

Well-Known Member
Hey all, i am currently on day 13 of my grow and i planted my seeds right into 3 gallon pots(soil). They are all about the size of the one in the picture. What my question is how much am i supposed to water them each time? Does everyone water all the soil around the whole pot? Kinda a newb question but was wondering what everyones technique is.


Active Member
I would water around the plant with about a cup water then let it dry out completely. Then gradually add more water around and toward the edge of the pot as the plant grows up to a liter for 3 gal. pot. I feed every 3 or 4 days as needed.By the way, your plant looks burned alittle. Good luck.


Active Member
water as needed , so when u water your seedling/plant wait till the soil is "almost" dried out . You will be soaking the pot till water runs out of them bottem , i use a bucket with a grill on top and place my pots on top so the water collects in the bucket. that way all the harmful nut that build up washes out and extra water. In my case i water and feed every 2 days


Well-Known Member
Scoop that bitch out`a there and put it in a smaller pot... even a party cup.... and use lots of holes.

This will help to keep the amount of soil the plant is in low so it will dry out quicker and you run a less riSk of drowning it in excessive water, PLUS it will help with the nute burn, bet ur using MG soil and its to hot out of the bag.

Flush the soil once transplanted too.

Happy Growing!

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Watering cycles should go from very damp to nearly dry. Keep in mind that the plants usually grow the fastest just as the soil is drying out. A good soil mix with the right level of drainage will only hold the right amount of water and will let excess run out. Things like Perlite are added to the soil mix until it no longer holds too much liquid. With the average good soil mix, you want to wet it until a handful drips a few drops when squeezed. Once you use this method for wetting soil as it's first mixed, you'll see what it should look like when at the correct amount of moisture.

Let at least the top third of the soil dry out completely before watering. When you do water, spraying the soil surface beforehand will help it absorb water more evenly. Water slowly. The faster you water, the more will just run out the bottom of the pot. Getting to know how much to water your particular soil mix in your size pots until it is all damp requires some experience. Many growers don't wet all the soil in their pots when they water and don't realize it, at least sometimes. While watering too fast can create runoff, the liquids will also run out the bottom when the soil is saturated. If your mix doesn't hold too much water then you can just wet it completely until the water you give it simply runs out the bottom. A little runoff at each watering helps to clean the soil but you want to avoid causing too much because it washes nutrients away.


Well-Known Member
water as needed , so when u water your seedling/plant wait till the soil is "almost" dried out . You will be soaking the pot till water runs out of them bottem , i use a bucket with a grill on top and place my pots on top so the water collects in the bucket. that way all the harmful nut that build up washes out and extra water. In my case i water and feed every 2 days
Every 2 days?? You have GOT to be overwatering...unless you have like 60% perlite, 40% soil. And even I'M NOT that crazy.