24/hour light in veg is it good or should I 18/6?

During the daytime, plants produce energy in the form of ATP and NADPH (light reactions)...during the night, these energy forms go to the dark reactions (Calvin Cycle) to fuel the production of organic molecules from CO2 collected during the day...some of these organic molecules will be stored (starch) and some will be used for plant structural growth (cellulose), and some for other organic molecules (lipids, proteins, etc).

The energy harvested via the light reaction is stored by forming a chemical called ATP (adenosine triphosphate), a compound used by cells for energy storage. This chemical is made of the nucleotide adenine bonded to a ribose sugar, and that is bonded to three phosphate groups. This molecule is very similar to the building blocks for our DNA.

The dark reaction takes place in the stroma within the chloroplast, and converts CO2 to sugar. This reaction doesn't directly need light in order to occur, but it does need the products of the light reaction (ATP and another chemical called NADPH). The dark reaction involves a cycle called the Calvin cycle in which CO2 and energy from ATP are used to form sugar. Actually, notice that the first product of photosynthesis is a three-carbon compound called glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate. Almost immediately, two of these join to form a glucose molecule.

and to answer ur desert plant question....
There is yet another strategy to cope with very hot, dry, desert weather and conserve water. Some plants (for example, cacti and pineapple) that live in extremely hot, dry areas like deserts, can only safely open their stomates at night when the weather is cool. Thus, there is no chance for them to get the CO2 needed for the dark reaction during the daytime. At night when they can open their stomates and take in CO2, these plants incorporate the CO2 into various organic compounds to store it. In the daytime, when the light reaction is occurring and ATP is available (but the stomates must remain closed), they take the CO2 from these organic compounds and put it into the Calvin cycle. These plants are called CAM plants, which stands for crassulacean acid metabolism after the plant family, Crassulaceae (which includes the garden plant Sedum) where this process was first discovered.

dark period=Calvin Cycle
Calvin Cycle= The Calvin cycle or Calvin-Benson cycle or Dark Reaction is a series of biochemical reactions that take place in the stroma of chloroplasts in photosynthetic organisms
and also:
The second of the two major steps of photosynthesis (the other being the light reactions). The cycle fixes CO2 and produces carbohydrates

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Originally Posted by abudtokr
Im not going to even read what you posted for real. Grow your shit how you want. It wont make a bit of difference. But PLANTS do sleep! Google it. I will let you have the last word becasue im not going to argue about if a plant sleeps or not its crystal clear to me that plants sleep. They are still growing yes and still hard at work, BUT there sleeping!

i dont understand ur ignorance! for one u post on a forum to prove urself right, but u use someone elses oppinion from this blog/forum...http://dhoyblog.blogspot.com/2009/04...nts-sleep.html
and than after proving that u are not only wrong but ingnorant from not accepting u are.

how can u say ur plant is sleeping if it isnt dormant? if a plant does just as much work if not more at the dark period how can u call this sleep? all ur doing is saying well i sleep at night and im growing wen im sleeping so i must be like a plant....im sorry u choose to not learn and attempt to become a better grower, or to have a better understanding. u have no proof other than some personal oppinions on google, if ur not gonna read and or reply to the facts i have stated, what was ur initial intent? in other words if ur proven wrong in everytthing that u stand for and are too ignorant to even read y ur wrong than u have no purpose u have not only wasted ur time but the time of the person who started this thread to get factual information, so not only is it a relief to me but im sure it is to the many other ppl in this thread who dont care about bullshit or forum hype that u seem to be deeply passionate about!

are u really that ignorant? how is that persons blog fatual information? its simply oppinon...

here is one of my factual links: http://biology.clc.uc.edu/courses/bio104/photosyn.htm (notice the references)

is that ok with u?


those are some things i have posted to prove that infact plants are far from sleepin at night...and i hav emore......

Yes your right pecker lips! Plants do grow at night, AGAIN PEOPLE SLEEP. Yet they still grow when they sleep. So there is a reason there is a dark period in your grow time thus 24/0 wont stimulate root growth as much as 18/6. There for plants will not grow as big and lush if you grow with a 24 hour veg cycle. They will grow faster 24 hours but there going to have more stretch. You wont have as much fruit or flowers.
@rastadred22 ^^^^ I am not a biologist....never claim to be, but from reading many, many botany and horticulture books, that is the way I understand plant growth.

Store energy/food in the "day", consume it and produce at "night" .....in layman's terms.

Thats' why it's always like a "kinder surprise" every "morning".

Nice post.
Yes your right pecker lips! Plants do grow at night, AGAIN PEOPLE SLEEP. Yet they still grow when they sleep. So there is a reason there is a dark period in your grow time thus 24/0 wont stimulate root growth as much as 18/6. There for plants will not grow as big and lush if you grow with a 24 hour veg cycle. They will grow faster 24 hours but there going to have more stretch. You wont have as much fruit or flowers.

You just quoted me a minute ago and DENIED that they grow at night
Yes your right pecker lips! Plants do grow at night, AGAIN PEOPLE SLEEP. Yet they still grow when they sleep. So there is a reason there is a dark period in your grow time thus 24/0 wont stimulate root growth as much as 18/6. There for plants will not grow as big and lush if you grow with a 24 hour veg cycle. They will grow faster 24 hours but there going to have more stretch. You wont have as much fruit or flowers.

once again u know nothing u speak of....24hour of light doesnt cause more stretch! more dark period fcreates more stretch! wow!!!!
Date: Fri Oct 16 02:13:03 2009
Posted By: Will Higgs, Consultant
Area of science: Botany
ID: 1255280338.Bt

That's an interesting question Akua, and before we can answer it we need todecide exactly what we mean by sleep. It is normally defined as "a state of unconciousness, with most of thevoluntary muscles relaxed". This means that the sleeper does not noticewhat is going on around him, and does not make any movements except thoseessential for life such as breathing and heartbeat. If we stick to thistype of definition, we must exclude plants from sleeping because they haveno brain or conciousness (that we can detect) and no muscles to relax.To put it another way, we could say that sleep is a neurologicalphenomenon, requiring a nervous system. As plants do not have a nervoussystem, they cannot sleep.We can, however, extend the meaning of sleep in two ways. You could saythat sleep is what you do at night, or you could say that sleep is a way ofresting the body. Plants can be said to rest or become dormant and they do use the night-timefor special purposes, and there are some similarities between theseactivities and the sleep of animals. Plants cannot, however, be said to"sleep as we humans do" because our type of sleep requires a nervous system.MadSci Network, [email protected]
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I again im not the only one the thinks plants sleep you are stupid and ignorant to keep thinking that your theroy its true 100% and its not!

wtf are u talking about u have not proven anything other than show a site on the internet where ppl without any proof say plants sleep

wow ur an idiot man charles darwin even prove dthat to be rediculous! lofl thanks for strengthenin my case with tha~+

once again read what u post man! darwin said they are not sleeping but protecting themselves lofl!