The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
morning happy campers, i caught two brown trout yesterday soim in a fuckin great mood, first fishin this season, on one of the hardest lochs in scotland, WHO'S THE MAN!!!!! also just had a big fat line and jist waitin to the pub opens....on the down side it took me 4 fuckin shot tae sniff the line coz ma hooter is in such a good mood ah mite just start a fight later! fuckin wild brown trout, hardest fish tae catch in the country and ah got two!!!!oh am so pleased wi masel. on the maggot wi two singles on a low weight shot pelet, heavy ground non fishers this wont make sense, slow river feeding into big loch water depth less than 2 foot, now thats class!!


Well-Known Member
That isny fishing. True fishing is with the fly. Lol. Well done m8. Good fight off a wild brown trout. Hope u werent using 20lb line and 13ft rod coz that would upset me. Lol


Well-Known Member
4 lb gut size 6 hooks, 9'rod. too early for the fly yet, anither 3 weeks or so, nae flies on the loch surface mate

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Last time i was out on a lake it was 2am and i was far too drunk to operate the oars in any kind of productive fashion. I'd love to get out fishing sometime this year.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
morning happy campers, i caught two brown trout yesterday soim in a fuckin great mood, first fishin this season, on one of the hardest lochs in scotland, WHO'S THE MAN!!!!! also just had a big fat line and jist waitin to the pub opens....on the down side it took me 4 fuckin shot tae sniff the line coz ma hooter is in such a good mood ah mite just start a fight later! fuckin wild brown trout, hardest fish tae catch in the country and ah got two!!!!oh am so pleased wi masel. on the maggot wi two singles on a low weight shot pelet, heavy ground non fishers this wont make sense, slow river feeding into big loch water depth less than 2 foot, now thats class!!
Light tackle, thats the best way. End of May I start going
*cough cough* out of season for me but i suppose u lads "dunne give a fuck" lol i use light tackle down the local river freeline lunchen meat, no trout but a few barbel (one of the strongest fighting river fish) chub, very occasional river carp and its only 2 ft deep crystal clear. nothing bigger than 5lb in the bits i fish but its a good laugh as theres loads of snags and the river isnt wide.


Well-Known Member
*cough cough* out of season for me but i suppose u lads "dunne give a fuck" lol i use light tackle down the local river freeline lunchen meat, no trout but a few barbel (one of the strongest fighting river fish) chub, very occasional river carp and its only 2 ft deep crystal clear. nothing bigger than 5lb in the bits i fish but its a good laugh as theres loads of snags and the river isnt wide.
Season starts March 15th up here las. Caught barbel on the fly before and is second best fighting fish i have caught. Joint first is salmon and bone fish i caught in the caribean


Well-Known Member
try pulling in a 350lb blue marlin, took me 2.5 hours lolz

also i once caught an albatross - that was weird...

Season starts March 15th up here las. Caught barbel on the fly before and is second best fighting fish i have caught. Joint first is salmon and bone fish i caught in the caribean

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
lucky buggers lol its june 16th down here i think :( i suppose i should of realised that salmon and trout are a bit different to the fishing i do lol

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
There is also a bylaw in scotland whereas you can fish any river for brown trout for free
thats good most of the places i go i have 2 jump over the fence kinda thing, shouldnt really be there. do u eat ur fish lads or put em back? u cant eat the fish down here and theres a sewage works about 10-15 mile upstream so even if there was trout i wouldnt eat them lol

las fingerez

Well-Known Member

a little bigger than that but its more a night time thing for the bigger ones :)

Thought i better include this, to much talk of fishing could get boring for some if they dont like it lol

Hope u've all had a good weekend?

Las :leaf:

edit - perpetual thats why it looks so random lmao ;)


Well-Known Member
14 out of 16 of the ak48 have popped. Putting them in rockwool tonight and under 24hrs of light for 1st week,then 12/12. Hopefully i get good results


Active Member
im so fucking happy one of my 5 barneys PINEAPPLE CHUNK has finallly popped out of its shell!! its bin ova a week since i started to germinated the lil fucker!!!lol well chuffed!!


Well-Known Member
Hi guys a little question for ya all?

I put my BB blue cheese seeds in a cup of water last night theyd sunk this morn so ive put them in my root riot cubes do i need my light on yet??? or should a leave in dark till i see theyve broke the surfice??? both seeds had cracked a little before i put them in the cubes, there in the airin cupboard at min(in dark) its to cold in my grow room for them with no lights on
Also as this is my 1st time usin the root riots any tips on waterin an stuff would help a million cheers!!


Well-Known Member
Hi guys a little question for ya all?

I put my BB blue cheese seeds in a cup of water last night theyd sunk this morn so ive put them in my root riot cubes do i need my light on yet??? or should a leave in dark till i see theyve broke the surfice??? both seeds had cracked a little before i put them in the cubes, there in the airin cupboard at min(in dark) its to cold in my grow room for them with no lights on
Also as this is my 1st time usin the root riots any tips on waterin an stuff would help a million cheers!!
dont think it matters mate, they are on auto pilot with or without......