Hey how's it growin? Good I hope! Welcome back to the cave.
I've gotta start with a couple probplems first.
1. Apparently we got thrips somewhere along the way in the dead of winter, so I was messing around with spraying neem and such but thought that was pretty futile. I put ladybugs in hoping they would help but they don't eat thrips. Then I tried the bug strip thing and I think they work great!
The next day all the ladybugs were dead and I couldn't find a single thrip.

Almost work too good to be true. Wonder what the downside is...I mean, with how well this worked why do they sell all that other expensive hard to apply stuff that is almost impossible to effectively erradicate with?
2. Second problem is with the Ushio Dual-Arc 1000 watt bulbs. In mid Oct. I bought 2 brand new Ushio dual-arc bulbs thinking the full spectrum would be awesome and not worrying about my bulbs for at least 9-12 months would be worth the $350 bucks.
In mid Dec. one of them quit working a mere 2 months into service! I took it back to the store and they said they would send it back to the manufacturer for testing and based on the results another bulb could possibly be sent. After a couple more trips to the store and my constant asking about it they gave me another bulb, supposed to be new. After a few weeks of service on a digital ballast I started having trouble with the bulb- it would come on but not stay on. So then I bought a new magnetic ballast in case the problem was the digital ballast.
(deep breath...lol) So a couple weeks later the almost brand new bulb on the brand new ballast blew up- literally- the inside exploded. So again I go back to the store and this time they replaced it right there for me. So now hood 1 has a BRAND NEW bulb and a BRAND NEW magnetic ballast...maybe now I will finally have worry free operation for awhile. But wait! There's more!
(deep breath...not so much lol) A couple weeks later I'm wateriung the flowers wich involves some in and out of the room. Lights are on and everything's cool, go back in and the OTHER bulb in hood 2 is off. Man at this point I am getting so pissed and tired of this shit every couple weeks.
OK so if you skipped all that here's the bottom line - FUCK USHIO BULBS! From here on out I'm gonna try top of the line. EYE Hortilux all the way...we'll see if they're worth the money.

So far theese work well. Hell at least they stay on! This was my 3 month old backup but is now in service.

I made them give me a different brand and am not fond of Plantmax but didn't have cash to upgrade to the $250 EYE Hortilux so now this is my backup bulb.
Here is the lovely Kiwiskunk from Kiwiseeds. Patients ask for this one by name.
