Las Fingerez Grow Journal - Various Strain Scrog

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
thanks HP it was really good, i've done it before with council hash and crap stuff like that but nothing compared to last night ;)

woo hoo, so howd you like the vid after 2 cookies?
ahhh s++t i completely forgot :( sorry mate. i was in a world of my own lol, its ok i've still got 4 left and i'm gonna be eating them on sunday i think so will be watching then, i know the buzz i was on last night would of really suited that vid :)


Well-Known Member
I know no one is talking about this atm but i just thought of a name for your casey jones x headbands, headcase. Just a thought lol
I don't really do edibles since i ate an 8th of soapbar (i know lol) and got really para. Those cookies look real nice even without the dope in em


Well-Known Member

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
Can i have a cookie please mate???
if there where some left u'd be more than welcome ;) gonna be making shortbread today when i've had a tidy up lol

Good Day las, how's it mate. Had a real busy week-end man, all's good n the hood, just doing my round's but catch u later bro!
ah is not to bad mate, feeling a little fragile today but only from over doing it on space cakes lmao

I know no one is talking about this atm but i just thought of a name for your casey jones x headbands, headcase. Just a thought lol
I don't really do edibles since i ate an 8th of soapbar (i know lol) and got really para. Those cookies look real nice even without the dope in em
bless ya osc nice one bro. i be patiently awaiting the livers fairy, she's not left yet but will be in a week or so. and i think i might be able to here the exodus fairy flapping her wings from far far away lmao

well the party was a success, my 1st mix was a killer and the rest of the set was really good :) couple of school boy errors due to not practicing enough and space cakes ;) i ate 3 and a half cookies last nite, i was mashed of 2 the nite b4 so i'm sure u could imagine the euphoric high i was having whilst mixing. i used 2 love mixing on mdma and extacy but i think i found my new one for getting on it at house parties as i dont do that shit anymore:) only thing was after about 2-3 hours mixing i'd had enough where as with the stronger drugs u can go all night

6 weeks today on 3 of the flowering girls gonna charge the batts up for an update 2moro. headband has got no worse and is starting to swell a bit now :)


Well-Known Member
how do fingers? still not got my mobile back yet so cant get on here long term... hope all is well with you mate i myself have been one busy mofo. speak too you soon mate.


Well-Known Member
Forgot to comment on your piranhas las! I used to have some myself, still got a few of them meat cubes in the freezer in fact. How old is that one in the picture?

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
what a killer update Las... so colorful and delicious!!!!!
ive never made canna butter before...but after reading all this Im def going to try next round.
Is that really a Pirahna? or is wow just fuckin with us? its a beautiful fish reguardless. and those cookies are sooo damn yummy looking!!!!!! mmmmmmmmmm
your such a tease!


Well-Known Member
Hey Las, hope you enjoyed the cookie. Did you clarify the butter first or not bother? If you want to almost feel like you are tripping, clarify the butter first, lol.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
how do fingers? still not got my mobile back yet so cant get on here long term... hope all is well with you mate i myself have been one busy mofo. speak too you soon mate.
good 2 hear from u bro :) glad all is well :)

Forgot to comment on your piranhas las! I used to have some myself, still got a few of them meat cubes in the freezer in fact. How old is that one in the picture?
haha mr wow sir, u should know me by now lol. they are not piranhas they are Tin Foil Barbs (it does say under the pic) i think my tank its 600L and i kinda tried to create a natural stress free environment, which means no fish that bully. my "unknown" barbs as i call them Arula Barbs or something like that, they are a bit fiesty but they keep it amongst themselves but i dont mind that.

sup las bro, keep an ear out for the flapping of tiny wings..... dutty dutty wings :shock:
nice one bro got the message, no probs at all :) canne wait lad ;)

Alright bro! Was going to ask you about the mini scrog's you got goin. Should be around laters mate, hope all's good man!

fire away mate :) hit me up on PM if u want, check the scrog thread in my signature and ask away bro :)

what a killer update Las... so colorful and delicious!!!!!
ive never made canna butter before...but after reading all this Im def going to try next round.
Is that really a Pirahna? or is wow just fuckin with us? its a beautiful fish reguardless. and those cookies are sooo damn yummy looking!!!!!! mmmmmmmmmm
your such a tease!
me a tease ;) hehehe. lol i was just trying to waste the batts in the camera so i could charge them all up for today :) i've been eating shortbread canna butter style so feeling nicely mashed lol. i had one this afternoon then went outside and did a bit of gardening, it was quite nice and sunny :)

i been using the new micro scope and loving it, i was checking the crystals out on the leaves of the lemon and noticed that there was shit loads of crystals on it. i've been smoking it lmao but its got bits of calexes and pistols all thrown in and i've only picked the finest bits out thats covered in crystals. i sparked a joint of it earlier and my mate was like "whats that ur smoking"..... "leaves" lmao. it tastes quite a bit like the lemon but its got a bit of a funky after taste but it does get you high, higher than the chinky weed lets put it that way lol. well it cant of been that bad coz he asked me for a joint to take home with him lmao ;)


Well-Known Member
haha mr wow sir, u should know me by now lol. they are not piranhas they are Tin Foil Barbs (it does say under the pic) i think my tank its 600L and i kinda tried to create a natural stress free environment, which means no fish that bully. my "unknown" barbs as i call them Arula Barbs or something like that, they are a bit fiesty but they keep it amongst themselves but i dont mind that.
Damn bro, they look identical to the pirahanas I used to have. Had to transfer all my other fish though cause the guy at the petshop said they would eat the little uns lol.


Well-Known Member
good job with the butter laz. i use it in my eggs on some morinins. one moring i made fried fish and grits and scrabled eggs. Ill never forget it.