• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Need Help! Determine What I am as I Grow Up?


Well-Known Member
this Sprout thread is basically a Grow Journal, of the plant.

the 30yr old seed thread was started to help make Proper, and educated decisions on WHAT to do to keep it alive while its young. Im making no quams that he seed is OLD, and not sure at all how healthy it may or may not be, nor what to do if it starts to not do well. I needed a place that got attention (thus the name) so i can get fast and qualified answers/replys to fast arising issues, should any come up...

im an old forum salt, i know how these type of titles look and read, which is EXACTLY why this thread was named the way it is, and the 30 Yr old CG seed thread was named the way it was. both have their purpose to this one seed, but are realy seprate purposes.

so to put it easily the 30 yr old CG thread is about living, this thread is about documenting its life.

Yes i want to quantify it is infact what i say it is. but that doesnt belong in a grow thread.
the fact it sprouted at all i find quite fansinading, and i want to do everything i can to keep it alive, heathly, and viable. and yes, I strongly would like to be able to verify its lineage. if i can< sure the Clones/Pollen may possibly be worth a smal fortune, i could use some fortune, but who couldnt right now.

but my main concern is keeping it alive (the 30 yr old seed thread) and documenting its life (this Sprout thread) if i tried to do the 30yr old seed thread in this Sprout thread, it would of been overlooked ( the 30yrs old seed fact) and just served to CONFUSE the thread. its not ment to confuse the readers. thats for the naysayers to do.

the HELP determine what I am" in the title, is more about the Sex as I couldnt tell you how or when to sex them.

the HELP determine what I am" in the title, is more about the Sex as I couldnt tell you how or when to sex them.
I just posted on your other thread too about this... Your first post in this thread clearly states...

so I am either

1. a late 70s early 80s Columbian Gold taken from a Stamped 2.2 kilo brick Or

2. an Early 80s Hawaian Blue that produced couch lock for 2 hrs or so.
Regardless of M/F you don't know what it is. Not trying to be an asshole, but why are you doing this?


Well-Known Member
again, the 30 yr old seed thread is about keeping it alive. the Sprout thread here is about a grow jounal, for how ever long it does live.

2 seperate things really, just both regarding this one old bean that popped.

as i noted prior, i have not reason to spread BS. nothing will be given away, sold, or TOUTED as Authentic and Real, until such time that i can verify as much as can be, exactly what it is. as i have said, im 99.9% sure this sprout is from a 30 yr old CG bean. I know the bean is 30Yrs old. i know it was stored with 12 other CG beans, that all failed to germinate. There was also 3 HB seeds, 1 of which i tried, that didnt sprout. I have 2 of them left. As i said in the 30 yr old thread, its pretty easy to tell the differance, but im honestly saying its been 30 yrs. could i be mistaken, Sure its possible, but not probable. reason its not probably, cuz i clearly recall putting only CG/HB Seeds in this old cup. The 13CG seeds had one appearance, nearly all identical, as the HB seeds has a distinctly different appearance, not to mention appear to be immature impo. i doubt they ll go, but if they do. WOO Hoo.

im looking for recommendations, and information to help figure a way, if their is, to verify, and document this strain.

After all, if it does Live, and I am justified in my claims that is is a true CG strain, then imagine the benefits to the community at large.

and If it is as i say it is, sure i may be able to make some money on cuts/pollen, but thats a bridge that is a yr or so away. and when i do cross it, it ll be to propagate this nearly lost pure strain of some true old skool dank.
nothing more nothing less for now.


Well-Known Member
ok, after i got home, and unpacked the work vehicle, got in and settled, it was time to check in on Sprout.

Havnt seen him since monday AM, when he was still a bit freaked over the move. here he is today as of 2pm

Hes looking great for 4 days alone. as long as he keeps up at this rate, the other thread will be able to be closed, as it appears he has a great lust for life!
again, the 30 yr old seed thread is about keeping it alive. the Sprout thread here is about a grow jounal, for how ever long it does live.

2 seperate things really, just both regarding this one old bean that popped.

Yes, but in this thread you don't know your seeds genetics, and in your other thread you are positive it is Colombian Gold. RUI members don't like being lied to when they are seeking legitimate information.


Well-Known Member
i know the genetics, but i cant PROVE the genetics. That is unless My word is as good as GOLD, just because i say it is.
My point, anyone can make a claim. but proving the claim is an entirely different thing. I am seeking info on PROVING this is indeed a CG plant as i say it is. its that simple.
I knew and still know the differance between the 2 seeds. but fact is, unless i can get some way to prove it, whether thru clinical testing, or at the minimum, some Knowledgeable Folks with a solid Reptuation in the Community, can confirm my statement, then this is only another wild claim on some internet forum about one thing or another. I want PROOF of my Claim... shit id be tickled pink to actaully be able to smoke some OldSkook dank.

now if i came on a forum and said, "Im SELLING CUTs or Seeds from a 30yr old PURE Columbian Gold strain, Garunteed to be PURE Authentic CG", then that would be one thing. Fact is IM only seeking Verification from those with the Knowledge and Ability to verify its what i say it is, by whatever means may be needed to do so.

pretty simple, im looking for varification its CG. If/when that can happen, THEN and only THEN will I make a decision on what to do for its furture.


Well-Known Member
no, i know where the seed comes from, what i have to do is get Verification it is what i say, if that is EVEN POSSIBLE.

do you mean WAISTING your time? im not sure what Wasting is myself, especially in relation to time.

you dont have to post here, i never asked for it. you ask a Quesion i answer.

