Tafbang Ceiling Light Grow Part 2


Well-Known Member
Got to be one of the funniest threads I have read in awhile. Being new i guess i dont have to spend all the dough on a water farm. I'm heading to the salvation army tomorrow to buy a stack of books. A mans gotta do what a mans gotta do. Just curious if the ceiling light is water cooled to keep the heat down and how did he hook up the timer.

there is no overheating, it's cold. I use a space heater to keep the temp range from 40-90. and the timer is my alarm clock.
lol, if you think this thread is the funny one. check out the 1st thread. 2000 post in a few weeks. bonkers. if that's your thing that is. I'd never go back there. it's pretty crazy in there


Well-Known Member
The flowering is looking really beautiful, I'm very satisfied and my leaves are really good and strong, I think they'll feed the buds really well. Can't wait to show the pics


Well-Known Member
the high is just hitting me in the face, cottonmouth and bloodshot eyes and head is numb and a little tingly. I think I'm going to sell a couple joints of it for $10 each and get me some light equipment to start a new grow in the corner or closet. I'm going to go through my plans with the smaller plant and I've got about 12 seeds that i've collected from a bud, I don't even know what I'm talking about right now, I'm just going to go watch a movie.


Well-Known Member
the high is just hitting me in the face, cottonmouth and bloodshot eyes and head is numb and a little tingly. I think I'm going to sell a couple joints of it for $10 each and get me some light equipment to start a new grow in the corner or closet. I'm going to go through my plans with the smaller plant and I've got about 12 seeds that i've collected from a bud, I don't even know what I'm talking about right now, I'm just going to go watch a movie.
i think smaller plants, better lights, and a confined space is a good idea. keep what light you have contained and reap the benefits. you are definitely on the right track.


Well-Known Member
the plant is just getting taller, but the buds are building some nice spores (one of the best feelings seeing your plant growing triches, am I right?)
That's pretty much all that is going on. It's just growing and budding. there are like 3 blunts per branch so far. it looks nice, but I considered the idea of topping it earlier, but the cola is already forming and I don't want to chop the top...
hoping to just make a video.


Well-Known Member
Little plant with the 3 colas just got harvested. I had already cut the 2 mini colas earlier, Just cut the main one this morning, it was 2.8 grams after I trimmed it and removed the seeds, I didn't weigh the other 2 because I forgot I had a scale. I'm assuming the plant was getting choked out, the leaves had crippled yesterday and the plant was almost completely dry when I had chopped it ( I gave it a really good watering for 2 days). I have put some defected looking seeds and ones that I'm unsure about in germination also.

The top of the big plant is getting too heavy, I'm going to have to make a support for it. but it's looking really well. the smell is getting strong, it smells like sweet paint. but the growth is looking good. I can't tell if it's still getting much taller because the top is bent at like a 28degree angle ... lol :o

Big plant is just as frosty as the little guy that just got harvested and it's growing past the popcorn phase and trying to hold hands with the buds on the same branches. I'm sure it's going to be more potent and hopefully it doesn't taste like shit


Active Member
A lot of bud, no matter the quality will taste like crap after a quick dry. Cure it a little next time and see if the taste improves?


Well-Known Member
the leaf growth is still really strong... but the plant is getting much harder to balance with the top being too heavy. It is helping some with the height control though, I only have about 10inches of room left from floor to lightbulbs

Brick Top

New Member
but the buds are building some nice spores
"Spores?" I know with me only beginning my 39th year of growing that you see me as inexperienced and lacking knowledge and being ignorant, but would you please tell me what in the wide, wide world of sports cannabis plant; "spores" are and why you are calling them; "spores" and where on a cannabis plant do; "spores" grow?

Definitions of Plant spore on the Web:
In biology, a spore is a reproductive structure that is adapted for dispersal and surviving for extended periods of time in unfavorable conditions. Spores form part of the life cycles of many bacteria, plants, algae, fungi and some protozoans.

Brick Top

New Member
or as Bricktop would say, *Toxic Poison Water* because he thinks outside air and rainwater is hazardous for plants :)
There is no reason to try to start that one up again, especially with you not being honest and altering what I actually said. I provided you with the results of scientific research performed by a college in Mass. where they checked snow, not rain water, not air, as you stated it, they tested snow .. and at the time you said you were melting snow to water your plants with ... and every single site they checked at different places around the world, including at high altitude on Mt. Everest, which is a pretty remote part of the world, not only the snow but the ground beneath were found to have levels of toxins, heavy metals and other pollutants that were above the standard acceptable levels set by the EPA for the U.S.

