Scarlette's First Grow


Well-Known Member
*sigh* More balls. Out of my 8 surviving plants 5 had to be males. I'm so sad Mary Jane wasn't a woman. All but two of the non male plants are female. Just one. Yup. Her name is Alice. I hope the other 2 plants are fems, but I have a feeling that only one will be. I really need to start buying feminized seeds lol. I really wanted all 8 to be female. Oh well. Now to go snip down the boys...:peace:

Ali Haji Sheik

Active Member
I'm a newbie, so sorry if I'm guilty of a thread jack, but have you given a thought to cloning? Your girls look great, and with cloning you know just what you're getting.


Well-Known Member
Oh no, I'd love to clone! I have thought about it, and atleast one of my girls is pretty healthy. Money is the factor in this game. I can't afford the root cloning gel or the clone dome I think would be necessary to reproduce such fine weed. So I'm up shit creek unless someone wants to donate to the cause. *sigh* Good thoughts though, atleast you were trying to help.

Ali Haji Sheik

Active Member
We could have a telethon!

But on a serious note, it's good to see that at least some Tennessee dank made it through the tornados.. . .


Well-Known Member
Ha no joke, I would be really fucking sad if a tornado swept them away. A TELETHON!!!!! WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT!? We should get right on it! Cloning Gel and the Dome are like 25 bucks tops right?! EVERYONE SHOULD DONATE.


Active Member
Give me your Home addy and I will send you what you need via Fed-ex.

One nice mom makes hundreds of little girls year round,


Well-Known Member
Onlunch that is very nice of you, but I don't think I will be giving a stranger my home address anytime soon. No offense.

The sad truth kiddies.....I have 2 girls. Only the two of the eight. So basically 3/4 of my chirrens are useless. Sad. I also have no way of cloning. I don't even know if a week or two from now it would be too late to clone. *sigh* Two medium smallish plants just cant make the type of weed I need. I'll be lucky to get a half ounce in my own opinion, which would be good but then I would still have to give half to that jackass "little helper" of mine. He's so annoying. On prom night he went around repeating "smelly vulva" therefore effectively ruining some of the majesty of the night. Christ.....why did I ever say I was giving him half?! I mean he made/bought the initial lights, veg nutes, and bloom nutes......crap. I hate myself. I was gonna make brownies *whimper* grrrr boo hiss......*sob* I am such an idiot.


Well-Known Member
Well, I thought for the sake of knowledge I would post pics of flowering plants, including the ones with balls. Only Luna and Alice survived. The grow isn't over yet, but I feel as if I could have done better. The lights could have been closer, and more.....efficient. The next grow will be much better. I plan on actually buying some feminized seeds......I am so not putting forth so much effort for so many male plants. If anyone has any suggestions on a good sativa strain that would be awesome.

The first four pics are of Alice. She was the first to show her sexy parts.....I was so excited to see those little white hairs.

The next two are of Luna, the next girl to show off her sexy parts.

The seventh is of both of the plants together in their room.........very spacious no?

and the eighth is of big fat useless balls................*shakes head*.......that covered the majority of the grow.


Ali Haji Sheik

Active Member
Look at it as a learning experience - you'll be a master grower by the end of it, and will have a few nice bowls from it all.

Yeah, my head stash is half-full. .. .


Well-Known Member
Okay, so both of the babies are doing well. They are still alive lol. There are alot more hairs now and that makes me excited. I am going to try to get some pics up if I can sometime with week or weekend. I do have a question though. Out of curiousity, can I mist my plants while they are flowering in their night cycle? I haven't done it, but I don't know if it would help or harm. I've started doing a little bit of pinching on them, just to see if the bud sites get anymore.....abundant? I read it in the grow faqs I think. I don't know why Luna through her whole life has always looked so skinny. Her fan leaves only developed 5 separate leaves. They never got any bigger than that even though she is roughly 2 feet tall. She also doesnt have as many hairs as Alice. I think I burned dear Luna a little bit on Monday, too much Tiger was too serious of damage though. Not enough to make me panic, so I just gave her some fresh water last night. Alice however, didn't have any damage. So, she got more nutes.


Well-Known Member
All in all, they're doing great. I just wish I could make them grow faster. lol. I have seen any THC production either. No trichs or anything. I want it really bad! But all I can do is wait right? I want trickling THC filled trichomes!

So what should I expect next on this journey?


New Member
Hi sky,
Some plants, its just the strain type that makes it grow so skinny. I have 2 plants that have skinny, shiny leaves but I know they are not sativas.
I topped all of mine at least once and a couple twice and one not at all and there is a HUGE difference. The ones I topped got all bushy and thick and the ones I didn't stayed small.
But also in saying this, some strains just grow small and don't bush out by nature.

Good luck in your grow.

Okay, so both of the babies are doing well. They are still alive lol. There are alot more hairs now and that makes me excited. I am going to try to get some pics up if I can sometime with week or weekend. I do have a question though. Out of curiousity, can I mist my plants while they are flowering in their night cycle? I haven't done it, but I don't know if it would help or harm. I've started doing a little bit of pinching on them, just to see if the bud sites get anymore.....abundant? I read it in the grow faqs I think. I don't know why Luna through her whole life has always looked so skinny. Her fan leaves only developed 5 separate leaves. They never got any bigger than that even though she is roughly 2 feet tall. She also doesnt have as many hairs as Alice. I think I burned dear Luna a little bit on Monday, too much Tiger was too serious of damage though. Not enough to make me panic, so I just gave her some fresh water last night. Alice however, didn't have any damage. So, she got more nutes.


Well-Known Member
oh oh man! I can't wait till 7pm!!!!! I got an illuminated microscope!!! Time to look at some trichs!!!! I'm excited. ^_^


Well-Known Member
ahhhh, that is much better. I have been needing to look at my trichs. As far as I can tell they are cloudy/clear. I will be posting some pics tonight so keep your eyes peeled ^_^

Ali Haji Sheik

Active Member
ahhhh, that is much better. I have been needing to look at my trichs. As far as I can tell they are cloudy/clear. I will be posting some pics tonight so keep your eyes peeled ^_^

tap tap tap. . . . I'm psyched to see the trychs!

Just joshing - congrats on the success so far, and I look forward to reading the "i'm so baked from my home grow" post in a little bit!


Well-Known Member
Finally I have gotten myself and my cammy to a computer to post some pictures!!!!! 4 weeks and 3 days old now. How do they look? I am going to post Alice first, then Luna.

If you will notice the stem pics, those are of alice. She grew oddly, but she has some girth for being so petite.

And the stop sign is real!!!

So what do you all think?


