Club 600


Well-Known Member
I think I figured out why my lower leaves keep dying.
I checked my run-off ph after feeding, as I always do.
Then I decided to check the ppm of the run-off.
It was 1500-1850.
So should I flush with ph'd water now??


Active Member
I haven't tried the butane method yet myself so was figuring it would be similar to other methods but I guess not, eh? I did the alcohol method and used 100 proof Vodka the first time with decent results and everclear the next with good results. Just takes longer since it needs to soak for long periods of time before straining and evaporating the alcohol off. Was killer shit though and I left mine thin enough to be put into drinks and stuff. Only evaporated a little of it enough to be smoked and that was so my neighbor could try it out.
ahh i wasnt aware you could use that, ill give it a try in a few weeks when i harvest.

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
I think I figured out why my lower leaves keep dying.
I checked my run-off ph after feeding, as I always do.
Then I decided to check the ppm of the run-off.
It was 1500-1850.
So should I flush with ph'd water now??
I've ever PHed anything but my water as I fill the jugs.
I only flush once and thats about a week before harvest.

What meduim are you using and wht nute system ?
Some soils come with way to may additives so you will never be able to "flush it all out before you kil the plant..


Well-Known Member
I've ever PHed anything but my water as I fill the jugs.
I only flush once and thats about a week before harvest.

What meduim are you using and wht nute system ?
Some soils come with way to may additives so you will never be able to "flush it all out before you kil the plant..
I use Sunshine mix 4. Soil-less peat moss pearlite and lime etc...
I use Ionoic grow at 800-850 ppm


Well-Known Member
Nice setup Dstone, how ya' like those rope ratchet hangers? I use those too, love em'.
I love the rope ratchets and don't plan on using anything else. Before I had the ratchets I used a pair of those useless yoyo's until they found there way into the trash. IMO they aint good for nothing except filling up the local landfill.


Well-Known Member
i'm bored so here's some pics! i really need to get a tripod.

22 plants. F2s I made from original breeders seeds. i've grown them all before. i'm drooling but i've hidden the clippers so i don't cut too early.

i'm growing S.A.G.E., super silver haze and a little known but lovely genetic called swiss bliss. it's day 65 of flower. trichs still clear and cloudy. not an amber in sight so i'm thinking i'm going to be harvesting from 70 days up to 85 or so. i'm hoping to find a mum of each. if not, i'll throw some more seeds in until i hit gold. i've got plenty of seeds! :)

swiss bliss; some of the best smelling reefer i ever had was swiss bliss. this one is close. can you smell her?
sage swiss bliss ssh 65 days 003 SWISS.jpg

sage swiss bliss ssh 65 days 006 SWISS.jpg

super silver haze. this one is the sativa pheno and the hairs have barely started turning color. trichs are all clear. she better be ready around 80/85 days or else! :wall:
sage swiss bliss ssh 65 days 007 SSH.jpg

another silver haze looks kind of like the one above buy her coloring is coming along nicely. i don't like sticking stakes into the soil this late but she seems a bit top heavy! :)

sage swiss bliss ssh 65 days 033 SSH.jpg

sage swiss bliss ssh 65 days 034 SSH.jpg

sage swiss bliss ssh 65 days 035 SSH.jpg

and last but not least the S.A.G.E. . i love the S.A.G.E.
they are going to go for 75/80 days maybe a bit more.

sage swiss bliss ssh 65 days 020.jpg

sage swiss bliss ssh 65 days 022 SAGE.jpg

sage swiss bliss ssh 65 days 023 SAGE.jpg

sage swiss bliss ssh 65 days 027.jpg

sage swiss bliss ssh 65 days 028 SAGE.jpg

random pics

sage swiss bliss ssh 65 days 009.jpg

beth O. the lovely Mrs howard stern! :clap:
beth looking hot.jpg

sage swiss bliss ssh 65 days 012.jpg

sage swiss bliss ssh 65 days 013.jpg


sage swiss bliss ssh 65 days 017.jpg

sage swiss bliss ssh 65 days 018.jpg

sage swiss bliss ssh 65 days 017.jpg



Well-Known Member
They definitely don't do a good job of holding up typical air cooled hoods. They seem to work fine for the light cooltubes I use but have taken the air cooled hood down that was hanging from a pair. I felt like it could come crashing down anytime, LOL. I picked up two pair of those ratchet ones too. They seem a lot more durable and easier to use. They're a lot like motorcycle tie downs but smaller.


Well-Known Member
wouldnt have worked, when it came to clean it i filled it with water, soap, washing up liquid, you name it.

nothing loosened it. had to throw it out.

whats the best substance to make it with? maybe the butane i used wasnt pure enough.
Just had my first try at BHO.....was fun to do!!!!!......ordered this

Used Vector Butane....quintuple refined!!!!!!

Used a Pyrex casserole dish to catch....let bubble off on it's own.....put on heat pad on high for 30min......then threw in the oven on 150* for 8min........scrapped off so caramel!!!!!!!

Was gonna take pics of me making it but it's kinda hard to take the pics and run the can at the same time.....and the wife is 7 1/2 months pregnant so I didn't want her around the maybe next time......used trim on my first two runs that was frosty but not the highest quality run(next few runs) I'm using the popcorn buds on the Warlock I just about 3ozs of the p-corn and airybuds and It's frosty as hell....gonna be a bigass glob of oil each run....can't wait till it's dry!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Here is my setup, only got one plant in there atm as the rest are in process of germ and veg, long storym who cares. Any way its a TAhoe Og about a week from chop.
Running 2 600 watt cool tubes with a 6" inline for air cooling, 6" inline for scrubber exhaust, and 6" booster fan for active intake. Only running one 600 atm as 1200 is overkill for one plant, when i get the ladies in there i will runn both lights and have the cool tubes fully hooked up. Enjoy

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
Just got my second flower tent. Finally able to tear down the plastic and really grow some healthy nugs.

600 watt/dig air cooled hood with CO2 in a 5 x 5 tent.

2011-03-12 23.14.29.jpg

Here is a little nug from my last harvest. White widow x Big bud