24/hour light in veg is it good or should I 18/6?

Look how big of a jerk you are really. Ive seen marijuana grown b4 m8 and was around the whole time from seed to harvest. MR KING DING DING. You know everything!!!! Do you think your the only one who can grow?
Look how big of a jerk you are really. Ive seen marijuana grown b4 m8 and was around the whole time from seed to harvest. MR KING DING DING. You know everything!!!! Do you think your the only one who can grow?

no but i do think ur the only one who thinks that irrellevent bullshit can help to back up ur ignorance and u are still the only one...and 3 other ppl on forums...that think plants sleep at dark period!
Just give your plants the dark they will thank you for it!!!!!

Good night! tuck in your little troll and give him a kiss for me
he said no thanks hes to busy watching my plants sleep! and hes not attracted to ignorant uneducated fake ass growers that think they can teach everyone else their bullshit without accuratley proving nething other than u are incompatent at recieving and proccessing any good or usefull information....
hey have fun tucking urself into the cesspit that houses ur shit bibbling rants
Look at your stupid bullshit!! you spread your shit you just cant face the facts are all plants are differant and from what i read not all plants sleep so your right! And again there are plants that do sleep so again im right. your saying your the only one that is right. So take your 2 yr growing experience and take a college class if your old enough maybe you will lean something I have 6 weeks in environmental science, not much I know but I have 2 yrs in science classes to complete and you bet I will be talking with the teacher on this and I will do a project on this to try and prove there is a state where certain plants sleep.
Go ahead last word haveing bitch!
Look at your stupid bullshit!! you spread your shit you just cant face the facts are all plants are differant and from what i read not all plants sleep so your right! And again there are plants that do sleep so again im right. your saying your the only one that is right. So take your 2 yr growing experience and take a college class if your old enough maybe you will lean something I have 6 weeks in environmental science, not much I know but I have 2 yrs in science classes to complete and you bet I will be talking with the teacher on this and I will do a project on this to try and prove there is a state where certain plants sleep.
Go ahead last word haveing bitch!

excuse me sir u did not prove that plants sleep at all u only prove that plants shut down to protect from cold and bean plants at that!...also how are u right if u have not proven anything saying that plants sleep? u should go to ur teacher becuase u college kids are smarter than the rest of the world...and tell him u think plants shut down and sleep at night and u will see that u are wrong as a matter of fact i dont even care what u say i smoke my own weed the first time at 14 yrs old as it is a norm here in bermuda and i was brought up to plant d herb...so be4 u try and go about i dont kno fucks cuz i only been on this site for a year and i only grow inside for 2....u really need to step bac becuase u have done nothing but prove that u are a stupid ignorant person that does nothing with there college education as u cant even research shit properly...u havent proven certain plants sleep uv proven absolutly nothin of that matter....o wait u did have that link to a forum with some chick sayin her shits sleeping becuase its night time! lofl..good look in ur future educaional endevours...but u need to do allloooottt of research cuz im sure ur starting of threads becuase of plant problems will continue and u will continue to call ppl who are educating u a bitch and never learn a thing with that attitude im sure that plant will not b all it can b! there has been much factual evidence posted! if u choose to ignore it and believe that the one educating link u posted that clearly only describes y leaves move towards sunlight can somehow bac up ur ignorant point of view be my guest but every RIu member that stumbles across this thread will laugh along with me and the others in this thread at the fact that u know nothing u talk about
what are u talkin about that is ur post that u try to use to say that they are sleeping? wtf thats the post i said howdoes closed stomata determine sleep? and i said that means all desert plants sleep during the day then becuase theirs are closed all day and open at night...which i then went on to prove u were wrong and how that wasnt even a reliable source and how they dont even have any evidence supporting it and so on so yup u one again have proven that u dont kno fucks!
i posted this earlier...look at the top of the page.....Projects by Students for Students.....unless 10 year olds are the authority on botany..you dont have anything there

Dj man this guys are just that dull! this looks familiar though huh!? no matter what we tell him or prove to him hes gonna stay narrowminded and basically not share anything worth shitting on!
Right but again im asking him to post credible evidence to prove they dont sleep is all? I mean come on. How many links do i have to show where it tells you plants sleep.. All the post he post are from what others have told him. Credible references of links of people proving plants dont sleep. I again posted one that scientist have did research on that prove plants go into a state of mind that is different then in the day.

If you cant post a link please go away. Post one just like I did that have evidence where they did studies that plants don't sleep! Come on!!!!!
yo where the fuck have u been in tha last 12 hours man ur a str8 up retard! how have i not posted links? are u that fuckin stupid that u dont remember that u wur thee one that chose to ignore my reputible sources? do u 4get u wur the pne and still the one that is posting pure oppinion except the link about y leaves move? man case closed all the info that i have sited links to is in this thread im sure ur not that stupid and kno how to click bac and look at previous posts....
Holy this thread blew up....lol

I don't care if you call it sleep, rest or rejunvenation......the simple fact is plants DO grow in the dark. I "wake" them up and they look more glorious than they did the day before, when it went dark.

They create new plant material "overnight"......I consider that growing.....so by that, wouldn't that mean they are "awake" at night? and as they seem to actually "grow" more "overnight" than in the "day", wouldn't that mean they are "sleeping" during lights on.......

Did I just fuck up all your minds or what? LOL

Whatever the fucking case, it's fun watching this thread.
AGAIN!! PLANTS ARE DIFFERENT!!! That don't mean there not sleeping it means there 24 hour clock is different then ones that are not in the dessert.

Dude post a link to back up your statement! Credible not quotes from other people!!
Holy this thread blew up....lol

I don't care if you call it sleep, rest or rejunvenation......the simple fact is plants DO grow in the dark. I "wake" them up and they look more glorious than they did the day before, when it went dark.

They create new plant material "overnight"......I consider that growing.....so by that, wouldn't that mean they are "awake" at night? and as they seem to actually "grow" more "overnight" than in the "day", wouldn't that mean they are "sleeping" during lights on.......

Did I just fuck up all your minds or what? LOL

Whatever the fucking case, it's fun watching this thread.

No dude like I said b4 do you grow when you are sleeping?
Can you pretty please with sugar on it post the link again I cant find it? PLEASE DUDE!! Again they have to have run test and prove to me that plants dont sleep.