Welcome To Gaza: The WoW Journey Uncut!

Good on you brother ... Save some brain cells !!
And stay hydrated !

It is at times like these that I wish to live in California.

It is now 7:20 Pacific Time.

Departure is now.

See you folks soon.

I can't wait to see all the new stories in RIU. And oh yeah plenty of new pictures and stories will be presented on my return :D

Farewell Acrobats :D
The fun may have drowned. I'm back but may return. I know, odd! But I don't like sitting on loose ends. Something internally went wrong and I'm back at my office. Very sad. But its early and my travelling may not end here.

Weed brownied and in whole edilbles were good. Got me real baked before entering the desert party. Chilly factors... mini sand storms were occuring... and slight drizzle.... but that didn't keep my feet off the dancefloor. Based upon my crazy, almost ADHD factors.... I might just go back.... it a 2 hour trip. But what the hey.... my girlfriend really killed the spirit, but I"m determined to go back and rectify whatever it was that caused this wound.

Mind you I was driving on 4 edible weed brownies..... man, too much! Blurry signals across the horizon!
Brother .... u got to know when to fold them !
Don't get hurt !
Moon is out ... crazy night.
S all.
Please stay safe and have fun.


I, myself am on the way to the convenience store on two wows, to get some papers to roll with.
Wish me luck ... shit is slowly hitting the fan now !


Wish me luck so I get back !
I know.

I was staring the moon down, like no tomorrow. I saw it. Even thought it was partially cloudy. They call it Moontribe for a reason :D

Ah, only time will tell if the road widen's up and lets me speak foreign to it :D
The fun may have drowned. I'm back but may return. I know, odd! But I don't like sitting on loose ends. Something internally went wrong and I'm back at my office. Very sad. But its early and my travelling may not end here.

Weed brownied and in whole edilbles were good. Got me real baked before entering the desert party. Chilly factors... mini sand storms were occuring... and slight drizzle.... but that didn't keep my feet off the dancefloor. Based upon my crazy, almost ADHD factors.... I might just go back.... it a 2 hour trip. But what the hey.... my girlfriend really killed the spirit, but I"m determined to go back and rectify whatever it was that caused this wound.

Mind you I was driving on 4 edible weed brownies..... man, too much! Blurry signals across the horizon!
Brother .... u got to know when to fold them !
Don't get hurt !
Moon is out ... crazy night.
S all.
Please stay safe and have fun.


I, myself am on the way to the convenience store on two wows, to get some papers to roll with.
Wish me luck ... shit is slowly hitting the fan now !


Wish me luck so I get back !

Definitely need to know when to foldem. As me being a somewhat aspiring professional poker player. Its key to fold em when your ahead. But I'm not. The fused ended way to shortly. I paid for 120 bucks worth of molly and my friend has it in the desert.... how fucked up is that. It may be a repulsive factor but I cannot let it go!
Definitely need to know when to foldem. As me beign a somewhat aspiring professional poker player. Its key to fold em when your ahead. But I'm not. The fused ended way to shortly. I paid for 120 bucks worth of molly and my friend has it in the desert.... how fucked up is that. It may be a repulsive factor but I cannot let it go!
Get your fucking molly back!!!!!!!
I don't see how this can be unclear. Its painted on your pants so claerly. Come on mate, level with me. My patience is like a ticking time bomb. Mother Nature deceived me today; or therwise I was misled by my hopes!
You're right. I'm sorry. The pants I'm wearing have paint so claerly visible I'm just a fool. Oh. Wait... Shit. I AM NOT WEARING ANY PANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGH!!!
I have read somewhere ... perhaps have seen it on TV ... that all in Cali had their drug dealer on redial ?
Was I misled ?

I will. MY best bud has it. But my mood is swallowed by deep remorse. I need a boost now. No problem of ever getting it back. But to get it now.... will take two hours... and many bumpy roads. So I'll sustain and let my wishes die down for another day. I bet the other days will be much better. Rage is still in me... and it takes a lot to get me pissed off. Imagine that!