Disappointed In Attitude


Well-Known Member
i had the same problem...

i had 4 nirvana seeds and 1 reserva privada kandy kush seed...

all 5 cracked and only a tiny tail came out on 2 of them, but not long enough to sprout. The only 1 that had a tail that was big enough was the wonder women but its been a week now that its been in soil and NADA............

i will NEVER buy from NIRVANA again ...
I have had no issues with seeds from Nirvana! The one time I did they replaced the order three times. I use distilled water in rapid rooters with a heat mat and dome. I have never ordered from Attitude but, I would say 95% of all failures are the growers fault and not the seeds. I have also heard Attitude will replace your order just like Nirvana.


Well-Known Member
It's my fault that Tangerine Dreams seeds didn't germinate? LOL... I hope you were referring to the OP and his situation, but you referenced me in your reply. I have a high success rate. Those seeds were shit. Everyone that rushed to order after the winner of the cup was announced reported germination and stability issues.. lol...

I don't know about Attitude's past generosity, but I haven't seen it. In fact, After threatening to charge back my March 4th order, they finally claim all is well and it'll ship out today... 11 days after i ordered it.... I ordered Nirvana Weekend Whopper on the 11th and it has already shipped... it'll get here before my March 4th Attitude order....

It's possible the guy got bad seeds... everyone is quick to jump him and defend attitude. One of his seeds did crack, was it germinated differently from the other 4? I doubt it..

I'm just saying that's his only hope in anything is too make an effort to get new ones for free. I've heard many generous stories from them so it didn't seem like it was a farfetched idea. but some people are saying it's your fault for germinating wrong =\


Well-Known Member
Can we hear from someone who HAS ACTUALLY had bad seeds replaced recently? If so, did you have to send your 'cracked' ones back? Who handled the complaint and when. What was the strain and circumstances? I was denied replacements simply by a request to mail the seeds back to them.... I would love to hear of RECENT success stories about getting seeds replaced. I sure see a lot of "I've heards"

I have had no issues with seeds from Nirvana! The one time I did they replaced the order three times. I use distilled water in rapid rooters with a heat mat and dome. I have never ordered from Attitude but, I would say 95% of all failures are the growers fault and not the seeds. I have also heard Attitude will replace your order just like Nirvana.


Well-Known Member
Can we hear from someone who HAS ACTUALLY had bad seeds replaced recently? If so, did you have to send your 'cracked' ones back? Who handled the complaint and when. What was the strain and circumstances? I was denied replacements simply by a request to mail the seeds back to them.... I would love to hear of RECENT success stories about getting seeds replaced. I sure see a lot of "I've heards"
Sorry, I just don't see why Attitude would refuse to replace an order if a small company like Nirvana will. Granted I have not ordered from Attitude (I will when Plushberry is back in stock), it just seems like really bad practice not to.


they will not replace them for germination reasons. been there, they will tell you to send them back and they will folward them to the dealer


Well-Known Member
Getting mad at a seed distributor for seeds not popping is worthless... Yes sometimes seed breeders might put out a bad batch of seeds once in a while, but to blame a distributor for seeds not germinating is basically accusing them of improperly storing the seeds or switching your seeds ordered for bunk seeds.
Anybody think like me?


Well-Known Member
Why are ppl who never had seeds replaced by attitude, letalone ever ordered from attitude saying they will replace? And then saying, oh I heard there generous, it doesn't seem like a big deal to me so I THOUGHT they would...

Well you have no idea what your talking about. And that's no surprise coming from grow master tafbang.

To the op, there is a differance in using distilled vs. Tap water as tao water supplies the dissolved solids the seed uses as "food" to germinate. Granted the seed has a small amount of its own "food" for energy buy distilled water has virtually no nutritional value for the seed. So if you ask a question and someone gives you a good answer, don't be so quick to tell them they are wrong.

Also to the noob reffering to the radicle as a "tail".... LMAO OMFG. That was a hilarious read. Thank you. Lmao "out of the seeds that opened only 1 had a tail long enough to plant".. omg. Did it ever occur that's the root and it grows with time? That's just wrong on so many levels its hilarious.

If your having a hard time germinating, just plant the seeds. The fact that they got "mushy" is your fault for drowning them. Sorry to tell you but this time it wasn't the seeds fault. Also attitude is a distributor only, not a breeder..

If you feel you must germinate follow these steps exactly..

1 fill a cup half full (or half empty in your case) with water. Drop your seeds in and leave in a dark place, I use a cabinet and wrap a towel around it for insulation. check regularly to see if they have sunk to the bottom. the ones that sink have cracked open. Do not leave them in the cup of water for more than 24 hours.

Edit: I may have made it sound like I only keep the ones that sink, but I don't. Even if one is still floating I will move it thru the next steps but will leave it to the side and keep an eye on it.

2 wet a paper towl,squeeze out the water, lay it on the bottom of a tupperware, lay seeds down on paper towel, wet and squeeze out another paper towel and lay it on top of the seeds. You can put the top on and back into the cabinet. Check at least every 12 hours.

3 when the radicle is about 1/8 to 1/4 of an inch long place the seed with the tap root pointing down into your medium. Only put the seed about 2 or 3 seedlengths deep in the medium. Then put it under a flourescant light, 24 hrs a day till its ready to go into veg room.


Step 4 edit 1st post to tell what really happened.

Hugh G Reckshun

New Member
correct, tell them they were damaged... duh. and they are generous with the seeds.
My question is how you can expect to expect honesty from other people if you lie to them? And isn't it pretty cheap to bargain away your integrity for a few seeds? You'd really sell out for what, a hundred bucks? Wow.

Of course I've only got a 20% germination rate. On the other hand, a 100% truth rate beats a 20% germination all day every day. You can always buy weed.


Well-Known Member
That is illogical, like any other retailer that resells goods, you back what you sell or you don't carry it. If I buy a camera at Wal*Mart and it doesn't work, I'm not going to contact Sonyo, I'm going back to Wal*Mart.... The breeder can always credit the retailer.... It's only a matter of time before their high priced shipping, their 'stealth' charge and their BS refund or replacement policy do them in. Free seeds are fine, but at some point, if you have problems, it's time to move on... there are several competitors that GUARANTEE shipping and GERMINATION for no extra money..... Fre shipping at EDIT, selling the same damn seeds as the tude, and at the Single seed Depot.... Free, guaranteed delivery.... The only time i order at Attitdue is when the promos and UFO's outweigh the BS shipping...

Getting mad at a seed distributor for seeds not popping is worthless... Yes sometimes seed breeders might put out a bad batch of seeds once in a while, but to blame a distributor for seeds not germinating is basically accusing them of improperly storing the seeds or switching your seeds ordered for bunk seeds.
Anybody think like me?

Hugh G Reckshun

New Member
Thank you and Onlymazza for the thing about drowning. That makes me feel better about giving Attitude the benefit of the doubt and trying another order.


Well-Known Member
all ya gotta do is drop seeds in a cold cup of water done it many times or papper towel if they dnt pop its the seeds shit quailty


Well-Known Member
That is illogical, like any other retailer that resells goods, you back what you sell or you don't carry it. If I buy a camera at Wal*Mart and it doesn't work, I'm not going to contact Sonyo, I'm going back to Wal*Mart.... The breeder can always credit the retailer.... It's only a matter of time before their high priced shipping, their 'stealth' charge and their BS refund or replacement policy do them in. Free seeds are fine, but at some point, if you have problems, it's time to move on... there are several competitors that GUARANTEE shipping and GERMINATION for no extra money..... Fre shipping at EDIT, selling the same damn seeds as the tude, and at the Single seed Depot.... Free, guaranteed delivery.... The only time i order at Attitdue is when the promos and UFO's outweigh the BS shipping...
Hey, I don't think Attitude has the time or means to test out every type of seeds they sell, there is no way they can do that. What I am saying is 95% time seeds do not pop is because of the grower.
Well, apparently people took advantage of that. I reported 'bad' Barney's Farm Tangerine Dream seeds (first batch to public, sucked as many of you have read) and they asked me to ship them back for replacement.... I do not know about you, but I'm not going to ship marijuana seeds across state lines, let alone to another country. I would have to have my info somewhere in that package for Attitude to know who sent it... I think they realize this is a new tactic they can use to not honor crushed seeds.... They could also, in the future, refuse to replace seeds that were not ordered in crush proof tins...

Anywho, no, Attitude will not replace 'cracked' seeds w/o seeing them first, in their hands...
I did it and everything was fine serapis honestly its a win win.


Well-Known Member
Seeds are a total gamble. From whether or not you'll actually get them in the mail through whether or not they'll germinate. Even though we all know (as do they) that people are actually growing plants from their "souvenir" seeds, at the end of the day, they're sold as souvenirs and not intended to be grown. Plain and simple. The way I see it, if someone doesn't want to take a risk to get some good genetics then just grow bagseed. Hell I grew bagseed for years and it was bomb ass smoke. Now that seeds are easily available, I figured I'd go ahead and get some "real" beans.

So to sum it up, you took a gamble and lost. Try again, grow some bagseeds, or don't grow at all.


Well-Known Member
95% of all statistics are made up figures that have no relation to facts

While you are correct that they can't test every product, neither can Wal*Mart.... they still have a customer satisfaction policy that was developed to retain customers. Regardless of how you try to disguise it, it is what it is.

WyteB, if you are for real man, help me get my BF TD replaced please... I had no luck. I can PM a order number if you have someone on the inside.

Hey, I don't think Attitude has the time or means to test out every type of seeds they sell, there is no way they can do that. What I am saying is 95% time seeds do not pop is because of the grower.


Well-Known Member
I don't know where you some of you get your bagseed from, but around here in Florida, don't bother... That schwag ain't gonna turn into no prince at midnight....


just put them in a cup of water 24 hrs and plant regardless of whether or not it cracks. i agree that it sounds like you drowned them.