• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Time trips me out.


So i'm sitting here really faded and thinking about time, something ive seen many national geographic episodes, mainly about space. when you really think about it, time is so strange, because especially when you think about time as a whole, and that humans have existed for such an extremely extremely small portion of that. and even stranger, time travel. humans have accomplished crazy things during their existence, like the internet for example. imagine trying to describe what the internet is to someone who existed in the 14th century. even though our lifespans have been extended greatly over the years, from about 40 years old during those times, to around 75 nowadays, its still only a blip in the vast infinite expanse of time.

they say the universe began at the size of a single proton, rapidly expanding at the speed of a billion sixteenth of a second or something that is intangible to human comprehension. another thing that trips me out is how time seems to accelerate or decelerate depending on the activity you are doing. if you are at Disneyland for four hours riding rollercosters, time is going to appear to pass much faster than if you were sitting in a four hour lecture. i really want yo know what other people think about this? im tired and faded so i apologize for any ranting, spelling. or stupidness.

then they talk about time travel, something i personally thing isnt possible. how can you grasp time, as a physical object and manipulate it? and even if you did get it right, there are paradoxes, such as if you traveled back in time and killed your mom, how/could/would you exist in your present state? just some deep things to think about. :D


Well-Known Member
I am enraged.
The universe does not bow down to our narrow points of view!

Time is a human made abstract mathematical construct without any counterpart in nature.

Motion has always been defined as a change in position in a coordinate system.
The definition of motion has not changed in millennium.
Did you know motion in spacetime impossible by definition?

It has to do with the definitions of space and time and the equation of velocity v = dx/dt.
What the equation is saying is that, if an object moves over any distance d x, there is an elapsed time d t.
Since time is defined in physics as a parameter for denoting change (evolution), the equation for velocity along the time axis must be given as v = dt/dt which is self-referential.
The self-reference comes from having to divide dt by itself. dt/dt always equals 1 because the units cancel out.
This is of course meaningless as far as velocity is concerned.

It is logically impossible for the t coordinate of an object to change because such a change is self-referential.
That simple. No time travel, no motion in spacetime, no spacetime and no time dimension.
So sorry.

The t-axis or time-axis velocity component is 1, a dimensionless number.

Now, I know there are relativists out there who will insist that it is perfectly acceptable to express velocity in time inside a 3 dimensional manifold with a dimensionless number, but the rest of us with at least three brain cells left, easily know that it is not true.

We know that a dimensionless number such as 1 has absolutely no meaning in as far as expressing velocity or any sort of change.

Velocity must be given in units of velocity such as meters per second or whatever standard units are being used.
For this simple reason alone, there is no motion in spacetime.

Talking about the passage of time, that time flows or changes is entering the realm of pure crackpottery.
Logically speaking, it is a fallacy that time changes.
Clocks change, physical processes change but time is invariant.

Listen...'changing time' is self-referential.
The truth is that nobody has ever observed time changing.
Ever...not even once, and they never will either.

We only use the changes in our clocks to derive unchanging time intervals.
The horrible and shocking little truth is that time does not change, a million wormhole and time travel fanatics wearing their little Klingon and Ferengi outfits, and angrily baying for my blood, notwithstanding.

As long as time is seen for what it is, an abstract evolution (change) parameter, there is no issues.

The whole thing is analogous to the unemployment rate.
No one is arguing for its physical existence but it is nevertheless useful. The same goes for time.
Just as the unemployment rate is derived abstractly from the number of employed and unemployed people, time is also derived abstractly from the magnitude or rate of motion or change.

It is only when one decides to make time an independent variable or a dimensional axis (degree of freedom), that one moves into total idiocy.

whether one takes spacetime to be physically existent or as an abstract, non-existent, mathematical construct for the historical mapping of measured events is the real question.

To choose the former, one is a fraud, insane, or both.
To choose the latter, then general relativity is to be seen as a mere math trick.


Well-Known Member
That question is ask by people with to much time on their hands. Get a hobby grow some pot grow some shroons, just get out of the house. Time is to presious to sit around and think about time. live while you can cause time is short. peace in your (time) travels of life


Well-Known Member
speaking of....you know day light savings time is at hand...

It was a joke made by the king of all pranksters, Benjamin Franklin.
See...One day Ol Benjy got bored and wrote a little something called An Economical Project in a jocular moment of drunkenness.
It was an essay mostly about, “himself, his love of thrift, his scientific papers and his passion for playing chess until the wee hours of the morning then sleeping until midday.”


William Willett, apparently denser and more nutty than a fruitcake, failed to realize that Franklin was joking.
No, indeed he thought it would be a novel and sensible idea to set clocks back for 20 minutes on each Sunday in April, and then turn them back on the Sundays in September.
Hey presto! Eventually, daylight-saving time came to be as we now know it.

A riot! Ol Ben had some class.
It's the gift that just keeps on giving...history is peppered with screwups because of it.

Saving on candles....oh lol!


Also time seems to speed up the older and bigger you get. The past 5 or 6 years have gone by so quick, but the first 10 seem to last an eternity. I think an ant's life, to them, will seem just as long as our lives seem, as time will be slowed down. Think about a fly - if it was a foot away from you and you tried to hit it, no matter how fast you tried you most likely wouldnt hit it. Now if there was a human a foot away from you, you could easily strike them before they knew what hit them. If reactions are sped up, time slows down, i think.


Active Member
time is internal, not external. there is no arguement that proves time does not exist. It does exist. It is created by Universal Mathematics and Geometry. Time is an ILLUSION of sacred geometry. sacred geomtery repeats in cycles over and over again, and we perceive this as "time". "time" has to occur for us to be progressing forward. "time" has to occur for us to age and develop. saying that "time" doesnt exist, is idiotic.
"time" is a simple term for a linear progression. but really time isn't linear at all.


Active Member
What's sacred geometry? Is all geometry sacred? What's the diff between the sacred kind and the not so sacred kind?
Sacred geometry, is universal geometric patterns, that manifest themselves in creation.

"Sacred geometry involves sacred universal patterns used in the design of everything in our reality, most often seen in sacred architecture and sacred art. The basic belief is that geometry and mathematical ratios, harmonics and proportion are also found in music, light, cosmology. This value system is seen as widespread even in prehistory, a cultural universal of the human condition.

It is considered foundational to building sacred structures such as temples, mosques, megaliths, monuments and churches; sacred spaces such as altars, temenoi and tabernacles; meeting places such as sacred groves, village greens and holy wells and the creation of religious art, iconography and using "divine" proportions. Alternatively, sacred geometry based arts may be ephemeral, such as visualization, sand painting and medicine wheels.

Sacred geometry may be understood as a worldview of pattern recognition, a complex system of religious symbols and structures involving space, time and form. According to this view the basic patterns of existence are perceived as sacred. By connecting with these, a believer contemplates the Great Mysteries, and the Great Design. By studying the nature of these patterns, forms and relationships and their connections, insight may be gained into the mysteries - the laws and lore of the Universe.
" -Ellie, CrystalLinks ----> http://www.crystalinks.com/sg.html


Well-Known Member
no such thing as time you baboon. time is not real, its the "present" 100% of the time. Heres an experiment

remember what i tell you right now " Right now is the present" - do you agree with this statement? if so wait 10 seconds and read the next line

now remember 10 seconds ago you agreed that it was the present? if 10 seconds ago was the present and now is the present, its always the present. = no such thing as time. time only exists in our memory and is how we measure the distance from one event to the next. The "time" dinosours roamed the land is the same time as right now.