Active Member
i dont have a landlord, or a property manager i dont have anybody that runs MY flat except for me, there is a concierge service and manager service that maintains the building, cleaning etc, and helps people with any complaints. it is run by our local council as a safety gesture,. so anyone wanting in to my flat has to be invited or allowed in by me. except for the police with a search warrant of course and they dont ask they just smash your door in. what i am trying to say is if you try to steal electricity through your meter then getting caught will be inevitible, you cannot tap in to the 100 amp+ cable before your main fuse as this is live and will kill you instantly, you have to tap in between the main fuse and meter when the main fuse has been pulled, but you have to break the seal, in my case the stupid electric man never fitted the seal properly so i took full advantage, although i am still paying about £10-£15 a week for my normal electricity in my flat (i still get 3500 watts 18 hours a day for free) through a meter key you take to a shop to put power on.whats funny is im just trying to be nice and give the guy fair warning is all...
tapping a meter covertly isnt easy, and he pulled it off, without getting hurt or burning the place so that says something for his intelligence.
and being in an apt building... where maintenence can literally enter ur place at will.... and with high energy costs, landlords and property managers be trying to eleminate power loss...
some lessons you have to learn the hard way, i suppose.
oh well.
if i did not pay for my normal electric usage the power company would be on my doorstep within a couple of weeks.