Couldn't be the $6 billion dollars a day the Fed Churns out to purchase US treasuries could it? AKA Money Printing, which is ALWAYS the cause of inflation
We have also sold a lot of our Roads and highways and our harbors ports and canals and our rail system to foriegners and we have agreed to let foreign military operate here.
Poland for one but their are many othersAnd what foreign military are you talking about?
If they want to do a stimulus to help the economy I have an idea that makes sense in many levels. Take the money and build factories - only Americans and American companies can be hired to build these factories. Use the factories to make bicycles and they will only be made of American produced components by Americans then instead of giving everyone a tax credit give them a bicycle it will reduce the need for oil and help peoples health lowering health care costs as well as creating jobs...after they have built everyone a bike they could focus on export production or start converting the factories to other productionthe stimulus "failed" (which didn't work as well as it could have because there wasn't enough cash put into it, NOT because stimulus spending doesn't work).
Its a great idea, but i bet that 99% of people still won't give up their car and start riding a bike. You want to help the economy? Let it crash quickly so we can get to the job of building a better one from the ground up.If they want to do a stimulus to help the economy I have an idea that makes sense in many levels. Take the money and build factories - only Americans and American companies can be hired to build these factories. Use the factories to make bicycles and they will only be made of American produced components by Americans then instead of giving everyone a tax credit give them a bicycle it will reduce the need for oil and help peoples health lowering health care costs as well as creating jobs...after they have built everyone a bike they could focus on export production or start converting the factories to other production
I only came up with 8 million hits for a google search of "Foreign Troops in USA"
Poland for one but their are many others
I don't think you understand how Laws work. There is no law prohibiting foreign troops here, thats all that matters. Laws do not grant you rights or privileges, laws only restrict them.That hardly answers my inquiry.... What law allows foreign troops on our soil? Specifically please, because a lot of conservative Tea Partiers were spewing that last year and it was bogus. There is no law allowing foreign troops on our soil at their whim... That is pure stupid.. I did your search, which one of those 8 million hits should I look into? A lot of it is conspiracy talk back in 2008....
The funny thing is that when confronted with evidence you refuse to even look. You can lead a horse to water.......That hardly answers my inquiry.... What law allows foreign troops on our soil? Specifically please, because a lot of conservative Tea Partiers were spewing that last year and it was bogus. There is no law allowing foreign troops on our soil at their whim... That is pure stupid.. I did your search, which one of those 8 million hits should I look into? A lot of it is conspiracy talk back in 2008....
You're wrong on a few points and I'll explain why:There is no "Liquidity" trap because there is no liquidity. Every large bank in the world is pretty much completely bankrupt. The derivatives market is 30 times world GDP...$1.24 Quadrillion in size. The only thing propping these banks up is the suspension of Accounting rules and pure money printing. The initial stimulus package wasn't large enough? Do you even know how big it was? The Stimulus + TARP was over $33 Trillion. You must get your news from MSNBC, those crack heads don't know the difference between inflation and demand driven price increase. Obama couldn't balance his checkbook and you think he knows what he is doing? LOL Obama doesn't have ANY SAY in what the Fed does, the Fed cannot be overruled in the actions it takes.
Your assumption that Congress is retarded is spot on.
Deflation is better for the US Citizen, inflation is better for the government.
So the internet at my post but it boiled down to a few things:Your whole post went like this: I don't know, but these really smart people we hear about on TV said so. In my book its a logical fallacy, an appeal to authority. Neither of the people you cited has any experience running the worlds largest economy. One is a Teacher, the other a investor.
Obama doesn't know what he is doing, he already spent more of your money than all other presidents combined. The economy is still tanking.
Couldn't find any info on the secret bailouts eh?$33-Trillion-Wall-Street-Foreign-Bank-Bailout
BTW I meant 3.3 Trillion not thirty three, musta forgot the decimal. but anyway there is all that Proof you were looking for.
This is the FED authorized secret bailout, similar to TARP.The Federal Reserve has revealed details of the trillions of dollars it gave in emergency aid to U.S. and foreign banks during the financial crisis.
New documents show it paid out a staggering $1.5trillion (almost £1trillion) to British banks - over a third of the total money lent - in an effort to prop up the financial sector.
The Fed dished out $2.2trillion to banking giant Citigroup, $2.1trillion to Merrill Lynch and $2trillion to Morgan Stanley.
In addition, payments have also be made to Bear Stearns ($960billion), Bank of America ($887billion), Goldman Sachs ($615billion), JPMorgan Chase ($178billion) and Wells Fargo ($154billion).
And foreign banks who benefited from the Fed's aid included European Central Bank, Bank of England and the Bank of Japan as well as Swiss bank UBS, which borrowed more than $165billion, Deutsche Bank ($97billion) and the Royal Bank of Scotland ($92billion).