Eating Roaches

Freddie Roach

Active Member
ok, you yanks (not meaning to be offensive) need to learn how to roll a proper zoot, im 17 (if anyone goes "your to young to be on this site" you can shut your face cause i can roll a better cone than you and grow better weed than you ;-) ).
When rolling a zoot (i might post pictures this weekend) you need to firstly roll a roach, tear a piece of the rizzla packet off about 2cm wide. roll this tightly but not so tight you have to really lug at it. Put this in your King Rizlla blue/silver watever you prefer (I like OCB's). I put in a bit of chip in my zoots, bout 1/3 of a cigarete to help it burn (i hate having to spark it after every toke). Mix in your draw and then spread it evenly but put slightly more towards the end and slightly less next to the roach (i put very little next to the roach as when you roll it and tap it down it fills out nicely). Roll how you normally do but make sure you start tucking the roach end first and make it really tight. Roll a little bit and tuck further up, cary on this way till youve nearly rolled the whole thing (it should be wider at the top than bottom with no creases) then lick the end and carfully smooth it down, then carry on this way all the way down the zoot. If you do this corectly then it should be a perfect cone shape with no creases. Poke it down, dont compress it just pack it down till its ferm and then twist the end bit carefully not to crease down the sides, (leave a bit of room from where yu twist and were the weed begins to stop creaseing the zoot). Push down the twisted bit at the end so it should look like a perfect cone with a flat end and a little twisted bit at the end. You then have the perfect zoot that will burn beautifully, tast beautifull and toke beautifully. (the way you roll effects the taste and how it hits, will be smoother on the throat and burn more evenly).
Once you can do this perfectly you can try rollling a fat 'ead. Do the same thing but emphises the cone shape so at the end of the zoot the sticky bit only just reaches the paper. Looks incredible when you have a head that is as big as the end of your thumb.
!!Put a little bit of chip in your zoot as it will help it burn better but still without affecting the taste and use a paper roach, you dont waste anything!!

Enjoy this little tutorial and i hope it helps, im gonna try and put up photos this weekend on this thread as well as maybe starting a new one on different ways to roll. Can you put videos on this site?

(please dont be a dick and bring up the age thing cause im not here to take the piss and i want to learn as well as help and that thing bout the weed and rolling is true casue anyone who brings it up is a right bellend who probably thinks weed is a synthetic drug that you inject ;))


New Member
except weed tastes so much nicer by itself, i don't smoke tobacco so i'm biased lol, but compare them, nice piney, fruity etc.... to whatever it is tobacco tastes like, its fuckin rough, sometimes rolling baccy smells and tastes alright but there is no comparison for me. oh except for blunts, thats actually my fav, buts thats completely dif...

thats something you guys got right over there, over here everyone just smokes spliffs with baccy and the occasional bong, when i went to visit a mate in the states it was all bongs, bowls, and blunts, definately my preference. still don't get the term bowl is that just a big pipe or what????? even worse in europe they put like half a cig in.... wtf

Freddie Roach

Active Member
yeah, i agree that to much chip fucks it up a bit, half a cigarette is way to much (unless your running short of weed and want a fat zoot but with only a bit off weed) but i would prefer to put in 1/4-1/3 of a cigarete in and have to spark it once than have none and have to spark it all the bloody time, specialy when your walking about cause its a hassle to stop and light it up.

Freddie Roach

Active Member
Blunts are the way to go, they taste great, get you high, burn slowly dont go out and you can pipe it. Only problem is you need quite a bit of weed so i save those for special occasions


Ok, im from london and what we call a roach is the bit of paper (green card if possible) and roll it up to make a sort of filter thing. Are you sujesting that i should eat paper?
you honestly could, a lot of the resin sticks to the paper, i use the same tecnique when im rollin really fat j's because it helps the resin problem. but i'd suggest just not using a filter next time and be sure that the tip has herb in it so u get plenty of sticky nasty crap and down the trap!


Well-Known Member
I throw my roaches away...just a natural reflex to thump them away maybe ill try and savem now to feed to the cat :-)


Well-Known Member
I leave warm water with a little milk out in a pan overnight and the roaches all get in their and drown then in the morning you boil it and put in a ramen noodle and you have a great meal for the day.

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
I leave warm water with a little milk out in a pan overnight and the roaches all get in their and drown then in the morning you boil it and put in a ramen noodle and you have a great meal for the day.
yea i hear sex dolls get moody if you don't feed them.


Well-Known Member
Well didn't need to read any more, thought I found somebody that would come to my house and eat these MOFOs running around here. J/K


Well-Known Member
Ok, im from london and what we call a roach is the bit of paper (green card if possible) and roll it up to make a sort of filter thing. Are you sujesting that i should eat paper?
here in the US(cali), well at least in my circle of friends we call that little paper piece a Crutch or a Stint.