Club 600


Well-Known Member
Hi all,
I dont post on any forum too much any more...having said that...I just wanna say that I cannot believe how the whole "Club" thing has gained in popularity!! I started the very very first wattage club back in the day when Overgrow was still around...It was the "250 Watt Club" and my user name was Hannibal_Canabinol (some of you may remember me). Back then it was quite popular and even after that the whole club thing kinda took off and several other "clubs" were created thereafter. Nimby,BOG (Bushy Old Grower) and myself said it would be the next big thing in MJ forums ..guess we were kinda right! Man its nice to have a group of people with a common interest within a common interest LOL...Also glad that the man couldnt keep us down after OG got taken down...sad day IMO..but where one of use takes a fall 100 more will spring up in their place!! OVERGROW THE PLANET


Well-Known Member
And this place is full of great peeps tumpuh! there's also a 600 breading showcase...

Man OG was an awesome site. Most of what I know now I learned from that site...



Active Member
hey guys, would you recommend me using canna coco over soil?
is the watering schedule very different? might be easier getting 200L of coco into my 3rd floor flat that it was to carry that amount of soil up without looking suspect.

also I flushed all my girls today as some were in bad shape, Dark veins, brown spots and yellowing.
I had to pull all the fan leaves from my blue cheese as they were almost crispy.
i think there was some sort of lock out in the roots, bad ph i guess.
hopefully i wont see anymore of it now that i have flushed.

here's the blue cheese, Ive topped, LST'd, supercropped weekly and still shes fighting me all the way. super smell now too.



Well-Known Member
Hi all,
I dont post on any forum too much any more...having said that...I just wanna say that I cannot believe how the whole "Club" thing has gained in popularity!! I started the very very first wattage club back in the day when Overgrow was still around...It was the "250 Watt Club" and my user name was Hannibal_Canabinol (some of you may remember me). Back then it was quite popular and even after that the whole club thing kinda took off and several other "clubs" were created thereafter. Nimby,BOG (Bushy Old Grower) and myself said it would be the next big thing in MJ forums ..guess we were kinda right! Man its nice to have a group of people with a common interest within a common interest LOL...Also glad that the man couldnt keep us down after OG got taken down...sad day IMO..but where one of use takes a fall 100 more will spring up in their place!! OVERGROW THE PLANET
i followed shabang to OG from from laughing moon! howdy hannibal! fatboy here! i still have some of BOGs genetics around here somewhere.

i just found this place myself a couple weeks ago. a nice bunch of folks.


Well-Known Member
i just tied down 32 clones. i should have done it a month ago but better late than never!

i should probably water them too.

i need a maid. :)


Well-Known Member
alright so it looks like a few of us need to learn how to multiquote so there isnt so many back to back post from a single grower. i myself dont know how to do it so for those that can, will you please give us a explaination. ive tried it before but never seem to be doing it correctly. i think we can reduce some posts and leave more room for the PRON!


Well-Known Member
To multiquote here's what you do. On each post you want to respond to click the button on the right of "reply with quote". It looks like a quote box with a + sign next to it. This is like a check box, it marks each post you want to respond too. You can even click things on many pages. Just keep clicking the ones you want and then when you are ready, Hit "Reply with quote"... that will bring everyone you 'multi quoted' up in the reply box for you to talk about.

Does that make sense? Let me know if not.


and welcome to the new old timer. Props to all you guys from OG... you all made RIU come about and this is where I learned to grow.


Well-Known Member
Lil grower and others:
Click on the quote+ button for every but the last quote, the last one you click on reply with quote.

Haha you beat me Jig


Well-Known Member
alright so it looks like a few of us need to learn how to multiquote so there isnt so many back to back post from a single grower. i myself dont know how to do it so for those that can, will you please give us a explaination. ive tried it before but never seem to be doing it correctly. i think we can reduce some posts and leave more room for the PRON!

i start getting high around 5 a.m. when i turn on howard stern. teach me how and i'll try. if i can't do it, i'll go elsewhere! :idea:


Well-Known Member
To multiquote here's what you do. On each post you want to respond to click the button on the right of "reply with quote". It looks like a quote box with a + sign next to it. This is like a check box, it marks each post you want to respond too. You can even click things on many pages. Just keep clicking the ones you want and then when you are ready, Hit "Reply with quote"... that will bring everyone you 'multi quoted' up in the reply box for you to talk about.

