
The Nuclear Disaster level has gone from 4 to 6 now.. Chernobyl was a 7..

Holy cow..

The clouds are vaporized plutonium. Man I just can imagine having to deal with such a thing.. My heart goes out for those people.

Donate to the red cross folks!
None of your info says the fallout map is a Hoax, because a hoax is a deliberate attempt to deceive. It might be wrong to some degree, it might not. I highly doubt any government agency will ever paint any picture that isn't the rosiest it can possible be, so I would throw out anything the Government says, they are wrong 99.9999999999999999999999999999% of the time anyway. Now you have no evidence for your side whatsoever, now what you gonna do?

visit the source of the supposed image...that's what...

Japanese television is giving instructions on how to protect yourself from radiation poisoning. They have found radiation in the ground water 40 miles from the damaged reactors. Poor Japan. :-(
dont go doc
i know u feel u need to
but your family and friends need u

I've volunteered to go over to Japan. I've never been and this is certainly not the way I had envisioned my first trip to the Empire of the Sun. I'm waiting to hear back from a colleague of mine who works in industrial accident remediation and technical rescue services. I may not necessarily be on the "front lines" if/when I go, but my glory days are over anyhow. I just want to try to help in anyway possible and am fortunate enough to have contacts that are making preparations to go over. I'll try to keep everybody posted. :cool:
"I read an article that had the first general to man a neuclear sub. He said " neuclear reactors are not safe for energy on land"

Gotta agree with the guy. The technology is old and dangerous, and to top it off, the reactors are placed all over fault lines. yep.
visit the source of the supposed image...that's what...


Fail! Try Again, not the source. You should really read your own links, it makes you look not so cool when you don't.

"DISCLAIMER: Australian Radiation Services is aware of information about radioactive contamination being spread from the Japanese nuclear reactor incident released under the ARS logo and name. We wish to be clear that this information has not originated from ARS and as such distance ourselves from any such misinformation."
Fail! Try Again, not the source. You should really read your own links, it makes you look not so cool when you don't.

"DISCLAIMER: Australian Radiation Services is aware of information about radioactive contamination being spread from the Japanese nuclear reactor incident released under the ARS logo and name. We wish to be clear that this information has not originated from ARS and as such distance ourselves from any such misinformation."
Doesn't the alleged SOURCE claiming they didn't release it kinda take a lot of the credibilty out of the map? I guess we'll see in a few months when nobody keels over and dies.:-P
Doesn't the alleged SOURCE claiming they didn't release it kinda take a lot of the credibilty out of the map? I guess we'll see in a few months when nobody keels over and dies.:-P
It does take the credibility out, no doubt, but that still isn't proof of anything. Things could still very well play out like the ill conceived map says, the wind pattern is VERY VERY correct, in fact the only thing that might be wrong with the map is the RAD levels may be too high, other than that its pretty spot on. You people are so hell bent on leather to make some kind of disaster seem inconsequential it boggles me. For instance, even if the radiation never gets here, there will still be a huge economic hit to the USA. Japan has $860 Billion in US treasuries, wanna make a wager that they sell those treasuries to finance reconstruction? Want to wager that they stop buying our debt so they can focus on their own? You think we have inflation now? Just wait until those treasuries get sold and all those Billions come flooding back to market diluting whats already out there. $3,000 gold here we come. That alone should send short term treasury rates much higher and yields much lower which will begin the domino effect of economic collapse and possible hyperinflation.

But its no big deal right?
It does take the credibility out, no doubt, but that still isn't proof of anything. Things could still very well play out like the ill conceived map says, the wind pattern is VERY VERY correct, in fact the only thing that might be wrong with the map is the RAD levels may be too high, other than that its pretty spot on. You people are so hell bent on leather to make some kind of disaster seem inconsequential it boggles me. For instance, even if the radiation never gets here, there will still be a huge economic hit to the USA. Japan has $860 Billion in US treasuries, wanna make a wager that they sell those treasuries to finance reconstruction? Want to wager that they stop buying our debt so they can focus on their own? You think we have inflation now? Just wait until those treasuries get sold and all those Billions come flooding back to market diluting whats already out there. $3,000 gold here we come. That alone should send short term treasury rates much higher and yields much lower which will begin the domino effect of economic collapse and possible hyperinflation.

