White Widow - Three Days Dark to produce extra frost?

Haha np I'm it's an interesting subject. From what I've read I think that a longer period of daylight followed by the prolonged period of darkness, maybe 48 hours, may very possibly up the thc of your buds. Also from the readings though, it looks like there is definately a point at which the thc content will start to decrease or "recycle itsself."
Are there any visiual clues that THC is recycling itself? ie, how would you know where the tipping point is? Do trichomes lose their cloudiness turn more amber, shrink in size, or is the smoke just less potent?
I don't know about recycling but degrading is easy to see and that surely has the biggest effect on harvest potency!!!
And if studies are correct why not just pick it in or after a day of dark it surely is not gonna hurt anything!
So the most important thing to look for is tricome clarity vs tricome growth!
Man there are some bold theory's going on here.

I have never heard about THC "recycling" its self, care to enlighten me.

I never knew THC cared so much about the environment, LOL.

Degrading has too due with the stage the THC is. It goes Clear, cloudy, and then amber. I cant think of any correlation between THC degrading and it being done with that 48hr darkness period.

Its pretty simple, THC is their to protect the seeds from the UV waves in the light. Sunlight destroys THC, therefore THC production takes place at night. So leaving it in darkness for a few days before harvest will lead to a peak in THC. Thats why you are supposed to harvest right before your lights come on.

So its up too you to identify when you think the plant is done pumping, IMO just do 72 and chop it, no need to get crazy with it. Some people just harvest in the morning and skip that darkness period, I dont let my plants sit in darkness because they are extremely dank either way. I doubt anyone could even tell the difference between a side by side test of the same strain one that was chopped in the morning and another that was left under 48hrs darkness.
Ok...so...who the hell said anything about 48 hrs dark, other than you? Perhaps you should first try reading the thread before commenting on it. You are your own contradiction. In one sentence you say "I never knew THC cared so much about the environment", lol. And in another you say, "so leaving it in total darkness for a few days before harvest will lead to peak THC". Well, which is it? And btw, you're supposed to harvest just before lights on, so the plant does not begin to take up nutes, as this can cause harshness in the smoke.
So what about Corona and Miller Genuine Draft?

Despite the occasional introduction of civet feces (no joke) or other eccentric ingredients, beer is an essentially simple product, typically made from water, malted grains, yeast, and hops. These seemingly uncomplicated fixings give rise to more than 600 volatile compounds, with chemical reactions continuing the entire time the beer ages.

As with most chemical reactions, heat speeds them up, as can the energy in light. Some of these reactions can yield a mellower flavor. Too much light, however, and your brew may be "lightstruck," meaning you get skunky beer.

The first reference to lightstruck beer dates from 1875, but the cause was unknown until the late 20th century. The culprit: hops. You may ask: what are hops, anyway? I confess to being a little vague on the subject myself.

Hops are the conelike flowers of the climbing plant Humulus lupulus, used for its bitter flavor. When light reacts with certain hop-derived compounds, it creates a variety of unpleasant-smelling and -tasting chemicals, the biggie being 3-methyl-2-butene-1-thiol, or MBT.

There are several ways to prevent beer from becoming lightstruck: brew it without hops, use light-resistant hop extract, or add antioxidants. Since all these things affect taste, though, most brewers prefer to simply keep the beer away from light.

I am so pissed off right now! Not at you tho...it's not your fault, you're just an idiot. I'm pissed because I can't believe the govt. has been spending my hard earned taxes on computers and internet access for mental hospitals.
Next time you get so upset, just relax and have a nice warm dish of oatmeal, and watch Judge Judy with the others.
Remember when they lock you door at night, it's for your own safety.

Always flush a plant before harvesting in prelight hours.

You contradicting yourself, you say "they lock your door at night" but I wrote these things at night.

So what is your flushing method bro?
Hey but at least u tried to prove me wrong, other than dumbass who just ignored everything and tucked his tail in defeat resulting to insults again.
Miller uses hop oils with the compounds removed that create that skunky aroma when UV light reaches the alpha acids. That's how they can get away with clear bottles and no skunk. Corona does not, and neither do green bottles from Europe that are treated poorly in transit. Rolling Rock, Heineken, bitburger, can all be skunky. I already knew this, but nice cut and paste ;).
You contradicting yourself, you say "they lock your door at night" but I wrote these things at night.

So what is your flushing method bro?
I pull the handle, watch you circle the bowl, & away you goooooooo, bro

I hope you enjoyed spending time with my mom, as she is not one of my favorite peeps, pm me & I'll give you directions to my ex wife's house. You two desrve each other
It's pointless to argue with types like you - life is too short so this will be my last response to your antagonistic rants. Say whatever you want, I don't care, knock yourself out, hope it makes you feel better.
Miller uses hop oils with the compounds removed that create that skunky aroma when UV light reaches the alpha acids. That's how they can get away with clear bottles and no skunk. Corona does not, and neither do green bottles from Europe that are treated poorly in transit. Rolling Rock, Heineken, bitburger, can all be skunky. I already knew this, but nice cut and paste ;).

I provided the source.
I will be harvesting at another grow site soon. Hopefully by then I'll have a new camera so I can post my results. More Sativa strains this time, like Train Wreck, Sour Disel, and, a new strain to me, called Blue Dot (popular in Bay Area Dispensaries). I'll begin flush in a couple of weeks, so stay tuned...
...the source of your cut and paste? ;)

Yea, I mean does it even matter, I stated it before my cut and past in another post. And it was there before I even posted it, i dont know what your getting at, out of all the points I made that one is really insignificant because it was used along with many others.

But thanks.

I mean do you want a fuckin cookie for nameing two beers out of thousands and thousands of beers? Give me a break.
Next time dont go around slandering people JackLarson, you couldn't even handle yourself.

Im done with this worthless ass thread, I did what i had to do.
I mixed whole milk with low fat, and when I stuck my cookie in it,.............. the sh*t exploded- Richard Pryor (on fire)
Chocolate chip please. And could you make sure you don't expose it to the sun? I don't want my cookie to explode ;)

Well why would it explode? Thats a pretty silly thing to say, but silly seems to be the them in this failure of a thread. I left your cookie i the sun and it melted, its on the way in the mail regardless. Good job, you failed to do a single thing but repeat what I had already posted, and accuse me of copy and pasting even though a source was there.

Great job.