Aeroponic - clone problems! Please help!


Aeroponic - clone problems! Please help!

Heya bros, been having hell trying to get these clones to take off so i thought i would see if i can get some help.

Let me run down all of the conditions real quick-

First the cloner:

I am using a custom made aerocloner - roughneck 33gal rubbermaid with a 633 gph pump - built into a pvc frame with aeromist 360 sprayers ever few inches covering a total of 60 sites (they are packed in pretty damn close but every one of em is still able to get air and light).
Light is on 24hours a day, its a 600 watt MH sitting about 3 feet away.
Brita filtered tapwater from my place is around 150ppm and normally almost 9ph. I have been using spa ph down (not sure if thats ok.. perhaps there is an organic ph down i should be using?) to bring it down to 5.8
Water temp is heated (with a fish tank heater) to 75F i dont use an airstone right now... didnt see anyone else using one for standard aeromist cloners, so i didnt think it was necessary.
I have tried both with just tapwater and also with a few ppm of Clonex, cant see any diff to be honest.
Spray timers are 1 min on - 5 off.
Room temp is kept between 75F Day- 68F Night.

Now the clones:

Clones were taking from a vegging Barneys farm LSD genetics mother that is very healthy. they are instantly put into water after cutting them so no airbubbles would get in the stems. I use 5.8ph water with a few ppm of clonex for that.
They clones are in 2" net pots with neoprene insterts.
Clones are on an average of 6-8" long with all their lage fan leaves snipped in half (for space more then anything).
From day 1 they never shows signs of wilting or turning color,they always look like that are still chillin on mom.

Now the problem:

Clones will only form starting budding roots after a week or two. Nothing happens past that popint exept that they seem to turn a tiny tint brown after another week.
PH goes up from 5.8 to 6.3-6.5 in 24 hours - PPM goes UP around 5-15. :confused:

Even after 3 or 4 weeks its still the same sad story... I am at a complete loss :(
I am going to try and change the res with distilled water and see if that helps, other then that i cant think ofa damn thing as to what i am doing wrong.

Please any help at all would be amazing, thanks a ton brothers -Tatt :joint:

As a final note i can throw some pics in if there is a need for em, though i think i pretty much covered everything. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Brita filtered tapwater from my place is around 150ppm and normally almost 9ph.
From your PH it sounds like your water may be loaded with sodium from the Brita filter. Check the bottle of Spa PH-down to see if it contains sodium bisulfate.


Well-Known Member
I use the same type system as you for cloning. I use tap water 500-700 PPM chlorine and all. Just straight from the tap no PH no nothing. I don't want them trying to take nutes, I want them to grow roots to search for it. So PH is 8 something.

Next the lighting can't be so much because they will start to try to grow versus develop roots. They don't have a root system, trying to develop new growth is very bad.

Last I run my EcoPlus 396 24 hours a day to up the water temp a little. Keeps things wet and they root quicker.

After I see 4 to 6 inches of roots I move them over to some low PPM 400-500 is my starting number.


Thanks for the replies bros :bigjoint:

Nah rusty i don't use a dome or anything, the build is pretty much straight from Stinkybud, just have a lot more sites then his. My plants don't wilt so i havnt seen a need to mist.

Not sure if my Ph-down has sodium bi sulfate.. it doesn't list :wall: deff time to get new ph down/up. Though i have noticed what appears to be sodium on the tops of the neoprene inserts (white powdery and not mold). it washes off with no problem but it did have me wondering.

I will try with the sprayers set to 24hrs. I had always heard they needed the dry as well as wet to root. :confused:

The reason they are under a 600watt light is because i just have them to the side of my mothers - ill try moving them further away. And yea the have been growing new topside growth with a total lack of proper roots, thats what had me so confused. :oops:

Ill try switching over to distilled water, moving them further from the light and turn the timer to 24hrs. thanks a ton brothers :bigjoint:

Yo is 75F ok for the water to be? i should i opt for a bit cooler.

Thanks again -Tatt :joint:


Well-Known Member
75 should be ok for cloning it is always what I run too, but I don't put anything in it so it is hard for it to funk up on me.


Active Member
Aeroponic - clone problems! Please help!

Heya bros, been having hell trying to get these clones to take off so i thought i would see if i can get some help.

Let me run down all of the conditions real quick-

First the cloner:

I am using a custom made aerocloner - roughneck 33gal rubbermaid with a 633 gph pump - built into a pvc frame with aeromist 360 sprayers ever few inches covering a total of 60 sites (they are packed in pretty damn close but every one of em is still able to get air and light).
Light is on 24hours a day, its a 600 watt MH sitting about 3 feet away.
Brita filtered tapwater from my place is around 150ppm and normally almost 9ph. I have been using spa ph down (not sure if thats ok.. perhaps there is an organic ph down i should be using?) to bring it down to 5.8
Water temp is heated (with a fish tank heater) to 75F i dont use an airstone right now... didnt see anyone else using one for standard aeromist cloners, so i didnt think it was necessary.
I have tried both with just tapwater and also with a few ppm of Clonex, cant see any diff to be honest.
Spray timers are 1 min on - 5 off.
Room temp is kept between 75F Day- 68F Night.

Now the clones:

Clones were taking from a vegging Barneys farm LSD genetics mother that is very healthy. they are instantly put into water after cutting them so no airbubbles would get in the stems. I use 5.8ph water with a few ppm of clonex for that.
They clones are in 2" net pots with neoprene insterts.
Clones are on an average of 6-8" long with all their lage fan leaves snipped in half (for space more then anything).
From day 1 they never shows signs of wilting or turning color,they always look like that are still chillin on mom.

