
Doing alright! How's rene? I'm getting accustomed to the time change and am sleeping pretty good now. We aren't getting a lot of down time though. The people just keep coming! I'm glad I came here though. I feel like I'm doing SOMETHING. I've missed it. :-D

hey doc where abouts are you based in japan? how bad is it over there?

as a side note i remember a conversation we had quite a while back (in a death camp thread) about expecting nothing from the government and being prepared yourself. i do have to ask now in the face of such a huge disaster (and with one of the best prepared governments in the world) does the man standing on his own ideal still stand?

i have to give you rep for going over there to help i know someone else that went there very early and tbh the reports back from her wasnt very glowing as to the governments response but she isn't trained in any way and i think no one either personally or government is in a position to be prepared for something like this
shit i got a friend who grew with a winnie the pooh bedside lamp for his first grow and his shit look way better
btw true story

hell if anyone remember growing passion 420 also know as GP420 his shit looked better if u dont remember ask a oldtimer here
nevermind heres the link funny ass thread https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/61641-my-35-day-old-mid.html

u seem like u got some of the fire knocked out of u
u should always be careful what u ask for u might get it
i guess u thought cause we r on politics thread we didnt grow boy were u so wronggggggggggggggg massive fucking FAIL

I'm not ashamed. It was my first grow and it was outdoors.:leaf:

Wait 'til this year!!:-P
I'm not ashamed. It was my first grow and it was outdoors.:leaf:

Wait 'til this year!!:-P

well if you stop being a muppet on here and spend some time learning first the you might get something worthy of being proud of but before then take your bigotry somewhere else cause you got some growing up to do
well said i already repped u so cant but that shit hit the nail right on the head :clap:
btw they should make all noobs be required to read that gp420 thread before they can post

well if you stop being a muppet on here and spend some time learning first the you might get something worthy of being proud of but before then take your bigotry somewhere else cause you got some growing up to do
look at it this way spleef if u have 0 friends and the only visitors messages u get are ones u post to yourself u might need to reevaluate what it is about u that makes people dislike u
hey doc where abouts are you based in japan? how bad is it over there?

as a side note i remember a conversation we had quite a while back (in a death camp thread) about expecting nothing from the government and being prepared yourself. i do have to ask now in the face of such a huge disaster (and with one of the best prepared governments in the world) does the man standing on his own ideal still stand?

i have to give you rep for going over there to help i know someone else that went there very early and tbh the reports back from her wasnt very glowing as to the governments response but she isn't trained in any way and i think no one either personally or government is in a position to be prepared for something like this
We are staying just outside of Niigata. The aid center I'm working at is about 10-15 miles away. There have been reports of aid packages sitting in warehouses because of the Japanese bureaucracy. It's really bad. I've never seen anything quite like it and I went down and helped out during Katrina and helped out at ground zero. That said, these people are amazing! They are getting on with their lives, going to work (those that still have work to go to). Absolutely amazing! If you remember our talk about the death camps, I was one saying I didn't believe in such nonsense. I put up an example of a "death camp" that has been circulated on the internet for several years now. I've actually been to that facility and trust me, it's no death camp. Not that it could never happen, I just don't think we're at that point. I'm an independent/libertarian but I don't believe in absolutely NO government. I believe it should be as small as possible to effect the duties normally carried out by government, disaster aid included. I'm no anarchist! I simply want to see the powers of government restrained a bit and this entitlement class to just go away. I know that is probably never going to happen but hey! We can still dream right? I've got to get ready to got to work. We've got sick and injured people to care for.:joint:
well clear your inbox since u got real people that message u lol

