashions. I used 45 to 160 microns. The other hash makers use a smaller fraction, usually 76 to 120, or something like that. It's all about using as few bags as possible. Separating the smaller particles, <45 microns (I let them go back to mother nature, lol). Washing genlty. Rinsing well after collection. and of course Drying well. Then you still have to cure it or you won't get soft waxy crumbly hash, that is my goal.

Hash will easily turn into hard crystals with this method. After grating you have a short drying time until you really need to get it curing, usually about 36 hours. It's a learning curve. Use your senses, rub a little between your fingers. You want dry and crumbly and soft, but not sticky. Sticky means wet, or your hands are too hot. Pay close attention to the temperature of your hands when you touch hash for the actual grating, and to assess it drying then curing. I've used ice to chill my hands for this in the summer. The seasons have a huge affect on hash making.

Post edit: actually, I often use my nails to break small pieces chunks of hash up, to see how dry/cured they are. If it softly turns to a powdery texture, sometimes gold sometimes the color on the outside of the hash, then it's right. It's not sticky, but a little will stick to your fingers.
All fantastic info!! I gotta ask, what did you mean by rinsing well?

This is something I do that has gotten a lot of attention, mostly good, lol.

It's in the video I made for youtube. The last 5 minutes or so of the video is that part. Warning, I was super high by that point in the day and it was a hand held part. you can start at 11:00 minutes in if you are impatient.

Watched the vid. No sound on my comp (STILL) but you smashing that ice was hilarious! I thought about ordering one of those mini washing machines......maybe next spring. Nice pull of that last bag! Didn't look like much to me till ya got it on the spoon and I was like DAMNNNN! lol

The difference in appearance and amt. between the "beginning" and "experienced" grower on that JH hash is a real eye opener!

Plus rep for the pics and vid!
Thanks doowmd. I think the narration explains some good points, but I haven't listened in a while. Should I remake that with a better camera?
Here is some more shots so I can attempt to explain a few more fine points of the breaking up and drying stages.

Wet and dry, one patty is jack, one is outdoor blackberry kush. The dry hash is jack

Jack on the bottom right and pile. Top right is the kush

Jacks, wet and dry






Man that shit looks fuckin good!
Naw, u don't need a better cam (for the hash making vid u mean?) u did a great job showing the process. It's pretty simple. I can vouch for the fact that you don't even have to be able to hear it to get the steps out of it, so that goes to show ya how good a video it is for people to watch to learn the process for ice hash.
As far as the pics of the grated hash on the tray (beginer/experienced/1 day dry) they look alright to me to get the "jest" of 'em. That being the difference in look and amt. based on experience and dryness.

And I forgot to mention in the post before about the BBK being a higher percentage........does that mean that even tho it produces a lesser amt. of thc, the thc it produces is more potent?

Anyway, great pics man! Keep 'em comin! Gives me something to drool over!!

Got a vid of the grating process? Have you already posted one? Am I high? Sorry bout long post.
Man that shit looks fuckin good!
Naw, u don't need a better cam (for the hash making vid u mean?) u did a great job showing the process. It's pretty simple. I can vouch for the fact that you don't even have to be able to hear it to get the steps out of it, so that goes to show ya how good a video it is for people to watch to learn the process for ice hash.
As far as the pics of the grated hash on the tray (beginer/experienced/1 day dry) they look alright to me to get the "jest" of 'em. That being the difference in look and amt. based on experience and dryness.

And I forgot to mention in the post before about the BBK being a higher percentage........does that mean that even tho it produces a lesser amt. of thc, the thc it produces is more potent?

Anyway, great pics man! Keep 'em comin! Gives me something to drool over!!

Got a vid of the grating process? Have you already posted one? Am I high? Sorry bout long post.

Hey thanks, I was talking about a better video of the washing process. But if it's good enough for you, it's good enough for me. I'll make a vid for the grating process. And yes, you are high :)
"And yes, you are high "
SHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! *peeks out blinds*

Can't wait to see you use that micro-planer!

*on a side note: Love the Charlie Sheen refernce in ur sig. My favorite "crazy quote" from him recently was "I love them both violently" (when asked about his live-in "goddesses") Dude's off his fuckin rocker BIG TIME! LMAO
Right on, so you are pushing the pucks when they are still somewhat moist through a screen. If it powders up, i let it dry too much? Do you then press it back to a puck after drying has occured? It seems nice to have powdered hash on the spot rather than having to break it up.

Why do people press it anyway? Storage?
Right on, so you are pushing the pucks when they are still somewhat moist through a screen. If it powders up, i let it dry too much? Do you then press it back to a puck after drying has occured? It seems nice to have powdered hash on the spot rather than having to break it up.

Why do people press it anyway? Storage?

People press it because they don't know how to make hash... :)
I only press, very lightly, for long distance trips. That hash puck was for TV, and was very lightly hand shaped for the pics and video. After that I broke the puck back up into powdery waxy crumble. All my hash is loose like in the pictures.

Still somewhat moist: yes, but the point is to not push it through the screen, but to let the micorplane do the work.