Does that make sense? Let me know if not.


and welcome to the new old timer. Props to all you guys from OG... you all made RIU come about and this is where I learned to grow.
got it JIG thanks buddy! hows the jungle going?

Lil grower and others:
Click on the quote+ button for every but the last quote, the last one you click on reply with quote.

Haha you beat me Jig
thanks bass! give your girls a trim if theyre to tall. it wont hirt them!


i start getting high around 5 a.m. when i turn on howard stern. teach me how and i'll try. if i can't do it, i'll go elsewhere! :idea:
i was with you there OG, as i did not know how to do it either! just thought it would be useful to get it out for us to learn.


Well-Known Member
paint girl.jpgsmoking dude (2).jpgnun and bong.jpg
here's a test. how many of these people are from utah?

one of my stonehenges from a few grows ago. i'll have to throw a few of them into the dirt. i need a stonehenge mum.
stonehedge, swiss bliss 002.jpg

here's an ssh. i tried to control her height. :)
ssh 34 days into flower 043.jpg

can you tell i'm bored and high?

i'm thinking of topping some of my too tall clones. i never top but did i mention i'm bored?


Well-Known Member

i start getting high around 5 a.m. when i turn on howard stern. teach me how and i'll try. if i can't do it, i'll go elsewhere! :idea:
Don't go Fatboy... we like you just how you are. Alls good in the 600.

EDIT: And the jungle just keeps getting wilder. It's just insane in there. Like green sardines pack in a closet. Pics soon. Man I wish you guys could smell them.... soooooo nice. The best smelling I've ever grown. Can't wait. I've noticed about 5 pistils turning brown. Seems a bit early, they just hit 5 weeks 12/12. Anyways, hoping things work out for the harvest. It should be a big yield and I hope I get it right at timing it. Never done sativas before.

EDIT 2: I say 3 of them are from utah. Do I win a prize?


Well-Known Member
are you sure? i can get pretty annoying when i'm really high. i've only been kinda high lately. :)
Well I can't speak for everyone, lol.... You aren't annoying. We like difference in the club. Negativity and a lack of humor are about the only things looked down upon here. I think you are free of those things, so yeah... stay around. Multi quote or not, hahaha.


Well-Known Member
Don't go Fatboy... we like you just how you are. Alls good in the 600.

EDIT: And the jungle just keeps getting wilder. It's just insane in there. Like green sardines pack in a closet. Pics soon. Man I wish you guys could smell them.... soooooo nice. The best smelling I've ever grown. Can't wait. I've noticed about 5 pistils turning brown. Seems a bit early, they just hit 5 weeks 12/12. Anyways, hoping things work out for the harvest. It should be a big yield and I hope I get it right at timing it. Never done sativas before.

EDIT 2: I say 3 of them are from utah. Do I win a prize?
there is something very special about opening your door and being greeted by the lovely smell of your marijuana plants. best hobby ever. except maybe being the guy that fluffers practice on. lol

hell utah barely let me in and i'm kind of normal!
you lose!
no soup for yoU!

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
i am no mite exterminator but i would say that you wont be killing them off from putting them in fridge with out treating the plants with some neem or azamax. youll definetely be able to stunt there reproduction rates and there movements will be slower from one area to another but i dont think cold will actually kill them. find yourself some diamatecuos earth for the top of the soil and give them a good spray down with some kind of mite killer and repellent. cold is also bad for your plants especially with no lights. no light they cant feed themselves and the cold will stunt them even more. good idea though of keeping them far away from your non infected plants, make sure if you look in on them that you clean yourself real well before checking in on your other plants to not bring those little fuckers into a different grow area.
Thanks for the reply LG, i dont think im going to keep this lot as i dnt want to start off with any problems i just thought the cold might kill em , these aint rooted cutts theyve just been trimmed off my mates plants, i 've done this many times and the cuts come out o.k as long as you spray them before you bag them they should be good for up to wk.