SO let me as you this BudS. if Genes have to be PROVEN before they can be Known, then how did ANYONE get a start in Cultivation of Marijuana? were they Botenists that said, OH LOOK what i created, a Known Genetic strain that i can sell to the world?

really you want anyone to beleave that?

fact is if marijuana was grown in acculpulco and looked gold in color, it was called Acculpulco Gold. if it was grown in columbia, from the Acculpulco strain of AC, then it was called Columbain Gold. Not mexican commercial and not highberry Kush Superdank skunk #449090984390201906783-a, which was created by imibanibuujeuuu of peru, in his governmentally funded lab. Think about what you said.

if you like, take the time to read my post in the other thread.
like i said and will continue to say, Im looking for tests, ways, and the means to VERIFY this plants herritage if its even possible.
If YOU can do that, I would apprecaite it. but i somehow DOUBT you have that ability, so i ll kindly ask for you to Step off my DICK, and let me get back to my thread, where i can find members actaully interested in the TRUE Purpose of this thread, which is to document the grow (for autheticity purposes) of this remarkable 30ish yr old seed that sprouted. And If along the way, i can have Tests, or other Verifiable means to authenticate that is is a long lost strain of Columbain Gold, im overjoyed. If i can, then i ll grow it out, and once i figure if its a male or female, then i ll figure out where to go from there.

if its a male, i ll take a cut, grow it out, just to see how it finishes out. if its a female, i ll take a cut to grow it out and see how It finishes off. maybe once its cut and dried, i ll be able to further verify, or even discount what i beleave.

So if you can help Great, if not, set back and chill and let me get on with it.

you know your the 3rd person thats said your done, yet i keep having to answer your questions, when you infact can not even help in the original goal of the thread, which is how can i verify my word on this?

no answer? then no reply needed.


Well-Known Member
Waste was spelled right.... your spelled waist like your hip is your waist not like this thread is a waste of time... check your grammer before you act like an assh0le..


Active Member
You have to prove the genetics before you know them...you still don't understand. I'm done wasting my time.
Back off dude, he knows the strain based off of memory, that is why he is seeking verification. I believe you are the one who doesn't understand. So if you have nothing constructive to add please stay away.

I'm sub'd hope to see this sprout do great things. Best of luck Timmahh


Well-Known Member
My bad DankShiz. It should of never been typed. was in a state of supporting my statements, and that carried over. Shouldn't of happened.
(OT) whats up with only haveing a 24 hr window to edit posts? isnt this a Vb software based forum?

that is my situation Xq, im all but positive, its what im claiming it is, but want to verify it, so 1. that i know for sure, and 2. if it is a CG, then its from the late 70s, and should be as pure as any strain. or 3. even if it turns out to be something different, its still going to be some cranking shit, as i only kept a few seeds that were the very best of the best, as they were rare to aquire back then in these parts.

heres pics as of today at 10:15. 10 days from grounding and 9 1/2 days from sprouting.

Back off dude, he knows the strain based off of memory, that is why he is seeking verification. I believe you are the one who doesn't understand. So if you have nothing constructive to add please stay away.
No actually, I believe you are the one who doesn't understand.

Please read this: https://www.rollitup.org/seed-strain-reviews/417897-30ish-yr-old-columbian-gold-3.html#post5496879

You need to be blind to miss what's going on here.

Regardless, it looks like it's a healthy plant so far.


Well-Known Member
No actually, I believe you are the one who doesn't understand.

Please read this: https://www.rollitup.org/seed-strain-reviews/417897-30ish-yr-old-columbian-gold-3.html#post5496879

You need to be blind to miss what's going on here.

Regardless, it looks like it's a healthy plant so far.
yes it is healthy looking so far. as far as the rest of your statment.


move along if you have nothing usefull to add. yes im speaking to you budsicles.

i said it before. their are only 2 choices. it was black or white seed. black seed was one color white seed was the other. no way to mix them up. as you semi noted.

i cant edit my thread to reflect the actaul statement as i should of typed it out. NOW, if your can not understand that, then maybe you should delete your online accounts, sell your computer, and stick to watching tom and jerry.

choice is yours budsicles.
add usefull comments or move the fuck along.

Doesnt it even intrique you that the fucking seed sprouted after about 30 yrs? regardless of what it is.

and it IS YOU, budsicles, who dont seem to understand. i know what it is. i want to know how to PROVE IT foo.


Well-Known Member
heres a couple pics

first few are from last night. next few are from this am.

and from this am

so far so good. plant seems very healthy.

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
Just some advice, no need to post pictures every few minutes. you've gotten the seed up on it's feet, it looks fine, no mutation. It's not going to look like anything or be anything for weeks if not months. It's not going to die unless you mess up.

What everyone is reacting to is the half wits who are praising you in both threads saying things like "wow looks bomb" and "you got some dank shit!" . No, you have a seedling. That's it. It looks like a seedling. It is growing like a seedling.

Post when it does something weird, or if you have a question, or want to show development. And as much as this does have a cool factor, I'm with the more seasoned members here, it's not the lost arc or a flying saucer. Statistically, it's probably not going to be what it is in your head, or a lost strain,or the second coming of Christ. Hopefully it will be some nice smoke and a great story.


Well-Known Member
i can understand that Max. in talking with a few folks over the last few months, it seemed true old school Lumbos was a fairly rare thing. remembering the seeds, i though wtf, its worth a try, im just excited i got even one to pop considering age.

i have no pre conceptions of what it is except a seedling, and i think thats fairly evident thru my posts.
having never attempted to actually spend any time growing Canabis, im not fully sure when to expect certain things. now i know its just a seedling now, and it ll take a few weeks just to show its much else but a canabis plant. dont take away from the cool factor of the age of the seed.

would it be a major bonus if a true old school line of CG was a "golden grail" sure.
but at any rate, if it has not lost anything due to age, it ll be a killer strain to have around.