Homer's 2nd Cfl Grow: Amnesia Haze x G13 and Blue Cream (Pics and +Reps)


Well-Known Member
damn homer lookin good bro for sure.. Going to be putting a new thread up tonight or tomorrow still gotta few things I need to do to my pc case to get it ready for mothers and clones and the uhaul box is finished...

King Blunt

Well-Known Member
Homer your girls look damn good bro. Nice job. Pretty soon they're gonna get fat. I love my girls fat haha. And my Blue Mystic is slowly starting to turn around :) I really learned to be easy on nutes and everything you give your plants. Nice job, especially with those pics. Happy toking my brotha. Peace and lots of respect man.


Well-Known Member
Beautiful!!! You are doing a wonderful job!! Gonna have to break down and invest in a "hat" for the next one!!!
thanks smokey!! i totally recommend the hats bro, and for $1 you can't go wrong. right now the hat is stabilizing the buds, keeping shit in order :)

WoW!! very nice man!!!!!!
thanks cd! things are looking up again.

Damn, that shit looks incredible. Have you found any amber trichs yet?
thanks dk! i'll be posting a couple trich pics yet. there are a couple scattered amber trichs but the vast majority are clear... maybe 20-30% cloudy. it's actually very hard to tell, but if dates mean anything, these girls are under 6 weeks of 12/12 so they definitely need at least 2-4 more weeks, especially amnesia which is supposed to have a 10-11 flower time...

O yea that sounds about right
they should be really swelling within the next 2-3 weeks then
i hope so kush, i hope so! i'll be much more careful with feeding and watering from now on. i think the damage done last weekend was a combination of over-nuting plus over-drying. won't be doing that again!

hell yeah... been a second since i stopped by, by wtf, they look great homie.. knew you would learn alot from your first grow...
good to see you micro! i have learned a lot, but also probably forgotten quite a bit ;) . still so much to learn man. i just stopped at a hydro store today and the guy was giving me tips, i could tell he is a "master grower"... some day... haha...

damn homer lookin good bro for sure.. Going to be putting a new thread up tonight or tomorrow still gotta few things I need to do to my pc case to get it ready for mothers and clones and the uhaul box is finished...
thanks monk! appreciate the drop in bro. can't wait to see your thread and what you can do with a uhaul box lol, feel free to post the link here when it's up!

Homer your girls look damn good bro. Nice job. Pretty soon they're gonna get fat. I love my girls fat haha. And my Blue Mystic is slowly starting to turn around :) I really learned to be easy on nutes and everything you give your plants. Nice job, especially with those pics. Happy toking my brotha. Peace and lots of respect man.
thanks blunt! definitely moderation is key, especially when it comes to nutes and watering. very glad to hear your plants are turning around brother, will be checking out your thread soon. +rep for the rescue!


Well-Known Member
looking forward to more pictures. your ladies are beautiful.
thanks kether, appreciate the kind words bro. i'll post the pics tomorrow (friday). too tired tonight, plus thursday is for stoney's girl (i wish i had stoney's girlllll)

Yo homer just posted up the new thread bro.. Links in sig bongsmilie
i'm subbed up already brotha. can't wait to see what you cook up in that uhaul :)


Well-Known Member
hey boys & girls,

these pics are from yesterday -- didn't wanna step on stoneyluv's toes and overload everyone with thursday pics... so i'm posting them now.

both girls are recovering pretty well from the burn and drought of last weekend. amnesia is looking really good, and blue cream has lost a lot of fan leaves but is looking (and smelling) better each day.

enjoy and happy friday to my bro's and sis's!

amnesia (check out the trich pic on her -- it's my best trich pic ever, if i do say so myself, and you can tell most of them are still clear)

blue cream:


blue cream:


Well-Known Member
Lovin the trich close-ups. I'll rep you up as soon as I'm allowed to again.
thanks DK, i keep taking those shots so i can tell by the pics when they're turning cloudy. my goal is to chop when they're mostly cloudy with a hint of clear and a hint of amber (if it works out that way). should be 3-5 more weeks :)

Damn bro you could be making magazine photos here..lol. Great Job!
thanks arch! couldn't've done it without the micro.grower loupe technique, now known as MVHV. but if any of us is making mag pics, it's gotta be stoneyluv, hands down.


Well-Known Member
I think you need to work on your potency, barely see any triches.

JK man Holy SHIT. those are some long triches man. Little shrooms.

