hey buddy.. hey, that looks pretty good man. I just wanted to give you some advice.. just trying to help ya out. You said your scissors keep getting stuck right? Well, I had the same problem.. until a good friend of mine (well known breeder) told me a trick. Well, its not really a trick.. but these things make trimming so much easier. They did for me anyhow.. I'm talking about a small pair of nose-hair trimmers. Mine look like a minature sized pair of scissors.. all chrome/shiny looking.
But yeah.. they work freaking great when it comes to the hideous trimming times.. I personally don't mind the actual part of doing the trimming. I kinda like doing it.. its just, I got a fairly bad case of arthritus in my fingers/hands.. and usually it doesn't take but 15 to 30 minutes for it to kick in.. so that makes it that much harder for me. I usually get to the point where I have to give my hands and fingers a break.. because the pain is so bad. Not only the pain.. but its gotten so bad in the past where my fingers actually felt like they had locked up on me.. shit hurt bad! But ever since I have switched over to these nose-hair trimmers I've been able to go over an hour straight without having terrible pain in my fingers and hands. It's freaking awsome! They do an excellent job too man.. they allow you to get into those tight spaces that other bigger trimmers wouldn't allow you to get to. They leave a nice and clean professional trim..
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i know i keep apammin but if you could taste this shit you would be too. got my second run started, hopoe its even better with fewer noobie mistakes,
Cred-this was a very bushy Columbian Red that took about 70 days and didn't finish outdoors on time. I had acquired an Auto Affie that was crossed with Trainwreck x Ogres (TWOG as I call it). All the auto generating traits are removed from backcrossing back to the TWOG until stabilized. What it will do is shave off about 10 days to over 2 weeks off the finishing time and an increased potency to an already nice sat. This cross should finish in about 65 days, maybe a few sooner.Hey convict, looks good, but in both posts you fail to mention what it is, what pheno, etc? Smoke, taste, etc. would be cool too. Thanks bro.
Cred-this was a very bushy Columbian Red that took about 70 days and didn't finish outdoors on time. I had acquired an Auto Affie that was crossed with Trainwreck x Ogres (TWOG as I call it). All the auto generating traits are removed from backcrossing back to the TWOG until stabilized. What it will do is shave off about 10 days to over 2 weeks off the finishing time and an increased potency to an already nice sat. This cross should finish in about 65 days, maybe a few sooner.View attachment 1511763View attachment 1511764
the entire plant from seed in a bag of soil. until harvest was 90 days. total
the smell is extereme chemical skunk. dont know how to describe it, but i do know that after a bowl of it my buddies have to chill @ the house for a few hours cause they dont feel safe to drive. seasond medical card holders.
taste is a menthol skunk citrus flavor you can taste for literally an hour after you amoke, unless your a cig smoker then even after my cig i could still taste the herb over the tobac.
im new to all this, have grown outdoors previously, but you dont get to brag and show it off. not if you want your crop to survive the next year without gettin jacked.
the other is
TWOG- This is actually an Auto Affie x Trainwreck x Ogres. This was the main reason for seeding an entire crop. I needed those TWOG (AA) genetics to reduce the outdoor finishing times up here and plan on crossing many other strains we can't normally run outdoors. These aren't the biggest yielders but will probably become a favorite night time med. Nice fruity light flavour. like a bowl of fruity pebbles. not as strong as actual fruity pebbles mind you, but quite fruity These will probably be done in 55-60 days,View attachment 1511767View attachment 1511768View attachment 1511769
a few pics of some grapefruit i cut yesterday......![]()
nom nom. how long does it take to grow kush? ihave heard it takes a long time, longer than a sativa even.View attachment 1513473Kandy Kush havent harvested yet.Ill post a pic when its done.
yeah, you should be ashamed of that. looks horrible. you should just give up.I thought this would come out better when I took the picture