Well-Known Member

i start getting high around 5 a.m. when i turn on howard stern. teach me how and i'll try. if i can't do it, i'll go elsewhere! :idea:
i didnt mean anything by that post to turn you away. hope you didnt get the feeling i was being a dick or anything, just thought it would be useful for you as well as I and the others who didnt know how to do it. i know for sure it has saved me time already and allowed me to respond to more post alot quicker, where before i would just forget about posting since it would be too much of a hassle. i think your contribution to the thread in the last couple weeks or so have been very good and you have made a connection with plenty of us here so dont go anywhere!

Don't go Fatboy... we like you just how you are. Alls good in the 600.

EDIT: And the jungle just keeps getting wilder. It's just insane in there. Like green sardines pack in a closet. Pics soon. Man I wish you guys could smell them.... soooooo nice. The best smelling I've ever grown. Can't wait. I've noticed about 5 pistils turning brown. Seems a bit early, they just hit 5 weeks 12/12. Anyways, hoping things work out for the harvest. It should be a big yield and I hope I get it right at timing it. Never done sativas before.

EDIT 2: I say 3 of them are from utah. Do I win a prize?
i can imagine that they are like a pack of sardines! except smell of great dankness instead of some stinky fish! i always have some hairs that turn brown a bit soon but im sure the rest will be good until around weeks 7 and 8. how many of your strains are sativas? you looking to do one big harvest or whenever theyre ready?

Thanks for the reply LG, i dont think im going to keep this lot as i dnt want to start off with any problems i just thought the cold might kill em , these aint rooted cutts theyve just been trimmed off my mates plants, i 've done this many times and the cuts come out o.k as long as you spray them before you bag them they should be good for up to wk.
i didnt realize they werent rooted. i would think that the bag may keep them a bit warmer and humid to prolonge theyre life like you say they last for a week or so. better idea not to keep them since its always better not to start with problems like you said.


Well-Known Member
i can imagine that they are like a pack of sardines! except smell of great dankness instead of some stinky fish! i always have some hairs that turn brown a bit soon but im sure the rest will be good until around weeks 7 and 8. how many of your strains are sativas? you looking to do one big harvest or whenever theyre ready?
I'm only growing 1 strain at the moment (well only flowering 1 strain). I have 10 plants all Sour Kush (Sour D X Sage X Larry OG). I guess it's like 70/30 sativa or something like that. I'm thinking they will be done 9 weeks of 12/12 at the earliest. Maybe they will go 11, but probably 9-10. I'm gonna go with what Heads up said and try to harvest when the amber trich just start showing up, so mostly cloudy. Should be some awesome smoke. The fucking buds are huge already. Oh... hahahahaa.... and the only thing I found online was from someone selling cuts, their words were that the buds start off small but they really blow up the last 2 weeks... If that's so, these are gonna be MASSIVE. We'll see.

EDIT: I still have 3 Dog, 2 Trinity Rainbow Purple, 1 OG Kush, and 1 NY-47. Those are in veg. Geting fucking tall. I'm gonna have to learn how to clone soon. Either that or flower some lanky ass bitches, lol.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Well I can't speak for everyone, lol.... You aren't annoying. We like difference in the club. Negativity and a lack of humor are about the only things looked down upon here. I think you are free of those things, so yeah... stay around. Multi quote or not, hahaha.
I'm probably more guilty than anyone about posting multiple times in a row. Let me explain. I try to read every post and I tend to answer right then, not multiquote because by the time I get back to the quote, I may not remember my original thought. I'm guilty I tell ya', guilty to the core.

And just to prove my intentions are good even though my habits may not be, instead of another post, here's what I tried to post earlier but this neanderthal is not good at technology. I think the club will get a kick out of this, I did. Follow the link to youtube and turn your sound on.