+rep if i can


Well-Known Member
wow!!!!!! i think i just stepped on my tongue!!!! That is an extreme close up!!!! that bud shot of blue cream looks sooooo beautiful!!! outstanding photography!!!! I can't say enough about how nice they look!!!

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
hey boys & girls,

these pics are from yesterday -- didn't wanna step on stoneyluv's toes and overload everyone with thursday pics... so i'm posting them now.

both girls are recovering pretty well from the burn and drought of last weekend. amnesia is looking really good, and blue cream has lost a lot of fan leaves but is looking (and smelling) better each day.

enjoy and happy friday to my bro's and sis's!

amnesia (check out the trich pic on her -- it's my best trich pic ever, if i do say so myself, and you can tell most of them are still clear)
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blue cream:
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blue cream:
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hell yeah bro, very nice, those close ups, wow!! so cool.


Well-Known Member
lol.. mvhv? i gotta know what this stands for... dude... i feel like your the student passing up his teacher (barely... lol) with that loupe homie... u make me proud daniel son... lol... anyways.. lookin great man... i know your a slow smoker... which helps out alot growing out some sativas, but man, i dont thin i could have the patience to grow 11-12 week strains... your the man homer... 8)


Well-Known Member
btw, what magnification is your loop? mines at 16x... i think i may have to upgrade soon... for serious though mane...


Well-Known Member
I think you need to work on your potency, barely see any triches.

JK man Holy SHIT. those are some long triches man. Little shrooms.

+rep if i can
haha you had me there for a split second, i was like WHA? i gotta increase potency?? haha. thanks bro, i love those little shrooms :)

lookin good homer... bongsmilie
thanks monk! takin it a day at a time, you know how it goes.

wow!!!!!! i think i just stepped on my tongue!!!! That is an extreme close up!!!! that bud shot of blue cream looks sooooo beautiful!!! outstanding photography!!!! I can't say enough about how nice they look!!!
thanks man, means a lot coming from the photography master himself! i'm stoked that the plants seem to be recovering from their terrible state about 5 days ago, so it's hopefully smooth sailing from here. gotta do another greencure treatment tomorrow though, just some early signs of the return of PM :/

Thats friken amazing! Maaaaan, everytime i try to do somethin cool u guys are doin,u do somethin even cooler!hahaha good job homie.
haha, thanks bro, you just gotta keep at it, steady hand, steady loupe :)

hell yeah bro, very nice, those close ups, wow!! so cool.
thanks cd, appreciate that bro. i wanna see some closeups of grassy and blade... when are those coming bro? you got some fat budz in that box!

lol.. mvhv? i gotta know what this stands for... dude... i feel like your the student passing up his teacher (barely... lol) with that loupe homie... u make me proud daniel son... lol... anyways.. lookin great man... i know your a slow smoker... which helps out alot growing out some sativas, but man, i dont thin i could have the patience to grow 11-12 week strains... your the man homer... 8)
btw, what magnification is your loop? mines at 16x... i think i may have to upgrade soon... for serious though mane...
hahaha man, i'm glad you asked. MVHV stands for micro-via-homer-vision... i think stoneyluv wanted to call my shots homer-vision but i insisted you be credited for the technique! so there you have it, mr miyagi! haha, so it's partially that i'm patient, partially that work interferes with smoke, you know? can you believe that i still have a few grams of each of my first harvest girls? still tasting great after about a 5 month cure!! wax on wax off, micro miyagi!

p.s. my loupe is 15x -- well, actually it's three loupes, each 5x, stacked one on top of each other, makes it 15x. got the 3-lens loupe at radioshax for $10.


Well-Known Member
hell yeah.. i just have a single 16x... thanks for the recognition...i never thought aboutstacking, i may have to use a loop and a mag glass...
holy shit, you still have bud left and you grew half of what i grew... imma try to rep you for that one... my work allows me to smoke at work all day long... so i go thrugh bud pretty fast... i might have to get a normal job to save on bud... lol...


Well-Known Member
that's cool micro. i'm sure a 16x is better than 3 times 5x, partly because you get a reduced field of view by stacking up the lenses. and if the three lenses are misaligned even slightly, then you're really fukked, only the center of the shot will be in focus... where'd you get the 16x one? that sounds perfect for trich inspection... and dude, i wish i could smoke at work. it would be worth the extra bud i'd have to get haha. half the time i can't even smoke *after* work because work follows me home... ah, but i can't really complain though, i get to grow my own weeds, share the experience with some awesome peeps here on this site, life is not so bad :) . take it easy master.