The Idealisticc Drug Dealer (Fiction Based Of Course....)


Well-Known Member
From these six pages I haven't gathered much on what an ideal drug dealer is. Maybe the ideal doesn't belong to such an underground emesis of society; but still should deserve credit where be so ;)
Yeah, the ideal would be the same as you would expect from any other customer service profession. Honorable and gregarious with competitive prices.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the ideal would be the same as you would expect from any other customer service profession. Honorable and gregarious with competitive prices.
Yep. And not backstabbing. But shit, things like this in politics happen but in worse cases. A drug dealing buddy now that's the best.... free stacks at your disposable :D


Well-Known Member
Well, an honorable person knows not the back-stab. :)
Trust me. The sword is two sided my friend. That's why deception is is infamous. Because we can change are of thought or subconsious to be the most cunning bitch. But I'll keep those thoughts from entering our heads. Don't want RIU's to best any radical movements :lol:

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
free stacks at your disposable :D
The info is in the definition
someone who purchases and maintains an inventory of goods to be sold

Purchase products for your inventory, and maintain it so they can be sold. Somebody who gives you products for free is not a dealer. If your purchase went south, and they gave you another product for the trouble, that's not free. LOL Giving you a good discount on something for loyalty, although it's a ploy, is also nice. But not free. It's a fun game, dealing and receiving, but just like any game it's best to go in with a light heart. C'est la guerre as the french say. :lol:

To bad you've been stabbed in the back, or so any person with eyes could see. :lol:
Trust me. The sword is two sided my friend. That's why deception is is infamous. Because we can change or train are subconsious to be the most cunning bitch. But I'll keep those thoughts from entering our heads. Don't want RIU's to best any radical movements :lol:
I am only speaking in idealistic terms. More likely to be within the soul of the self, as knowing the truth of another's soul is all but impossible. If whom you speak of had honor, they should have committed seppuku.


Well-Known Member
The topic somehow derailed into Shakespearin trivalries and such. Usual occurs when the Crypt pulls out his two sided sword of debauchery ;)

If I could answer the question.

I'd say the ideal person would be someone that is vastly knowledgable about the drugs he is selling. Don't want a dumbass serving me up. The person would have to exhibit some form of self worth and have a weird knack about social dealings. He can be counted on... on an almost daily basis. Foremost, he must be level headed and stay above the influence most of the time when conducting transactions. There is more.... but I'd like you folks to continue and fantasize about your ultimate drug dealing companion :lol: