He walked me through it,even if he didn't like my fox farm.-Said"I wouldn't pour that on my lawn" So what...I did.
And I had mucho bud, Thank you very much UB. My lawn is dying,but so what! I think I know what You're talking about... And it's not lawns...Much respect,
s Spot on
Funny. It may not have been your choice of FF I was not liking, it was probably the NPK of the product. Glad it worked out for you, sorry about the lawn.
I am amazed at how consistent this method of topping is...I am getting 4 main colas on every one of these plants so far, even though they are all different looking genotypes,(i think thats the right term)which confirms what you just said in this post.
Yep. I posted one showing the beginning of 4 main colas (trunks) on the previous page, here is a shot of one of my crosses topped for 2 main colas. The green cotelydons can be seen below the first true node. The seedling should look exactly like this when you get thru if you're doing 2 main colas. If it doesn't, don't blame the car, blame "the nut behind the wheel."
I also followed your lead and bought some Jack's Classic (straight from their website).. I bought three types of their nutes...acid special(i have very hard water), and the Dynamic Duo which you know what that is I know. I got the 1.5 lb tubs and with shipping it was around 30 bucks including UPS shipping, a far cry from the exorbitant prices many are paying for their nutes, adn so far my plants are responding in an amazing fashion.
Not bad. If you have access to an ag supply store, you can buy such quality products for as little as $1.00/lb. but you have to buy them in 25 lb. bags. Another one I like a lot is Plantex, a Canadian manufacturer. Again, very cheap, very complete, super pure/soluble. I dump about 15 lbs. in a 5 gal. bucket of water and drop a mazzei type injector tube in it to fertilize plant material along 5,500 of drip line. Of course that's thousands of gallons of mix. Never clogs my emitters and they are only 1/2 g/hr. Low output emitters will tend to clog before high output.
I don't kiss anyone's ass UB, but i do believe in giving credit where credit is due. It is a great service you are performing, doing your part to spread the word about how to grow our favorite plant, and doing it a sensible way, unlike some who would have you spending hundreds of dollars for inferior products that.. well I won't get into that again... ( I could not find the tit pics on AN's website...damn!!)
Yep, as you can see, I hurt a some people's feelings talking about their snake oils. Most appreciate my candor. In the end, doesn't matter what folks think of me. Haven't folded yet and never will. I jest keep pullin' dem Aces.
I also followed your advice about water...I received my tds meter last week and my tap water was 300 ppm. I went to the grocery store and bought some of the RO water from the vending machine there. It was $1.75 for 5 gallons and I am mixing that about 60/40 with my tap water run through a Brita filter for (before nutes) ppm of about 125. I am adding Jack's balanced 20-20-20 at 1/2 teaspoon per gallon every time I water and they look very happy and lush dark green now..Thanks a million!!
At 300 ppm, you're blessed. Seriously, you need not bother with the R/O drills or Brita, especially if you're using soil. My TDS is 700, with an EC and alkalinity rating thru the moon. Plants don't seem to mind. I do collect rain water whenever it rains, which hasn't been in about 3 months!

IOW, use your tap, and use rain water whenever you can. It's pure, has some N in the form of nitrates, has microbes, and a lower pH. BTW, a couple of times Danieslgb has stated he's using your Jack's 20-20-20 at a (high) rate of 1 tsp/quart and I about had a cat but it's working for him. His plants are very healthy and green. Depends on the amount of urea as I pointed out in the thread.
The old saying goes, you can give a man a fish and feed him for one day, or you can teach a man to fish, and feed him for the rest of his life. That's what you are doing for people here.
Dat's right.
Good luck,