Just Got Jacked While Dealing

so they are white people cartels now? i was not aware of their existence...

i remember your reason, you value your own "principles" more than the lives of others.

a half decade or more in a prison and the person who went in is gone, i can attest to that.

solitary has been deemed torture by the un, i realize that is not directly related to your point, just sayin.. it is bound to happen in there.
I don't recall bringing up race or ethnicity at all. Again, that would be YOU. You introduced the racial component into this discussion.

Cannabis is smuggled over the Canadian border, too. And it ain't Boy Scouts who are doing it. It's organized crime.

And I remember that you stated you place little value on civil liberties (or something very similar to that).

Whereas I previously stated that if an activity does not endanger another individual's LIFE, liberty, or property; it should not be illegal.

I place a heavy premium on life.

Apparently you place none on the lives of those killed in Northern Mexico. There's an open war raging there, you know.

Should I post more links for you to ignore?

again, shooting for the moon and hoping to land among stars does not work here, you will not see full re leg. in your lifetime. however we can compromise our ideals and keep peoples lives from being destroyed by our prison system.
Pursuing liberty is not 'shooting for the moon.'

Freedom is not some arbitrary principle. It is real and I jeopardize mine every day by my civil disobedience.

You want compromise. Half a loaf is good enough for you.

Not for me.
half a loaf is better than no loaf.

and im pretty sure im not the first person to figure out that the cartels are latino.

lives are ruined by mandatory minimums. but you are in favor of keeping them. soooooo 2+2=?
what in the sam hell do wars in mexico have to do with mandatory minimums up here? so if you lock up john goodman for ten years for growing his own dope, instead of fining him, then peace will rain down on mexico??? word. guess mexicos problems are solved.
half a loaf is better than no loaf.

and im pretty sure im not the first person to figure out that the cartels are latino.

lives are ruined by mandatory minimums. but you are in favor of keeping them. soooooo 2+2=?
I am not in favor of keeping them.

I am in favor of ELIMINATING them altogether.

If you haven't figured that out by now, then I severely over-estimated you; and I am thus wasting my time.

what in the sam hell do wars in mexico have to do with mandatory minimums up here? so if you lock up john goodman for ten years for growing his own dope, instead of fining him, then peace will rain down on mexico??? word. guess mexicos problems are solved.
The CARTELS are running the war down there. The very CARTELS which are funded by Americans who purchase cannabis on the black market.

If the U.S. re-legalizes cannabis, the CARTELS lose a huge revenue stream.

You complain that I keep going back to the cartels. But you can't even bring yourself to admit they are involved in cannabis trafficking.
because they are not. have you been out west i have met single dudes with five+ warehouses. it is our #1 cash crop. simple economics removed the cartels from the weed game a long time ago.

i am in favor of me winning the lottery, but i have to compromise and get a job. it sucks, but its reality. ;)
oh and dude we are both wasting our time, im doing it intentionally cause i got hours to kill and they dont go down easy, i hope you are too otherwise im sorry if im tearing you away from something important.
because they are not. have you been out west i have met single dudes with five+ warehouses. it is our #1 cash crop. simple economics removed the cartels from the weed game a long time ago.

i am in favor of me winning the lottery, but i have to compromise and get a job. it sucks, but its reality. ;)
I presented evidence that they are. You couldn't be bothered to even take a look.

We almost had that reality in California last November. But support for it was cut down by MMJ proponents who did not want to lose their special classification as patients.

As California goes, so goes the nation.

MMJ, which is really stealth decriminalization, undermined the re-legalization movement.

Think about that the next time you moan about mandatory minimums.
oh and dude we are both wasting our time, im doing it intentionally cause i got hours to kill and they dont go down easy, i hope you are too otherwise im sorry if im tearing you away from something important.
If you honestly believe what you wrote about my alleged 'support' of mandatory minimums, then I AM wasting my time.

not every state has that support for legalization.

i didnt look at your links because i have heard that bs before, its old news.

california is its own little world, the states that need to decrim, they are not getting full legalization.

are you serious, moaning about mandatory mins? people get locked up for decades, and decrim is the ONLY way that will change anytime soon for most of the states.

when kids in school get caught over here on the east coast it ruins their chance at education, decrim could change that.

whatever im done for today though something interesting just walked through my door, and i know i will never change your mind anyway. dont stare in that pool too long narcissus there are other people in the world who could benefit slightly from you acknowledging that your ideals are less important than their freedom.
not every state has that support for legalization.

i didnt look at your links because i have heard that bs before, its old news.

california is its own little world, the states that need to decrim, they are not getting full legalization.

are you serious, moaning about mandatory mins? people get locked up for decades, and decrim is the ONLY way that will change anytime soon for most of the states.

when kids in school get caught over here on the east coast it ruins their chance at education, decrim could change that.

whatever im done for today though something interesting just walked through my door, and i know i will never change your mind anyway. dont stare in that pool too long narcissus there are other people in the world who could benefit slightly from you acknowledging that your ideals are less important than their freedom.
You refuse to even look at the evidence I presented which challenges your preconceived notions, yet you accuse me of narcissism.

That is RICH!

I have already addressed all of your lame points so I won't waste any more time rehashing them.

this shit still goin
shit this still goin
No one has a gun to your head forcing you to return to this thread.

Unsub and be done with it....

Or contribute something worth reading.
You refuse to even look at the evidence I presented which challenges your preconceived notions, yet you accuse me of narcissism.

That is RICH!

I have already addressed all of your lame points so I won't waste any more time rehashing them.

No one has a gun to your head forcing you to return to this thread.

Unsub and be done with it....

Or contribute something worth reading.

MUCH LIKE YOU HAVE??? seriously, everyone has a big dick, everyone grows the BEST weed, everyone is super smart, and can spell properly and make coherent points of light... happy??? maybe you should take a serious look at your posts and try to figure why you are not being given the respect "you think you deserve"... and unsubbed, good idea, i've got better things to do with my time... take it on over to the espn or "hardcore gamerz" sites kids...