I don't mind if you want to make fun of me but I would appreciate it if you were at least honest when you did it and only make fun of what I actually said rather than making something up and claiming I said it so you can then make fun of it.

Brick Top

New Member
Dude don't rip on tafbang he's ''TEACHING HOW TO ROLL''.

If that was directed at me, which it appeared to be, then I am curious if you said the same thing about me to him when I had not said a single word in his thread and he said the following about me.

Originally Posted by tafbang or as Bricktop would say, *Toxic Poison Water* because he thinks outside air and rainwater is hazardous for plants

If he would at least been honest and said snow, considering that is what I gave him research findings on since at the time he said he was melting snow to water with, rather than saying; "Toxic Poison Water" and "outside air and and rainwater," along with the rest, I would not have cared and not commented, but since he felt the need to make something up just to make fun of me I felt I had the right to point out how he lied just to be able to make fun of me.

Did you or anyone else bother to tell him to not; "rip on" me, especially since I was not participating in this thread, and instead just go on; "TEACHING HOW TO ROLL?"

Brick Top

New Member
Originally Posted by puffenuff ...looking forward to some updates!

AS we ALL are......for an awfully long time.........no hate in that.......just an observation....BB

Maybe the delay is it is harder than one might think to find a picture online of a good looking 7 foot tall plant and then photoshop it into a pink and white picnic basket with a bar of reddish/pick soap in it to keep the plant perky.

tafbang - 03-12-2011 12:34 PM

It's 7 ft tall, and I have more than 1 plant, I already harvested 1 and I'm still vegging another in the basket. there are 2


Well-Known Member
"Spores?" I know with me only beginning my 39th year of growing that you see me as inexperienced and lacking knowledge and being ignorant, but would you please tell me what in the wide, wide world of sports cannabis plant; "spores" are and why you are calling them; "spores" and where on a cannabis plant do; "spores" grow?

Definitions of Plant spore on the Web:
In biology, a spore is a reproductive structure that is adapted for dispersal and surviving for extended periods of time in unfavorable conditions. Spores form part of the life cycles of many bacteria, plants, algae, fungi and some protozoans.

Spores of THC? and you said that all my plants would die in less than a month.... I am well over an Ounce. I've achieved what I thought was too be the best and more out of the situation... and you're still mad that you don't know what you are ever talking about.


Well-Known Member
If that was directed at me, which it appeared to be, then I am curious if you said the same thing about me to him when I had not said a single word in his thread and he said the following about me.

If he would at least been honest and said snow, considering that is what I gave him research findings on since at the time he said he was melting snow to water with, rather than saying; "Toxic Poison Water" and "outside air and and rainwater," along with the rest, I would not have cared and not commented, but since he felt the need to make something up just to make fun of me I felt I had the right to point out how he lied just to be able to make fun of me.

Did you or anyone else bother to tell him to not; "rip on" me, especially since I was not participating in this thread, and instead just go on; "TEACHING HOW TO ROLL?"

you said that and djruiner jumped on your piggy-back. you tried to give me shit about how me watering with nature water was idiotic. and you've been poking jabs since day 1 and just won't give in to what a success this has been. Maybe you'd be happier if i would've did everything you said.... But all I did was well and what I felt was right.

this was an obvious experiment and I obviously knew it was something unique, it was an experience and an education on the possibilities of growing and testing a lot of the limits. I know you're baffled, this should be a positive thing. and it's not my fault you said some things that were coming out of your ass instead of your good-willed side


Well-Known Member
Anyways, aside from all personal issues.

There is obvious root rot from the previous plants that were harvested/died off. The soil has been rock hard except for in 1 spot right behind a trunk of a plant in the corner, I took a spoon and dug in there and the roots were getting raped. I'm unsure how this will affect my plant as there were 6-7 previous lives that were taken in the basket and there hasn't been a problem.

p.s. the bud is from it is really potent, I remember the bag it came from because it was an amazing product and it was exciting to find just 1 seed in the bag. It could be possible that the hermie gene does run through the genetics, I'm neither sided due to lack of experience with that because it's only my 1st generation grow, but just some notes to take. I spend an hour or 2 when I turn the lights on looking for seeds that are complete and bagging them.


