Ways to make money for pot?


Well-Known Member
I went from being un-employed to working 2 jobs, one for money money, the other, part time for weed money. Under the table every friday paid for a nice sack.


Well-Known Member
rob your moms tv and sell it for coke......... oh forgot to mention cook the coke and you will have a crack and well you can do whatever you want with that

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
lol, the first things you thought were Um, it's not bank bustingly addictive like say crack, either grow it or get a better job, you're hardly gonna be breaking through shop windows to secure your next dime bag.

cheeze me

Well-Known Member
What happened to studying, working hard and earning your way to money. There is no short route out.......unless you have filthy rich parents which I'm sure some of you do lol


New Member
hey hey we need burger flippers in the world too..

on a sad note I was in the same boat as you.. well not getting money for weed but getting the weed and decent stuff itself. Now I throw more away then I used to buy, sit down learn to grow its not that hard specially soil. It will cost you less for a seed, dirt, pot, some nutes then your last buy. Just takes time and effort.


Well-Known Member
I hear offering anal services in airport bathrooms is a great way to make money.


Undercover Mod
Have you checked in with your local pimp about posting up on a corner? lol jk

anyways grow your own and save money.