Now the problem:

Clones will only form starting budding roots after a week or two. Nothing happens past that popint exept that they seem to turn a tiny tint brown after another week.
PH goes up from 5.8 to 6.3-6.5 in 24 hours - PPM goes UP around 5-15. :confused:

Even after 3 or 4 weeks its still the same sad story... I am at a complete loss :(
I am going to try and change the res with distilled water and see if that helps, other then that i cant think ofa damn thing as to what i am doing wrong.

Please any help at all would be amazing, thanks a ton brothers -Tatt :joint:

As a final note i can throw some pics in if there is a need for em, though i think i pretty much covered everything. :peace:
use tap water ph it to around 7 ish and a little clonex solution ( adding any nutes will bring your ph down some) and most of all use a big air stone clones need it... this works super for me, take care man


Well-Known Member
Cloner doesn't need an airstone if the water is raining right down onto the surface anyway, airstones are pointless extra things to clean. Bullshit called on the airstone, I run without it no problems.


Well-Known Member
I'm also having probs with aeroponic cloning.

PH 6.4 water, 5-6" cuttings, rooting gel, superthrive and hydro cloning solution, humidity dome. Foliar feed several times per day with big bloom spray. Temp of space is 70-74 with T5's. I do not know my res temps and I do not use a timer for spraying, its constant. Its been a week and no action just yellowing of the leaves.




Well-Known Member
Working to hard!

Agree with above posts straight tap water this is the key after clone gel, and keep the water temp around 80. Add a little more tap water every few days because the clorine is important. It keeps down bacteria and alg growth leading to rot which is devistating to cuttlings. Only after I see new root growth do I add clonex solution and ph the water, which is about 4-6 days, or else one is just feeding nutes to other living things in the water. Root growth is important before feeding!


Well-Known Member
Cool thanks. I actually added 1 drop of bleach to the reservoir today. I've been adding fresh water to the resovoir every couple days from some leakage I've been getting in the res from the sprayers. I am going to continue to use big bloom spray and cut out everything else except a few drops of superthrive and rooting gel until I see roots pop. I figured a little foliar P wouldn't hurt to encourage root growth. I'm going to change the water out tomorrow which will be 1 week without any G.D. roots. It should be so damn simple! lol


Well-Known Member
I use a 500gph pump, a 23watt cfl, and straight tap water no ph adjusting/etc. Roots in about 10 days. I've also used the same water for over a month before. Its easier than it looks. I think you're biggest issue might be the 600mh.


Well-Known Member
I use a 500gph pump, a 23watt cfl, and straight tap water no ph adjusting/etc. Roots in about 10 days. I've also used the same water for over a month before. Its easier than it looks. I think you're biggest issue might be the 600mh.
waaaaayyyy too much light. I give mine a dry period too; 15 on 15 off.i still think the dry periods promote faster root sprouting by making the plant seek the moisture between sprayings. that's been my experience with it & I've done it both ways. a couple of 17 watt flouro tubes from wal mart would do ya way better i think.


Active Member
First thing that sticks out to me is a 600w MH 3 feet away from babies.......... also when cloning you want the ph a bit higher than when you veg. 6.3 to 6.5 is where I keep it for clones. How warm is the water your spraying them with. With clones you want the water a few degrees warmer than usual. As far as the spraying them goes I have no experience with it. I use rockwool over a resvoir with bubbles flinging water at the rockwool. Can't remember the last clone I had die or stunt.


Well-Known Member
I think some of you are addressing the old poster. I took off with his post from 2010 since it was already created. Like I said, I'm using T5's and they are a good foot away. I also have PH balanced water at 6.4, they will be going into soil. I think I may try the timer, that's kind of what I was wondering.


Well-Known Member
Also get a aquarium tank heater and set it at about 80 the warm water allows for a faster cellular metobalic rate, and that is a way to increase root devlopment speed.


Well-Known Member
i went on the web and downloaded the ezclone instruction manual because the guy who created it explains how he gets roots in 7 days check it out it will prably help

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Cool thanks. I actually added 1 drop of bleach to the reservoir today. I've been adding fresh water to the resovoir every couple days from some leakage I've been getting in the res from the sprayers. I am going to continue to use big bloom spray and cut out everything else except a few drops of superthrive and rooting gel until I see roots pop. I figured a little foliar P wouldn't hurt to encourage root growth. I'm going to change the water out tomorrow which will be 1 week without any G.D. roots. It should be so damn simple! lol
bleach is bad for plants. this is not the best idea. one drop and im sure you will be fine but dam buy yourself some h202 for your rez if you are worried about the funk. check out its a fuct world by al b. for rez maintenance procedures. he however does not use aerocloners hes die hard rockwool. so asking him questions about aerocloners specifically prob. will get little response but there is a-lot of good info on there about plant/rez maintenance
good luck


Well-Known Member
bleach is bad for plants. this is not the best idea. one drop and im sure you will be fine but dam buy yourself some h202 for your rez if you are worried about the funk. check out its a fuct world by al b. for rez maintenance procedures. he however does not use aerocloners hes die hard rockwool. so asking him questions about aerocloners specifically prob. will get little response but there is a-lot of good info on there about plant/rez maintenance
good luck

Thanks everyone! Al knows his shit doesn't he Joe? Too bad he's not active in the forum any longer but I've learned a lot from reading his threads.