But its no big deal right?
Please go back and read all of my posts. I've never said "It's no big deal" or "There's nothing wrong", nor have I implied anything of the sort. It's a very dire situation indeed, so much so that I don't think most people really understand what's happening and how it will affect Japan and the rest of the world. That said, I don't think it does anybody any good to fearmonger, and IMO, that's exactly what that map is doing. What would you suggest those people in the Western third of the country do? Start taking Potassium Iodide perhaps? Too late! Shit's already sold out just about everywhere! Evacuate? To where? I'm telling you, there is no conceivable way that the radiation will be anywhere NEAR the levels predicted on that map. Wind patterns, yada, yada! The effect in the Western Hemisphere will be a drop in the ocean compared to what the people near Fukushima are dealing with. I sincerely doubt there will be anybody dying or even getting sick in the states as a result of this. I love how people want to misrepresent what other people say on here all the time.:roll:

EDIT: and as for the economic shit? I'm not even going to address money at time when this crisis is still unfolding.
yeah uh....there's like a whole ocean between them and the states....radiological particles tend to have to deal with gravity even when lofted by wind

most of that will precipitate out about halfway over...your homes fireplace ash collection will dose you worse when you clean it out for a comparison
now you in japan?
yeah...it might be prudent to worry a bit.
State side? Hardly.
After the more serious 1986 Chernobyl disaster in the Soviet Union, radiation blew around the northern hemisphere in about three weeks. One U.N. study said Chernobyl may eventually cause up to 9,000 deaths, mainly from extra cancers near the plant.
"The cloud is going in the direction of Tokyo for the next 15 to 20 hours or so," said Gerhard Wotawa, of the Austrian weather service ZAMG who is advising the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
"Then it will go out toward the Pacific," he told Reuters. "At some point this will also spread around the world." With prevailing winds, Canada and the United States might be first to detect a much diluted cloud.
New explosions on Tuesday at the Fukushima plant, 240 km (180 miles) north of the capital, released low levels of radiation, worsening the crisis caused by Japan's worst quake on record on Friday which triggered a devastating tsunami. More than 10,000 are feared dead.
Japan told the U.N. nuclear watchdog a spent fuel storage "pond" was on fire and radioactivity was being released directly into the atmosphere. Prime Minister Naoto Kan urged people within 30 kms of the plant to stay indoors.
In Geneva, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) set up extra monitoring of satellite and other data.
"At this point, all the meteorological conditions are offshore so there are no implications, for Japan or other countries near Japan," Maryam Golnaraghi, chief of WMO's disaster risk reduction division, told a briefing.
The 1986 Chernobyl explosion blew large amounts of radioactive material high into the atmosphere, where it was more easily carried in the jet stream, experts say. Japan's radiation releases have been smaller and lower in the atmosphere.
Experts disagree sharply about the risks facing people near the plant or downwind of it.
"This is only the beginning, the worst is yet to come," said Sebastian Pflugbeil, head of the private German-based Society for Radiation Protection. "It is hard to say if this will be worse than Chernobyl -- much depends on unknowns and what happens in the coming days."
Professor Malcolm Sperrin, Director Of Medical Physics And Clinical Engineering, Royal Berkshire Hospital, told reporters in London: "This is not a Chernobyl, this is absolutely not a Chernobyl event."
In the worst case, in which an explosion breaches the container housing a reactor, radioactive material could be blown up to about 20 kms, the limit of the exclusion zone, he said.
"It will fall down to earth inside that exclusion zone. So anyone walking and working inside that exclusion zone will have to be very carefully monitored, it will be a significant issue, and outside that zone even if it's extended that contour of risk will be very well controlled," he said.
Assuming that leaks began on Saturday when the first explosion occurred, Wotawa said the low level radiation would have been carried over Japan and toward the Pacific, rather than toward countries such as China and Russia.
What does CHEMTRAILING LOS ANGELES,have to do with this.Any one in ca1i,are they chemtrailing over your City?
Two more reactors heating up.

Efforts to restore electric to the cooling systems.
I have no idea how they are going to do this and at this point I'm not sure why. This entire complex is a lost cause and will never function again. What are they saving at this point? Even with power restored will any of the pumps function? Are the cooling systems even operable or are they trashed? I think it's almost time to start thinking of encasing these reactors in concrete.:evil:
They already are encased in concrete so you mean like a double layer? The last explosion blew those walls to shit good thinkin tho sounds interesting what there plan is..... i have a feeling there lieing about some stuff so it doesn't sound as bad as it really is
dont go doc
i know u feel u need to
but your family and friends need u
My friend, I've been agonizing over this for days. I've always been the fool to run in the opposite direction of people with better sense than myself. Up until this point I've been lucky. My wife knew what kind of person she was marrying and she accepts that. My kids are a different story but we've talked it over and they are scared to death but I think they understand that these people desperately need help. I'm in a position to offer some of that desperately needed help and I've never walked away from a fight. This is unlike anything I've ever experienced and I'm terrified, but some things are bigger than one person alone. I'm getting my affairs in order and should be on a plane by Friday. There are problems getting into Japan now, even for relief agencies and emergency workers. The people of Japan will need help for some time to come. :leaf: