NOOB, need advice before purchasing equipment.


Active Member
I've been a member for a little while, but this is my first post. My name's Josh, and I smoke :leaf: everyday, lol. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find any for 3 days, so I've decided to take matters into my own hands. I've already done a bit of research over the past few years, but never had any hands-on experience. I know if anyone can help me, it's you guys.

I have already decided that I'll be using a grow tent. I have my eye on one that is 36" wide, 20" deep, and 60" tall. I did the math and it will have 5.1 square feet of floor space to grow in.

I have been looking at LEDs, because I have to be very careful to stay stealthy. Problem is: I can't afford to spend $500+ on a quality LED light. All I've read about the cheaper ones is they are no match for HID lighting. I found a 400w HPS/MH for $160 with free shipping, but I worry about the heat, noise, energy consumption, etc. How hot will a 400w HPS get? How loud would the proper exhaust fan be?

So I guess what I'm really asking is given the size of the tent, what would you guys use for the everything else? Lighting? Cooling? Odor?

Now, the tent will be inside a closet, too. So I'm not sure if venting the air from the tent to the closet would even do any good.

I've been reading for a while, and I still feel like I need help. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

- Josh
I'm no expert but I have a lil bit of experience that you might find helpful...

First a good thing to now is where you live is it cold? is it cold all year around? and if so is your closet relatively cold? if so maybe the ambient temperature could in fact take care of the displaced heat from the 400W HPS.

My very personal opinion is to stay away from LED's they are super expensive and personally in a point of view in pure investment vs. gain... is not worth it.... you will probably (PROBABLY) get better result as a first timer with a HPS.... If you are really into LED build your own, you just need basic electric knowledge and you can build the same lamps for a third of the cost... (there are guides online and they are good...

Tents are awesome... although if your are going stealth and you live in a rented apartment or similar situations were visits by ppl (example firemen to check fire alarms) I love closet setups because you can actually lock it up...

Odor... find here a DIY carbon filter make it (better to go larger than whats needed... and put it as intake for the cool tube and you end up with...

Skunky Air----> Carbon filter -----> fresh air ---> 400W bulb ---->inline fan. -----> closet or vent it trough a wall...

The fan for a 400w a 200 CFM fan should be good enough....

I would recommend soil for the first time ... less things to worry about the first run then you can go hydro or which ever you like the most ...

Square pot.... good way to take advantage of every single square feet...

Also, I would recommend don't buy into the organic fertilizer BS, is the same crap but more unstable and make it harder for new growers and is the same result...

try and find clones and put the in 12/12 asap during the night... lower electric rate during night time and temp will help if you live in a tropical place... also de 12/12 because vegging 24/7 actual puts a big dent in you electric bill, special if its for personal use you want the cheapest gramp per dollar so going 12 12 early is a good way to save a bit ...

im not sure if I'm missing something ....

Im sorry but I'm high and i have MAD case of ADD so my line of thought is kinda hectic but i truly wish i was of help....

Best of luck and i hope you grow some mad NUGZ ...

Take care & be careful if its illegal were you live ...


Well-Known Member
As a first timer you need to invest in a book. just go to borders or order one. they are extremely helpful, and are great for setting up rooms. In my opinion, id steer away from the hids, as this is your first grow. Go with fluorescents, as they burn much cooler. cheaper to buy, and easier to operate/ Get a bunch of cfls if you can or try for a bigger flouro like the vitalume compact fluorescent. it goes for around 50 bucks and is pretty strong. i use one for my clones and early vegging and i get dense growth. i wouldnt invest huge amounts of money until you are sure you know what your doing. so get started with something small. a few plants and fluoros. i dont know what this psykoman is telling you but he is wrong. organics are probably the absolute best thing you could feed your plant. it makes for optimum growth and great smoke. Disregard his lighting advice. it will cause your plants to flower. you need to veg them under at something like 18 hours light 6 hours dark first. do that until they are about 1 1/2 maybe more feet tall and then switch to 12/12. youll also need nutes, ph up/down solution as well as some kind of ph tester.

The amount of information for a successful grow is something i cant post in this one thread. as I said initially, my BEST advice would be to get a book. I recommend Indoor marijuana horticulture by gorge cervantes, or indoor marijuana growers handbook by ed rosenthal read this and youll know more than 75% of the people who post here.I have worked in plant nurseries, and I have both books, and have read them thoroughly before and during my grows. best of luck to you and be safe!!


Well-Known Member
-Lots of fans and leave some form of open air ventilation open
-axial fan
-Ona gel
-400w MH ballast Kit (ask your hydro guy to wire for free, just bring it in)
-Mogul socket
-Extension cord
-Some pots
-Some indoor soil that doesnt rot (just get what sounds cool for your 1st, Fox farms Ocean Forest should do it)
-Some reflective materials (poly film/mylar) or foil if its what u got
-A hygrometer (thermometer/ humidity level indicator)
-A 400 mh bulb
-a watering can or left over empty jug of sunny D
-2 plates and paper towel


Active Member
Thanks for the info guys. I've read all your suggestions, and its definitely helped. I did purchase a book on my kindle, and I have to say that was great advice. It puts the info in order, and is easy to understand. Im sure everything in the book is on the forums here, but its all in one place and easy to understand. I haven't given much thought to nutes yet, but I'll keep the advice in mind.

Here is what I've worked out so far:

My space is 5 square feet, so instead of a 400w light, I think I'll get a 250w hps. I found a kit online that comes with a 250w ballast, and both HPS and MH bulbs. I figure that's enough light for a small tent lined with quality mylar. I'll use the MH bulb to beg, and the HPS to flower. I think the 250w light will be easier for me to keep stealth, and will make me less paranoid. Has anyone had success using just a 250w HID lamp? It also falls right into my budget. The light kit I found was about $140, the tent $100. Both free shipping. How does it sound so far? it seems like everything is coming together... Getting excited!

Oh, also, any advice on strains? I know for sure I want to start out all indica, but I want the most potent/highest yielding plants. Was thinking starting off with white widow... Thought? Suggestions?


Active Member
OK, so I figured I'd post the equipment I'm planning to order. I have to go to work like, now, but I guess I need someone to tell me that I'm not spending money on the wrong stuff.

The tent:

The guy selling the tent seems like an awesome seller. He posts videos about all his products. Even has instructional videos for setting up the tent.

The Light:

This seller has great feedback, but the item description seems to have some broken English, which may not even be a factor, but still...

Also, about the seeds, like I said I don't know exactly what strain and any help is needed. I want a fast growing, potent, high yielding strain. Definitely indica, possibly white widow, unless there is a better strain that meets my criteria. Also, which online seed bank do you recommend? I have seen a few, but I'm not sure which is the most reliable.


Active Member
From what I have read I think you want to keep things stealth which is great. Without first hand knowledge of certain products its very hard to say what will work for you and what wont. I highly suggest going into a large hydroshop and see what they have and turn on fans, ballasts etc and see if it works for you. I personally wouldn't use a tent because I can build a small room cheaper inside using 2x4s and either drywall or osb. Better for sound dampening as well.

If you plan on growing in a closet and need to keep it stealth you need to worry about heat, noise, fresh air or co2 and SMELL. In a size such as yours, it is apparent you cannot grow more than a couple small plants. I would use non HID lights since you don't have to worry about huge plants and light penetration. You don't have to worry about heat as much. Look at co2 systems in a sealed room instead of drawing in fresh air. With co2, your grow is still ok with slightly higher temps. Smell, well good luck to that one. I don't care how good of a carbon filter you have, smell will leak out.

Everyone has expectations when they grow. What I find very interesting about most of these types of threads is nobody says what their expectations are.


Well-Known Member
Also, I would recommend don't buy into the organic fertilizer BS, is the same crap but more unstable and make it harder for new growers and is the same result...

remember, even if you get a will still need air movement in the tent, look into getting a inline fan and carbon filter.


Active Member
From what I have read I think you want to keep things stealth which is great. Without first hand knowledge of certain products its very hard to say what will work for you and what wont. I highly suggest going into a large hydroshop and see what they have and turn on fans, ballasts etc and see if it works for you. I personally wouldn't use a tent because I can build a small room cheaper inside using 2x4s and either drywall or osb. Better for sound dampening as well.

If you plan on growing in a closet and need to keep it stealth you need to worry about heat, noise, fresh air or co2 and SMELL. In a size such as yours, it is apparent you cannot grow more than a couple small plants. I would use non HID lights since you don't have to worry about huge plants and light penetration. You don't have to worry about heat as much. Look at co2 systems in a sealed room instead of drawing in fresh air. With co2, your grow is still ok with slightly higher temps. Smell, well good luck to that one. I don't care how good of a carbon filter you have, smell will leak out.

Everyone has expectations when they grow. What I find very interesting about most of these types of threads is nobody says what their expectations are.
My expectation is to grow 4 or 5 high quality plants at a time. I figure 5 square feet should be alright for this, and with the tent being 5 feet tall I figure I can grow them to at lest 3 feet or so. I would love to use fluorescents because I am so paranoid, but from everything I've read, the HID will produce much higher yields (which is my goal). I will definitely pick up a CO2 system, because getting enough fresh air could be a problem. I guess I'll probably need to pick up a cool tube hood for my lamp and try to vent the air out of the closet.

lambofgod: definitely getting a carbon filter/fan. Probably an oscillating fan as well for the plants.

This may sound stupid, but has anybody tried putting a couple open containers of baking soda in their grow rooms? I know that it absorbs most bad smells. People put open boxes of baking soda in the fridge, some sprinkle it in the bottom of their garbage cans, etc. I may try that too.

Did anyone check the links I posted for the tent and light? Do they seem alright?

Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
Im gonna suggest a 400w bulb for that tent. It would be enough light to grow a reasonable yield and you wont have to upgrade to it later when you decide 250 isnt enough. If you still want to go stealth. Make it an open exhaust environment put lots of oscillating fans in and make sure it had access to recirculating air. Put three screens in your window if you have to. It helps to keep your neighbors ignorant


Active Member
u dont really need to go all out on a grow, i did it for years. my circumstances were growing indoors using a incandescent heatlamp and small clones or seedlings in egg cartons, then move outdoors. air filters arent really required if u smoke in ur house, anyone question the smell just say u smoked a puff (unless u got a jungle growing). basically if u wanna grow try not to grow completely indoors, as we all have growing seasons, some of us have shorter than requied seasons. in this case u should grow ur seedlings indoors for 1-2 months then move them outside for the summer months. or do a small grow and leave a male in the room to pollinate the females then use the seeds for a huge outdoor grow.


Active Member
Im gonna suggest a 400w bulb for that tent. It would be enough light to grow a reasonable yield and you wont have to upgrade to it later when you decide 250 isnt enough. If you still want to go stealth. Make it an open exhaust environment put lots of oscillating fans in and make sure it had access to recirculating air. Put three screens in your window if you have to. It helps to keep your neighbors ignorant
I think the exhaust is going to be the big issue. Especially with a 400w light. The tent will be inside a closet, and I can't put holes in the walls or anything like that. Plus I live in a townhouse, so any exhaust going directly outside (3 screens or not) would totally freak me out.The more I think about the heat issues and fresh air circulation, the more discouraged I get. I am starting to lean towards fluorescents/cfls like a few people have suggested. I only have 7 months left on my lease, so maybe I could try a couple grows with just fluorescent/cfls, and when I move find a place where it will be easier to grow the way I really want to.

I was looking at some T5 lights from HTGSupply. They have a 2 footer with 4 bulbs that they say produces 8000 lumens. But it only comes with the bulbs for vegetative growth. If I buy two of those fixtures it would be producing 16000 lumens. Then add cfls as needed. Thoughts?


Active Member
u dont really need to go all out on a grow, i did it for years. my circumstances were growing indoors using a incandescent heatlamp and small clones or seedlings in egg cartons, then move outdoors. air filters arent really required if u smoke in ur house, anyone question the smell just say u smoked a puff (unless u got a jungle growing). basically if u wanna grow try not to grow completely indoors, as we all have growing seasons, some of us have shorter than requied seasons. in this case u should grow ur seedlings indoors for 1-2 months then move them outside for the summer months. or do a small grow and leave a male in the room to pollinate the females then use the seeds for a huge outdoor grow.
Thanks, but anything outdoors is simply not an option for me. I do think you may be right about not going all out right now. I'm thinking I'll just keep it simple


Well-Known Member
go on craigslist, there are many people selling used lights. Especially 400w lights. I got 30, yes 30 400w lights for $200. I looked today and there is a guy selling them for $30 each. There are so many business, warehouses, schools, gyms, that are replacing their metal halide lights to get the tax deduction for more efficient flourescents.

I would also recommend Jorge Cervantes book. I have read that book cover to cover at least 20 times. Plus I have spent hundreds of hours on the computer in forums like this. There is so much to learn, you can never stop learning.


Well-Known Member
for now my flowering area is about 5X5 I use two 250 watt hps for flowering because i have about 40 bulbs of that wattage laying around. For the area you have, i would not use HID.... not yet, you can achieve the right spectrum with the cfls they have nowadays. it would also eliminate heat. For odor....haha... i dont know I am using ozone generator outside the flowering room and have negative ions throughout the house. its only upon the last bit of flowering that i notice a hint of the ganja odor. im actually in the process of trimming a nice harvest of vanilla kush. i am surprised at the amount ive yielded so far. i dont have a weight yet but ill be sure to post the whole grow as i get it all organized.
With the space i have, i keep mothers and take clones. it doesnt sound like you have that space so i suggest a stout high yielding indica such as kush strains. also you should consider scrogging but perhaps you should get a grow under your belt first.