Don't You Hate Having To Conserve Weed?


Well-Known Member
Ok so I am pretty broke.... when I come up on money I spend anywhere from 5 to ten on some weed. But, because I am so broke, I have to conserve my weed... Like make a five last two, three days. Making a ten last for 3 or four days... It hella sucks... :-(


Well-Known Member
when you say it like that it sounds so crackheadish...

that's how it is at my house too... we smoke out of a one-hitter.... haven't taken out the bong in over 2 weeks....

times are rough... it happens....


Well-Known Member
I love how in Canada there is a weed shortage when it hits mid winter.
All my pot head friends keep asking me for some of my home grown, I don't like to be selfish but....


Well-Known Member
im down to my last vaporizer puck of blueberry and a bag of dutch treat trim. the trim works in the vape but still has a bad taste. although it get ya medicated better than smokin the shit


Well-Known Member
I love how in Canada there is a weed shortage when it hits mid winter.
All my pot head friends keep asking me for some of my home grown, I don't like to be selfish but....
Not sure where in Canada you are.. But there is NEVER a "weed shortage" period. Maybe your connect ran dry but there are certainly NO weed shortages in Canada at Any time. 12 months a year 24hours a day ALWAYS bombs


Well-Known Member
not really..when you have seemingly unlimited amounts to smoke, yo ur tolerance rises and rises, eventually the high is hardly there and it's not even worth smoking...

moderation is key..even if it's forced.


Well-Known Member
Yea I try to hold it down to an ounce in the morning and half ounce for lunch and an ounce in the evening...............I seem to get a better high now then when I used to REAALLLLLYYY smoke
I keep my smoke now for a long time..I smoke when i really need to now..I used smoke 4-5 times a day now its like 2-3 times a week..When you find things to occupy your time you really dont have a urge to smoke..Well at least for me


Well-Known Member
Well, not to blow my horn or anything, but I have had all I care to smoke of my own ww for nearly a year now, plus getting together with friends regularly and whatever killer they have that week. My tolerance is way up there dammit lol
Oh, just harvested a new strain I got clones of a few months ago, first sample holds a lot of promise. Just put my first SLH and LSD plants into bud about 2 weeks ago.
I should try and cut down a little before trying this new stuff. Nah.


Well-Known Member
I have been smoking the bagseed weed I just grew and am running out, guess I'll have to pull the qt lb that I bought out and start smoking that shit again for the next month till my grow finishes.:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I keep my smoke now for a long time..I smoke when i really need to now..I used smoke 4-5 times a day now its like 2-3 times a week..When you find things to occupy your time you really dont have a urge to smoke..Well at least for me

definitely same case for me, unfortunately grow season isn't quite here yet and the indoor plants in veg there isn't a whole lot to do...

though I have been having fun plucking polllen sacks off of a male Sk plant :D


Well-Known Member
yeah, i hate it. It's like when I don't want to go tot he store and spend money so I have to wait for my bf to go but he is being a bitch about it. I am like please go get some medication and he refuses to go bc he doesn't feel like it but I don't want to spend $ so I have to wait. That's the worst.


New Member
damn I feel for you man.. my wrists hurt from burping my last 8 quart jars of super lemon haze I got curing now.