We are staying just outside of Niigata. The aid center I'm working at is about 10-15 miles away. There have been reports of aid packages sitting in warehouses because of the Japanese bureaucracy. It's really bad. I've never seen anything quite like it and I went down and helped out during Katrina and helped out at ground zero. That said, these people are amazing! They are getting on with their lives, going to work (those that still have work to go to). Absolutely amazing! If you remember our talk about the death camps, I was one saying I didn't believe in such nonsense. I put up an example of a "death camp" that has been circulated on the internet for several years now. I've actually been to that facility and trust me, it's no death camp. Not that it could never happen, I just don't think we're at that point. I'm an independent/libertarian but I don't believe in absolutely NO government. I believe it should be as small as possible to effect the duties normally carried out by government, disaster aid included. I'm no anarchist! I simply want to see the powers of government restrained a bit and this entitlement class to just go away. I know that is probably never going to happen but hey! We can still dream right? I've got to get ready to got to work. We've got sick and injured people to care for.:joint:
We are staying just outside of Niigata. The aid center I'm working at is about 10-15 miles away. There have been reports of aid packages sitting in warehouses because of the Japanese bureaucracy. It's really bad. I've never seen anything quite like it and I went down and helped out during Katrina and helped out at ground zero. That said, these people are amazing! They are getting on with their lives, going to work (those that still have work to go to). Absolutely amazing! If you remember our talk about the death camps, I was one saying I didn't believe in such nonsense. I put up an example of a "death camp" that has been circulated on the internet for several years now. I've actually been to that facility and trust me, it's no death camp. Not that it could never happen, I just don't think we're at that point. I'm an independent/libertarian but I don't believe in absolutely NO government. I believe it should be as small as possible to effect the duties normally carried out by government, disaster aid included. I'm no anarchist! I simply want to see the powers of government restrained a bit and this entitlement class to just go away. I know that is probably never going to happen but hey! We can still dream right? I've got to get ready to got to work. We've got sick and injured people to care for.:joint:

oh dont get me wrong you were on a similar side that i was. the death camps was a load of bollox (my view and yours) i think i put up after katrina the us government kinda needed to set up camps just incase it needed to house people. i think you then put forward that people should be prepared for themselves. never an arguement ;)

i cant realy think of any other country that could prepare better for something like this (even tho this is bigger than than anything anyone can prepare for)

again props for being someone who gets up and helps your putting the rest of us smokers to shame :clap:
shit i got a friend who grew with a winnie the pooh bedside lamp for his first grow and his shit look way better
btw true story

hell if anyone remember growing passion 420 also know as gp420 his shit looked better if u dont remember ask a oldtimer here
nevermind heres the link funny ass thread https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/61641-my-35-day-old-mid.html

u seem like u got some of the fire knocked out of u
u should always be careful what u ask for u might get it
i guess u thought cause we r on politics thread we didnt grow boy were u so wronggggggggggggggg massive fucking fail

well said i already repped u so cant but that shit hit the nail right on the head :clap:
btw they should make all noobs be required to read that gp420 thread before they can post

dont worry bout it, some people make slagging them off so easy to do ;)

dont think i ever saw the gp420 thread when i first came here have you got a link? i think the thread that got me here was mammoths V scrog thread
You guys are so funny!! It's been real and it's been fun but it ain't been real fun!

Ya'll are so easy too. I got my first bite in only a few minutes after popping up!!! SO GULLIBLE-HA HA HA HA HA!!!

See ya again, soon!
u just dont get it do u this is just entertainment for us and u really believed u did something
we knew u were a troll as evident that u cant grow and just look for trouble but if your ideal of funny is being mad a fool of mostly by yourself then u really do have a sad life

You guys are so funny!! It's been real and it's been fun but it ain't been real fun!

Ya'll are so easy too. I got my first bite in only a few minutes after popping up!!! SO GULLIBLE-HA HA HA HA HA!!!

See ya again, soon!
Oh, and by the way, Fab One, you hag, you can gargle my sack!!

As much as I'm sure you'd enjoy that think hed pass on your offer I keep him busy enough :)..now are you able to get back to the topic at hand? Don't answer that we know you aren't capable...

Thanks for the link ginjawarrior I'm gonna have to look at it my news just said something as well but I missed it
I'm not ashamed. It was my first grow and it was outdoors.:leaf:

Wait 'til this year!!:-P

wait what????

Take my word for it-I have been doing this professionally for 20 years-if you draw attention and get looked at, they will do a "lifestyle audit" and you WILL BE FUCKED. All the suggestions on here work and work well-UNTIL YOU ARE UNDER EXAMINATION. Stop and think about it-there is nothing, N O T H I N G your little weed-saturated brain can think of that these guys haven't-THEY'VE BEEN DOING IT FOR MORE THAN 200 YEARS!

My suggestion-seriously-is to bury it and then at the end, flee with it to Costa Rica. DO NOT LIVE A HIGH-ROLLER LIFESTYLE-YOU WILL BE BUSTED IF YOU DO!

20 years off profession and your at this stage? how the fuck does a muppet like you hold it together for 20 years?
They need to plant hemp all around the reactors

although it is pretty FUBAR over there it's not quite as FUBAR as you think as i said earlier since nuc accident theres been over 14000 deaths due to fossil fuels and only 1(i think(so far)) deaths from this disaster. now even if it gets so much worse in cases of deaths from radiation fossil fuels kills alot more people FACT