Slow growth after first true set of leaves?

Hello, was curious if this was a normal occurrence for the above ground growth to slow (nearly stop) after the first set of true leaves are in. I can see the second set starting to emerge but they have changed very little in the past 2-3 days and I'm concerned about their health (though they are bright green and look very healthy). These guys are about 7-8 days old and at first I thought I was being impatient since it's my first try. However, after seeing little change in 3 days, I'm starting to think the plants aren't receiving something they need.

I checked my pH and it was a bit high so it's been lowered since yesterday. Not much notable change yet though. I'm using 7x23watt 6500k CFLs over 6 sprouts. All are sprouted and at about the same stage (one set of true leave and an emerging second set). Temperature ranges from 78-80F but theres only 40% humidity, I've read the humidity shouldn't be a huge deal since I mist them a few times a day. They are still in Solo cups and I've been considering a transplant but not sure if I was being impatient. I checked the roots on one of the plants and there's a good amount on the bottom (not so much root growth to the sides). Unfortunately, the soil I'm using is horrible and I know this already (MG Organic with time released nitrogen). I mixed it with about 20% perlite. When I purchased the soil, I didn't know what I was doing :wall:.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
Good advice. :) I'll give it a couple days then see if it has made any progress. No need to transplant from Solo cups this early right? I figure at least a few sets of leaves before I do that


I've gotta keep an eye on this thread, similar problems cropping up for me. Plus knowing when to transplant is a bitch :-(


Well-Known Member
Yea, when they pop they are like off and running but then they look to be slowing down but they are not.
The root system is just catching up. Seems to stall them but once it does catch up, away you go! Just be patient and don't over water them. If its cool this time of year be sure to keep the soil warm, like 70° or so.
Going to wait a couple days, give them some time, then my plan is to transplant from this horrible MG Organic to FoxFarm Ocean Forest. What is the best way to do this? Is this a bad idea to transplant to a different soil and what issues can I expect to encounter if I do this?


Well-Known Member
Well, as you know by now that MG Organic has both available nutrients and what they call time release nutrients.
Time released nutrients are released when you water. Makes it tough to flush a plant cause you add water and more nutes are released.

What I would do is get a towel and cover the top of the pot to keep the soil from sticking to the bottom the leaves, turn it over and take off the pot, then instead of planting the whole thing I would break off the soil some, remove about half and gently plant that in the FF water once real good and go from there. In a week or so the roots will pass the MG and you shouldn't have any problems.
This is just bagseed anyways so I am only holding on to the healthiest looking ones just as an experiment. This is my first time doing this so definitely a learning process... I took a look at the roots on of the other plants i decided to sacrifice and realized my problem. Early on, my cfls were too far and I had some degree of stretching. I buried the stem up to just below the round leaves. For some reason, the roots havent grown from that stem.

Picking up some Foxfarm soil this week and starting again. not killing off all these guys yet though, going to watch them still for a couple days


Well-Known Member
vegitative growth dosnt begin untill the fifth set of leaves is visable. once they hit that they take off like crazy.
I can see why overwatering and stuff is so common among first time growers. It's so hard to just let your little girls be, always want to interfere in the smallest things. I've learned a lot so far (my girls still havent really grown though), and I feel like next time will be much better. Can't wait to start up a couple new girls and see how much better it goes without trying to micromanage everything


Well-Known Member
i cant keep enough water in mine. i cant wait to get them out of solo cups. never again will i start plants in solo cups.
Well growth definitely picked up. Others look great but what the hell is wrong with this one?

lol I havent watered her in a while because of the way she looks, I assumed I was overwatering like a typical newbie. Shes still growing its just so droopy. Was also thinking maybe rootbound but shes still so tiny, I didn't think that would be an issue (however the transplanted ones aren't having this problem). Doesn't seem typical of nutrient burn which is probably going to happen to my plants anyways from shitty MG soil.

This whole thing is just an experiment though. And its bagseed so no worries, but I feel so sad for the little thing.