Well-Known Member
Afaik with hermied seeds it matters when the actual bananas appear as to whether the seeds will carry a hermie gene (if there is one, and not just a genetic susceptability to intersexing from stress) or not. With plants that hermie as a result of stress (and/or early in flower) it would seem the seeds either carry a hermie gene or a susceptability to intersexing from stress (possibly at radically varying levels, dont think there is empirical data either for or against anything Im saying, its just from observations) whereas alot of plants seem to put out small(er) banana shaped flowers from the middle of a bud cluster when they are overripe and this is how feminised seeds are made (with data suggesting that this is one of the lowest herm methods, Somas Rodelization Method is a good thing to Google for more reading on this)

Just for the record also someone said hermie pollen will make feminised seeds if it pollinates itself but not if it pollinates another plant...thats a ridiculous statement to make. Although the plant may grow male flowers it doesnt mean in the genetic material of those flowers theres a male gene. Female plants can only ever pass on female genetics, and as a female pollinated by hermie pollen only has female genetics, it can only produce female seeds. Its the male that determines sex because they have both a female and male gene, either of which can be passed on. A basic knowledge of genetics helps in these discussions.

Hope this helps someone!

Brick Top

New Member
you said that and djruiner jumped on your piggy-back. you tried to give me shit about how me watering with nature water was idiotic. I know you're baffled, this should be a positive thing. and it's not my fault you said some things that were coming out of your ass instead of your good-willed side

While I would hate to spent the time reliving the misery of your last thread I do have the link to it and if need be I will find my message where after you said you were melting snow to water with and I posted the research findings about snow, not rain water, not outside air, as you claimed I said, and how at every single test site, even in very remote areas like at high altitude on Mt. Everest, there were toxins and heavy metals at levels above Federal U.S. EPA standards.

I gave research findings about snow, because you were melting snow to water with, and you write that I said rainwater and outside air. I provided you with a long list of online books, some were only chapters of books, some were most of what the book contained and one or two were complete. First you said you relied saying you were reading them. Then you later said that you never saw the message with the links because you had me on ignore, but you were replying to every single message I posted so that was proof I was not on ignore or else you would not have been seeing my message, and I could not have sent the PMs I sent either if I had been on ignore. Later you claimed you saw the links and checked them out and they were to a site where you had to purchase the books.

I provided you with every single piece of information anyone would need for a successful grow, and you rejected every single bit of it and instead went with what you said felt right to you and that was; "sexy." Now you said; "it's not my fault you said some things that were coming out of your ass instead of your good-willed side." No one, not so much as one other person supplied you with half as much accurate growing information as I did, heck, I don't think anyone supplied you with even one quarter or maybe not even one eighth as much accurate growing information as I did. But you claim that came out of my; "ass" instead of my; "good-willed side."


Well-Known Member
Afaik with hermied seeds it matters when the actual bananas appear as to whether the seeds will carry a hermie gene (if there is one, and not just a genetic susceptability to intersexing from stress) or not. With plants that hermie as a result of stress (and/or early in flower) it would seem the seeds either carry a hermie gene or a susceptability to intersexing from stress (possibly at radically varying levels, dont think there is empirical data either for or against anything Im saying, its just from observations) whereas alot of plants seem to put out small(er) banana shaped flowers from the middle of a bud cluster when they are overripe and this is how feminised seeds are made (with data suggesting that this is one of the lowest herm methods, Somas Rodelization Method is a good thing to Google for more reading on this)

Just for the record also someone said hermie pollen will make feminised seeds if it pollinates itself but not if it pollinates another plant...thats a ridiculous statement to make. Although the plant may grow male flowers it doesnt mean in the genetic material of those flowers theres a male gene. Female plants can only ever pass on female genetics, and as a female pollinated by hermie pollen only has female genetics, it can only produce female seeds. Its the male that determines sex because they have both a female and male gene, either of which can be passed on. A basic knowledge of genetics helps in these discussions.

Hope this helps someone!
Yeah, that's the exact science that I've followed. It makes the most sense to me. this plant had been stressed by blinking lights and sun light coming through gapes and smoke, so I couldn't make an accurate call on the hermie causes.